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Weekly knowledge test: 09/08-15/08/2019
Which card deck is the most useful for which level and why?
Post your answers here.
Which card deck is the most useful for which level and why?
Post your answers here.
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- Every week (Friday morning) we publish one question to our game:
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This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Aixlinn" (Aug 16th 2019, 8:29am)
Levels 1-10:
- Black Joker Deck till lvl 10 if you're lucky.
Getting lvl 13-17 summon to wreck everything is so nice!
- Buff decks
- Mount deck [if u own jakaral especialy]
Level 11:
Superbeing deck, best way to get money if u get helmet of umo.
Level 12-20:
- Buff decks
- Invi decks [to prevent negatives on some regions]
- Black Joker Deck till lvl 10 if you're lucky.
Getting lvl 13-17 summon to wreck everything is so nice!
- Buff decks
- Mount deck [if u own jakaral especialy]
Level 11:
Superbeing deck, best way to get money if u get helmet of umo.
Level 12-20:
- Buff decks
- Invi decks [to prevent negatives on some regions]
I think card decks are good for all levels. Try collect cards as soon as you can.
- good for all levels, special nonmages - help for example against superbeing, in few battlefields (like CC)
- good for all levels
- 1 hour per week is good for battlefields or rainbow hunting
- if you like rainbow hunting, try complete deck for that (Guardians of Truth)
- dont like lost soul, try complete Battlefields deck
- invisible and valor, try complete Military Ranks deck
- collect juggernauts reputation, try complete Gnome Runes pack (open instance with Golem)
- Mounts of Faeo deck is good if you need stronger mount in fight. Great if you have purple chaos reputation and want better jakaral in fight
- Super-being deck give you chance fight with superbeing (good to get for example Gorbath and his part of medalion)
- Altar decks give you few bonuses and banner (dont have experience with that decks, than dont know how right work)
- Season deck - every month you can get one part (or buy from players) - try complete as soon as you can. Help with blessings and give tokens during season events
- I dont have experience with that decks, give place to mages write more about them
- good for all levels, special nonmages - help for example against superbeing, in few battlefields (like CC)
- good for all levels
- 1 hour per week is good for battlefields or rainbow hunting
- if you like rainbow hunting, try complete deck for that (Guardians of Truth)
- dont like lost soul, try complete Battlefields deck
- invisible and valor, try complete Military Ranks deck
- collect juggernauts reputation, try complete Gnome Runes pack (open instance with Golem)
- Mounts of Faeo deck is good if you need stronger mount in fight. Great if you have purple chaos reputation and want better jakaral in fight
- Super-being deck give you chance fight with superbeing (good to get for example Gorbath and his part of medalion)
- Altar decks give you few bonuses and banner (dont have experience with that decks, than dont know how right work)
- Season deck - every month you can get one part (or buy from players) - try complete as soon as you can. Help with blessings and give tokens during season events
- I dont have experience with that decks, give place to mages write more about them
For under level 10, best decks I think are:
#1-Mounts of Faeo deck. If you have the purple chaos medal, this deck just breaks the game. You can use it to kill pretty much every monsters in PvE (even Bone Dragon on low levels). Very useful for PvP aswell.
#2-Gnome Runes deck. Very nice, give you an extra superbeing every week. Easy kill, gives you a gnome rune, gnome coins and you can get an extra pet golem.
Other cools sets to have are all the ressources decks. Magical flora, rocks and fish. Very nice buff once a week.
Seasonal deck is nice to finish as soon as possible aswell. Gives you an edge to complete all achievments every month and it is pretty cool as most of months gives you +4 prophecy, which boosts your crystal of truth drops.
There are also ok decks, like the all the summon decks. They're nice...but nowadays, summons are pretty bad compared to everyone's gear, so useful for PvE, but not quite in PvP.
High levels: They seem to enjoy the Shaissar deck to get as many level 18 birds as possible. Other than that, I'm not much versed in high level meta.
#1-Mounts of Faeo deck. If you have the purple chaos medal, this deck just breaks the game. You can use it to kill pretty much every monsters in PvE (even Bone Dragon on low levels). Very useful for PvP aswell.
#2-Gnome Runes deck. Very nice, give you an extra superbeing every week. Easy kill, gives you a gnome rune, gnome coins and you can get an extra pet golem.
Other cools sets to have are all the ressources decks. Magical flora, rocks and fish. Very nice buff once a week.
Seasonal deck is nice to finish as soon as possible aswell. Gives you an edge to complete all achievments every month and it is pretty cool as most of months gives you +4 prophecy, which boosts your crystal of truth drops.
There are also ok decks, like the all the summon decks. They're nice...but nowadays, summons are pretty bad compared to everyone's gear, so useful for PvE, but not quite in PvP.
High levels: They seem to enjoy the Shaissar deck to get as many level 18 birds as possible. Other than that, I'm not much versed in high level meta.
