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Art : Rococo is an 18th century European art movement involving architecture, the decorative arts, painting and sculpture. Now, Rococo furnitures are furnitures designed by focusing on secular, more light-hearted, asymmetrical design, while continuing the Baroque penchant for decorative flair. It was against classisismART:
What is rococo furniture and what movement was it against to?
The Qur’an... is composed of how many chapters and who did it wrote it?
The answers were: Rondo Alla Turca and Jack The Ripper.Art: What is the full name of Mozart's Turkish March?
Literature: Which antagonist Sherlock Holmes wasn't able to catch?
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
Art: Why Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo are considered "The Fathers of the Renaissance" ?
Literature: What are two of the made up languages included in J. R. R. Tolkien's books?
Literature: What are two of the made up languages included in J. R. R. Tolkien's books?
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
art: What type of art was Liao Chi-chun of RoC doing the most?
Literature: There is a note from far away land foreign to both magamar and human lands which you can find somewhere in faeo. It was written by an intellegent individuals detailing how horrible the existance of his own kind is. At the end of the notes the individual decides to end his own life
^where can you find this note?
Literature: There is a note from far away land foreign to both magamar and human lands which you can find somewhere in faeo. It was written by an intellegent individuals detailing how horrible the existance of his own kind is. At the end of the notes the individual decides to end his own life

^where can you find this note?
Well, he was doing paintings, he was a What type of art was Liao Chi-chun of RoC doing the most?
Literature: There is a note from far away land foreign to both magamar and human lands which you can find somewhere in faeo. It was written by an intellegent individuals detailing how horrible the existance of his own kind is. At the end of the notes the individual decides to end his own life((
^where can you find this note?
I have no idea about the literature one

It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
That was easy, really, you couldn't find the answer because you thought too hard on thatYeah I know, was gonna go over the 30 mins anyway, so decided to put it anyway. 1st question was hard, good job !Correct but you didn't answer the art question, so it doesn't count.litterature : the Lhammas and the elivish language

It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
Wow well puffin browser just deleted half of my messages including the hint so I sound like a prick
The artist does abstract painting and sculpture which is correct
This note comes from piles of paper and the hint was " you have a low chance of finding this note but you can always try everyday<---referring to hiding spots and also the catacombs library
The artist does abstract painting and sculpture which is correct
This note comes from piles of paper and the hint was " you have a low chance of finding this note but you can always try everyday<---referring to hiding spots and also the catacombs library
Why you sneaky little humanHmm its hard to hints for the note without giving it all away and I wouLD lIke to have double points too

It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
Sorry! never again on phone browser
here is the whole notes you get from the piles of paper incase anyone was wandering
In your hands is a very unusual suicide note. Listen, warrior, and pay attention to every one of my words.
How could you live, how could you exist, if you were born in a putrid, fetid cesspool? How would it be possible, if from the very first day of your existence you found yourself oppressed by your own origin, your own appearance, your own race? How could you live knowing you are a part of the filthy, horrific nation of Chaos? That was my fate. Now it is my choice to die, to perish before they begin teaching me all the tricks and skills needed by a true warrior, a true servant of Chaos. I must go whilst I am still young enough to be left untouched and untroubled by the higher powers with questions and worries of conquest of new worlds, wars for universal hegemony, politics, power? But the powers-that-be don't know that by the time I was two kes (by which Chaos measures age), I had examined and studied in detail my surroundings, by three kes I had analysed it all and now, at four kes, I have reached my conclusions. And that is why I want to die, why I must die. I am talented, gifted even, and highly intelligent, according to any criteria, in any world. I have mastered the languages of 15 worlds, on each of which live two races. This suicide note, this last testament of mine, is written in 28 of those languages. I have not had time to master the script of the small, amusing Loggers and the sand giants and I don't wish to offend them with my illiteracy in their language. They would never forgive me. And, imagine this - my name is so awful that it can't be pronounced in any one of these languages! I've always hated it. Even my poor mother, if such a terrible creature can be called a mother, had difficulty pronouncing it. It's a good thing we don't adopt pet names for children. That would be even worse. Oh, it's such a shame that I'm not a Human! Humans have the most beautiful names?but there we are, I digress.
Don't for one moment think that I have lived my four kes in vain, only complaining about my suffering! That's not so! I have spent it searching for a way to destroy the creatures of Chaos! And now I intend to try it out?on myself! I hope it works. The last two kes of my life have been spent applying my experience, conducting experiments and studying all the merits and deficiencies of Chaos organisms. And, finally, I've found a way! Perhaps I will do something to be proud of, after all!? Thank you! Enough now, farewell! It's time! Tonight I shall do what is necessary ? it will be the darkest night in all these kes?
here is the whole notes you get from the piles of paper incase anyone was wandering
In your hands is a very unusual suicide note. Listen, warrior, and pay attention to every one of my words.
How could you live, how could you exist, if you were born in a putrid, fetid cesspool? How would it be possible, if from the very first day of your existence you found yourself oppressed by your own origin, your own appearance, your own race? How could you live knowing you are a part of the filthy, horrific nation of Chaos? That was my fate. Now it is my choice to die, to perish before they begin teaching me all the tricks and skills needed by a true warrior, a true servant of Chaos. I must go whilst I am still young enough to be left untouched and untroubled by the higher powers with questions and worries of conquest of new worlds, wars for universal hegemony, politics, power? But the powers-that-be don't know that by the time I was two kes (by which Chaos measures age), I had examined and studied in detail my surroundings, by three kes I had analysed it all and now, at four kes, I have reached my conclusions. And that is why I want to die, why I must die. I am talented, gifted even, and highly intelligent, according to any criteria, in any world. I have mastered the languages of 15 worlds, on each of which live two races. This suicide note, this last testament of mine, is written in 28 of those languages. I have not had time to master the script of the small, amusing Loggers and the sand giants and I don't wish to offend them with my illiteracy in their language. They would never forgive me. And, imagine this - my name is so awful that it can't be pronounced in any one of these languages! I've always hated it. Even my poor mother, if such a terrible creature can be called a mother, had difficulty pronouncing it. It's a good thing we don't adopt pet names for children. That would be even worse. Oh, it's such a shame that I'm not a Human! Humans have the most beautiful names?but there we are, I digress.
Don't for one moment think that I have lived my four kes in vain, only complaining about my suffering! That's not so! I have spent it searching for a way to destroy the creatures of Chaos! And now I intend to try it out?on myself! I hope it works. The last two kes of my life have been spent applying my experience, conducting experiments and studying all the merits and deficiencies of Chaos organisms. And, finally, I've found a way! Perhaps I will do something to be proud of, after all!? Thank you! Enough now, farewell! It's time! Tonight I shall do what is necessary ? it will be the darkest night in all these kes?

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