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Tuesday, July 16th 2019, 10:43pm

How's that???

22:33 Battle "Tallaar's Halls" has ended. The winner is ShockSolve [7] . Mecnun Çinar [7] , _Eire_ [7] , MaGiC_DeatH [7] , _suki_ [7] demonstrated enviable steadfastness.

But according to End statistics I took 4th place.

How's that? Which info is wrong and why?
If you look at statistics - you can see I'm one of those valor capped.


Tuesday, July 16th 2019, 11:08pm

its about using Valor Pots, if you search forum you will find several threats about that


Tuesday, July 16th 2019, 11:13pm

its about using Valor Pots, if you search forum you will find several threats about that

Thanks, zAquisgran. Clanny also said that, but vaor pot helps to get more valor for last (20th) fight, and all captains are capped, so it must be a bug that valor pot helped them.

Lisad should take care of this.


Tuesday, July 16th 2019, 11:30pm

Well I don't know for sure but the 3 uncapped player of course take the first 3 place and then the capped player are ranked in the same way than the uncapped player. So you're roughly ranked according to dmg dealt (more exactly according to valor/glory gained since buffs have an influence on that) and since both magic death and suki dealt more dmg than you did (got more glory) they get ranked 4th and 5th. Just that the tallaar display doesn't show it in the statistic link.


Wednesday, July 17th 2019, 1:05am

Oww, glory points, I completely forgot about these.
Thanks Mitthy.