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from just a practical point of view, this is a stupid change, we have no way of knowing/selecting our opponents in a BF settup....meaning even if 10 diff BF going, we have no way to know until we're inside, if we've already killed the opponent 5 times that if we do, we need to lose a fight in order to get ANY valor?
Latest of many fights not giving valor…=1&server_id=10
Stupid bugs after updates, this one is a doozy. I know its a weekend now, but fix it.…=1&server_id=10
Stupid bugs after updates, this one is a doozy. I know its a weekend now, but fix it.
from just a practical point of view, this is a stupid change, we have no way of knowing/selecting our opponents in a BF settup....meaning even if 10 diff BF going, we have no way to know until we're inside, if we've already killed the opponent 5 times that if we do, we need to lose a fight in order to get ANY valor?
In fact you can, its called rigging, but yes its pretty much dumb new rule. It has been here for long time, but not applied till now, from ru server which has x10 player population lol...
Humble Suggestion
COM Server has few people
Level 10 has fewer people
People coming to battlefield in lvl 10 are even fewer
Those who come are often the same
There is no possible way of implementing this rule IN COM server without killing the interest of game whatever is left of in COM server
I donot know what is condition of other server,
Atleast if Admins are hellbent to implement this rule here, DONT ALLOW PAIRING OF TWO PLAYERS WHERE I AM NOT GETTING VALOR
There is a wise saying, To cut a bad Nail, Donot cut the whole foot
Level 10 has fewer people
People coming to battlefield in lvl 10 are even fewer
Those who come are often the same
There is no possible way of implementing this rule IN COM server without killing the interest of game whatever is left of in COM server
I donot know what is condition of other server,
Atleast if Admins are hellbent to implement this rule here, DONT ALLOW PAIRING OF TWO PLAYERS WHERE I AM NOT GETTING VALOR
There is a wise saying, To cut a bad Nail, Donot cut the whole foot
rigging is if i had a prior agreement about the outcome, if i just decide to die after emptying out all of the opponents life potions so i've done my max damage, that's not rigging, that's me trying to get valor from a fight, i still put up a fight and they had a chance to kill me, don't just look at outcomes if you're going to be technical, need a conspiracy to rig, otherwise it's just a resultfrom just a practical point of view, this is a stupid change, we have no way of knowing/selecting our opponents in a BF settup....meaning even if 10 diff BF going, we have no way to know until we're inside, if we've already killed the opponent 5 times that if we do, we need to lose a fight in order to get ANY valor?
In fact you can, its called rigging, but yes its pretty much dumb new rule. It has been here for long time, but not applied till now, from ru server which has x10 player population lol...
Oh and damn it was my second arena against falkor, lvl 10 player, it was really interesting, until to a point where i get zero valor.
is consecutive 2nd arena levelling? WTF!
Cant even play against a player 2 times? And it was random pairing! First come first serve type!
What kind of rule is this, and definitely who ever made this is intending to KILL THE GAME
is consecutive 2nd arena levelling? WTF!
Cant even play against a player 2 times? And it was random pairing! First come first serve type!
What kind of rule is this, and definitely who ever made this is intending to KILL THE GAME
did you really in short just put a cap on how many bfs to do
22:00 me and my opponent have 40min bless left and we go 0 val or scalp bcos we face each other too many times today.. nvm I will que and face another opponent.. shit we faced each other already earlier in day and get 0! have a think a delete this silly rule, blame it on a 'bug' later, will get over it

22:00 me and my opponent have 40min bless left and we go 0 val or scalp bcos we face each other too many times today.. nvm I will que and face another opponent.. shit we faced each other already earlier in day and get 0! have a think a delete this silly rule, blame it on a 'bug' later, will get over it

info: Visit the battlefields to earn valor. Valor is essential for getting access to the best armour!
These limitations wouldn't be needed if players didn't do stupid $@!) like this:…864186&finish=1…864298&finish=1…864383&finish=1…864778&finish=1
Funny how several lv 20 arenas are running but these two constantly go against each other
Please remove the option to queue locally on servers and keep only interserver queue (and maybe increase the 5 kill limit to 7 or 10).…864186&finish=1…864298&finish=1…864383&finish=1…864778&finish=1
Funny how several lv 20 arenas are running but these two constantly go against each other