For levels 5-10 I'd say the magmar/human warrior wraith decks are the best as well as other summoning decks (such as Legacy of King Magish deck or Underground Knights Deck). Those will help with killing the instance bosses such as Spider Patriarch or Fire Golem. Other than that, players will also need Gnome Runes Pack of Cards to obviously have access to Fire Golem, but that's not just it, this deck is usefull for all level groups because thanks to it, players can receive golem pet amulet pieces which can be exchanged for gnome coins or to get golem pet, "Fiery Heart" resource to exchange for either quicksilver or celestial quicksilver and if nothing, achievement for killing the Fire Golem.
For levels 11-15 the 3 blessing decks like The Magical Rocks/Flora/Fish of Faeo Pack of Cards are the most useful ones. They're generally good but at level 13 they reach their peak potential. They're good for both PvP and PvE battles. The only downside is that they can be used only once a week, however it's a nice addition to have them, one can use them for their heavy-blessed hunts to get a lot more money than they usually do, eventually getting back the money they spent to get these decks or use them in battlefields to overcome the enemy and gain valor. It's a win either way.
For levels 16-20 I'd say it's Eshu Followers Deck. There's a chance that Summoned Shaissar will attack the player, it's not just useful for the player, but is also useful for 20 other players who can join the fight and deal 60.000 damage to the Shaissar. Everyone who can do that will receive Shaiss Particles (of course, according to their Fighters Against Shiass reputation), 10, 15 or 20 golds and 20 Fighters Against Shiass reputation.
However there are honorable mentions which work for every level and those are:
Guardians of Truth Deck which gives free Vertsida's Fury effect according to level (for example it gives Sizzling Fury of Vertsida to level 11 and up which is free magic damage and evil eyes if you're lucky) twice a week.
Battlefields Deck which removes lost soul effect and gives the player protection from it for an hour.
Legendary Cutthroats Deck which lets you attack a member of enemy race and closes the fight to the other members of that race if the player you attacked wasn't in fight prior to that. The deck also makes a gang of Cutthroats attack you and if you're able to kill them, you get 6 extra scalps.
Seasons Deck. It gives free tokens of the seasonal event that is going on as well as giving prophecy effect which lets the player have a chance of dropping crystals of truth from monsters. During some events the deck's effect also lets the player get extra money drop.
Superbeing Deck. Upon using it, the player gets attacked by a random superbeing which drops superbeing resource that can be exchanged for either quicksilver or celestial quicksilver.
Both Military Ranks of Faeo 1 and 2 Decks. They give the owners invisibility and double valor which works really nice for battlefields, if not, it's free invisibility effect.
And that's it.
For levels 11-15 the 3 blessing decks like The Magical Rocks/Flora/Fish of Faeo Pack of Cards are the most useful ones. They're generally good but at level 13 they reach their peak potential. They're good for both PvP and PvE battles. The only downside is that they can be used only once a week, however it's a nice addition to have them, one can use them for their heavy-blessed hunts to get a lot more money than they usually do, eventually getting back the money they spent to get these decks or use them in battlefields to overcome the enemy and gain valor. It's a win either way.
For levels 16-20 I'd say it's Eshu Followers Deck. There's a chance that Summoned Shaissar will attack the player, it's not just useful for the player, but is also useful for 20 other players who can join the fight and deal 60.000 damage to the Shaissar. Everyone who can do that will receive Shaiss Particles (of course, according to their Fighters Against Shiass reputation), 10, 15 or 20 golds and 20 Fighters Against Shiass reputation.
However there are honorable mentions which work for every level and those are:
Guardians of Truth Deck which gives free Vertsida's Fury effect according to level (for example it gives Sizzling Fury of Vertsida to level 11 and up which is free magic damage and evil eyes if you're lucky) twice a week.
Battlefields Deck which removes lost soul effect and gives the player protection from it for an hour.
Legendary Cutthroats Deck which lets you attack a member of enemy race and closes the fight to the other members of that race if the player you attacked wasn't in fight prior to that. The deck also makes a gang of Cutthroats attack you and if you're able to kill them, you get 6 extra scalps.
Seasons Deck. It gives free tokens of the seasonal event that is going on as well as giving prophecy effect which lets the player have a chance of dropping crystals of truth from monsters. During some events the deck's effect also lets the player get extra money drop.
Superbeing Deck. Upon using it, the player gets attacked by a random superbeing which drops superbeing resource that can be exchanged for either quicksilver or celestial quicksilver.
Both Military Ranks of Faeo 1 and 2 Decks. They give the owners invisibility and double valor which works really nice for battlefields, if not, it's free invisibility effect.
And that's it.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
Best deck till lvl10 I would say its Mounts of Faeo Pack of Cards.
After hitting lvl6 you can get the purple Chaos medal and with that the Wild/Emerald mounts. Wild especially can help you kill most of the superbeeings available at these levels. More to that, the lvl13 jaka it`s a really tricky and hard mount to beat if you don't have the right scrolls and buffs.
