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Saturday, July 6th 2019, 4:23pm

allowed or not?

You have been attacked by BeefyChowMein [11] .... in vurdaliya

16:12 Some of your items have been damaged: Chrome Boots (-1), Traveller's Rucksack (-1), Ancient Kindness Amulet (-1), Artful Wind Rival Bow (-1).
16:12 You have sustained a Legs injury.


Saturday, July 6th 2019, 6:27pm

You're within 5 levels of him, so it's allowed. Mean, but allowed.

 Innos [13] 


Posts: 897

Location: Pennsylvania

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Sunday, July 7th 2019, 7:37am

haha destroyed :yes:
I don't have no fear of death. My only fear is coming back reincarnated.

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