Please remove the option to queue locally on servers and keep only interserver queue (and maybe increase the 5 kill limit to 7 or 10).
Best way to deal with it is to punish those players, not everyone imo. I'm pretty sure it's also a war crime according to 1949 Geneva Convention because of collective punishment. I faced mercedes twice today and we had some pretty intense fights (with her winning the most, props to that, cheers mercedes) and for some reason we don't get anymore valor. We had these matchups in interserver battlefield. What did I do to deserve it? What did she do? We're just two players trying to get some valor and have fun beating the hell out of each other because that's what feminism offers, equality for everyone.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
Just a small addition: Now I have to follow her battlefields and hope that I don't face her anymore, it's not fair to be honest. There are like 10 people who do arenas in my level (and I'm sure pretty much in most levels) in total, after 2 hours or so it'll be impossible for anyone to get valor here.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
you've show fights on de, we had the same on com not far away, 2 players on local winning each one their turn, their recovered 2 rank so in 2 arena event ....Please remove the option to queue locally on servers and keep only interserver queue (and maybe increase the 5 kill limit to 7 or 10).
And yes, remove local option ... are really many players especially from de and pl on local, that mean less people on interserver, so sure we meet always the same.
Also, when we see what happend in temple, sure they try to limit that. When we see guys getting rank by loosing 99% of their fights, get more valor in a temple loosing 10-12 fights than the one trying to win his fights (sure win a fight is more long and in meanwhile the leecher loose 3-4 fights)
I think that isn't the number of fights the issue, the issue is their new system giving so much valor to the one who loose .... why win? like i heard from some, just fight, do the amount of damage necessary for get the max valor and die .... with few valor, theese guys maybe would try to make some efforts to win.
you've show fights on de, we had the same on com not far away, 2 players on local winning each one their turn, their recovered 2 rank so in 2 arena event ....Please remove the option to queue locally on servers and keep only interserver queue (and maybe increase the 5 kill limit to 7 or 10).
And yes, remove local option ... are really many players especially from de and pl on local, that mean less people on interserver, so sure we meet always the same.
Also, when we see what happend in temple, sure they try to limit that. When we see guys getting rank by loosing 99% of their fights, get more valor in a temple loosing 10-12 fights than the one trying to win his fights (sure win a fight is more long and in meanwhile the leecher loose 3-4 fights)
I think that isn't the number of fights the issue, the issue is their new system giving so much valor to the one who loose .... why win? like i heard from some, just fight, do the amount of damage necessary for get the max valor and die .... with few valor, theese guys maybe would try to make some efforts to win.
Well, there is people who cant make valor anyways because they are too behind from in valor, and need to catch up... Unles they spend tons of gold in blesses, I have not problems with the amount of val got from loses(in fact I think it should be increased). But, I cant agree more with your first point, I thought about it even before I read your comment... Its a 100% bs that local Q exists, its uniquue purpose is exist while interserver is down or to rig... since none Q there people just Q at the same tme and there we go...
Bravo on completely screwing up the game for the few players that actually like to go into Battlefields , limiting bfs is like limiting thegame pllay time , what the heck are you thinking? If this is not change MY MONEY spending here will be LIMITED too. No point spend real money hereat all when the hunting is limited the bf's are limited< I can not live in the game everyday bur on the weekends when I am off work I use to enjoy the bf weekends but now them are ruined too , thanks on a job well done!! you have ruined the game!!
If the truth I speak hurts you maybe you should change your truths

1. logs on for arenas
2. 35mins into arenas get no rewards from the only 2 opponents in q at the time bcos we fight each other 5x already
3. vent frustration 1 last time on here then logs off
was really hoping to do more, pls make some quest which are stupidly complicated .. add a mob we need to kill but cant .. go crazy and add the best armour in game to be purchasable by diamonds only.. put your efforts into messing some other aspect of the game just dont F around with the bfs!
2. 35mins into arenas get no rewards from the only 2 opponents in q at the time bcos we fight each other 5x already
3. vent frustration 1 last time on here then logs off
was really hoping to do more, pls make some quest which are stupidly complicated .. add a mob we need to kill but cant .. go crazy and add the best armour in game to be purchasable by diamonds only.. put your efforts into messing some other aspect of the game just dont F around with the bfs!
info: Visit the battlefields to earn valor. Valor is essential for getting access to the best armour!

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