The mount pack allows you to summon an extra month in arena, and it's the only pack that allows you to that in this battlefield.
The rare card has a high price, but its a good investment for a good development as a low level player.
After hitting lvl6 you can get the purple Chaos medal and with that the Wild/Emerald mounts. Wild especially can help you kill most of the superbeeings available at these levels. More to that, the lvl13 jaka it`s a really tricky and hard mount to beat if you don't have the right scrolls and buffs.
The mount pack allows you to summon an extra month in arena, and it's the only pack that allows you to that in this battlefield.
The rare card has a high price, but its a good investment for a good development as a low level player.
Black Joker
Legacy of King Magish
Great Mages
Underground Knights
Legendary Humans I
Legendary Magmars I
Exile Fortress
The summoning decks. They are of the highest value on low lvls, as the strenght differance is greater.
When used together they show force on the later levels.
Legendary Humans II
Legendary Magmars II
Legendary Humans III
Legendary Magmars III
Like the other summoning decks but not available before lvl 7 for II and lvl 13 for III
White Joker
Magical Flora of Feo
Magical Rocks of Faeo
Magical Fish of Faeo
Deck of Power
These decks are great at all levels as the improve in strenght accordingly.
Might have the highest value for young warriors and young mages, as they have the highest relative improvement.
Snow deck
A summoning deck which i only usable during winter, best to just exchange the card. only usefull on low levels.
The military ranks of Faeo I
The military ranks of Theo II
Their best feature is invisability, which allows mages to rage og neutral ground without the risk of hexes.
The main reason for the deck is to get the MO. which isn't available before lvl 11-12ish
Faeo Mounts
Allows you to summon and improved version of your mount. strongest on low levels. but usefull on all levels.
The God of the Cursed and the Dead
Goddess Aladeya
Great dragons
Obtain a banner related to the rep. best at lvl 7 where the rep i available
Water Nymph
Sylph Fairy
As above, just from lvl 11
Zurkhass Followers
Miuri Tao Disciples
As above, just from lvl 16
Legendary Cutthroats
Basicly from when you are strong enough to kill the cutthroats. scalp are worth alot on all levels.
Eshu Followers
From lvl 14 where it is available, if you are strong enough to kill it. might be better at later lvl where it is easier to kill.
It removes lost soul, the higher the level the more common it is to be mirrored. and thereby makes the deck more usefull.
Get it as fast as possible, and reduce the time spend on the seasonal events. also good to use during rages from lvl 5.
Guardians of Truth
It adapts to you level and you dont need to upgrade the rage. it shows its worth from level 7.
Gnome Runes
Depends on you playing style. for strong/slowplaying low levels it allows them to improve alot on their jugg. rep.
And for higher levels it is access to another superbeing. basicly it can help anyone.
Legacy of King Magish
Great Mages
Underground Knights
Legendary Humans I
Legendary Magmars I
Exile Fortress
The summoning decks. They are of the highest value on low lvls, as the strenght differance is greater.
When used together they show force on the later levels.
Legendary Humans II
Legendary Magmars II
Legendary Humans III
Legendary Magmars III
Like the other summoning decks but not available before lvl 7 for II and lvl 13 for III
White Joker
Magical Flora of Feo
Magical Rocks of Faeo
Magical Fish of Faeo
Deck of Power
These decks are great at all levels as the improve in strenght accordingly.
Might have the highest value for young warriors and young mages, as they have the highest relative improvement.
Snow deck
A summoning deck which i only usable during winter, best to just exchange the card. only usefull on low levels.
The military ranks of Faeo I
The military ranks of Theo II
Their best feature is invisability, which allows mages to rage og neutral ground without the risk of hexes.
The main reason for the deck is to get the MO. which isn't available before lvl 11-12ish
Faeo Mounts
Allows you to summon and improved version of your mount. strongest on low levels. but usefull on all levels.
The God of the Cursed and the Dead
Goddess Aladeya
Great dragons
Obtain a banner related to the rep. best at lvl 7 where the rep i available
Water Nymph
Sylph Fairy
As above, just from lvl 11
Zurkhass Followers
Miuri Tao Disciples
As above, just from lvl 16
Legendary Cutthroats
Basicly from when you are strong enough to kill the cutthroats. scalp are worth alot on all levels.
Eshu Followers
From lvl 14 where it is available, if you are strong enough to kill it. might be better at later lvl where it is easier to kill.
It removes lost soul, the higher the level the more common it is to be mirrored. and thereby makes the deck more usefull.
Get it as fast as possible, and reduce the time spend on the seasonal events. also good to use during rages from lvl 5.
Guardians of Truth
It adapts to you level and you dont need to upgrade the rage. it shows its worth from level 7.
Gnome Runes
Depends on you playing style. for strong/slowplaying low levels it allows them to improve alot on their jugg. rep.
And for higher levels it is access to another superbeing. basicly it can help anyone.

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