I used to grind hard for that money, I usually took big chunks of orders for like idk 2k fire flowers or some potions, collected plants... Long story short, just quit it man, no need to do it. Just level up, get to 5, get your vertsida's quest, finish it, start raging, with that rage money start buying blue armor, with that blue armor start hunting orc skeletons in level 6 and get mad profit because ee droprate is crazy and you'll be either filthy rich for your level or get your BoV/BoE rep up, then start shooting for levels 9 (for bear combo & super easy valor) and 11 for your missing stuff (armor, reps, money, medals, valor etc.)
There you go, you just got 2 years of my game life here in just 2 months and you'll probably have a big headstart against other players.
You'll struggle for valor in level 11 because everyone will have better stuff
-You'll have more stuff to do than others as a level 11
-It'll be a living hell
-Getting better faster (yeah yeah it's akhstchually "better" to stay a level 6 and get 10 different card decks blah blah blah... in the end you're still not a mage and I'm 17, I have a higher rank, better equipment and I'm making more money than you per hour, suck it, tryhards)
-Catching up with others in a short time
-Finding yourself teams faster
-Enjoying the game instead of being a tryhard stuck in the mud