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l have problem, battle training no more available.
Lisad | Community Manager
hi admins..
with my human-character _zsaZsa_ i havent the quest from chief Kort for get the Warrior-Blessing-Talisman all 2 days.
Thanks for help !
LeGaCy ShOkeR
Hi, I need help to get my warrior medallion, I do not get the mission and I need it to hunt. I need a solution for this, thanks
i am missing my warlord's quest as has been almost 3 weeks and no one has fixed the me

with my human-character _zsaZsa_
Hi, I need help to get my warrior medallion
i am missing my warlord's quest as well.
Should be fixed now.
Lisad | Community Manager
Why is this a Constant on going issue????
Just a Thorn in the Heads of all those awesome Humans.. I grow bigger in their heads everyday.. I love them all..
i have same problem either..fix pls..
i have same problem either..fix pls..
Should be fixed now.
Lisad | Community Manager
Battle Training not accessible
Hi guys,Battle training quest, which gives you the warlord blessing amulet is not visible for me. I can not see it in quest tab, neither as an option when speaking with chief Kort.
Is this a know bug?
Forum Troll Assistance Representative
Battle training quest is not visible for me
Should be fixed now.
Lisad | Community Manager
It is. Thanks
Forum Troll Assistance Representative
I have a problem with this quest. Not available and not in the library of quests.
l have problem, battle training no more available.
can fix my acc too?...i have this problem :_
can fix my acc too?...i have this problem :_
Should be fixed
Lisad | Community Manager
Hi gang, the Battle Training quest is not accessible for me as well.
Thanks in advance!