That's the right answer.Alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan?
So here's a small amount of information about Jabir ibn Hayyan and his works: he mainly did philosophy, but just like the men who were busy with Philosophy in that age (8th-9th century) he didn't just stop with that. He also had works on maths, astronomy (as well as astrology), physics, pharmacy, engineering and, as you can guess, alchemy (which is the foundation of chemistry). He wrote a book called Kitab al-Kimya which could be translated as the "Book of Chemistry" (but was translated as "Book of Alchemy" because for a good eight hundred years, something called chemistry didn't exist in Europe because... well, middle age). He's known as the "Father of Alchemy" alongside with Lavoisier, Dalton, Boyle and a lot of others because he created the first known systematic classification of chemical substances (acidic and basic).
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
The jester zAquisgran wanted to play a prank on the village elder with balloons with strange substance inside. Unfortunately he walked right into a rapid dog, fell down, and the balloons were popped!
for a few second, everyone at the square spoke in a very high pitch squeaky voice! what could have possibly caused this?
for a few second, everyone at the square spoke in a very high pitch squeaky voice! what could have possibly caused this?
The jester zAquisgran wanted to play a prank on the village elder with balloons with strange substance inside. Unfortunately he walked right into a rapid dog, fell down, and the balloons were popped!
for a few second, everyone at the square spoke in a very high pitch squeaky voice! what could have possibly caused this?
It is helium!

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