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CC lvl3-4
I don't understand, everyday there is 10-20 humans in the que and mags 1-2 people..... why dont cc run? Im so confused, 3 days in a row no cc....... there should be running all day and night with all the servers involved! something seems wrong
Wow, so complete inactivity now hitting level 3-4 too. Lets still not advertise
I can tell you whats wrong) players level 3 with 9 days in game in full blue/purple/red. You guys were the reason I never did any instance in those levels. Not everyone can afford this from the start and its no fun just playing the dummy for guys like you so you can get your feats and scalp.
I have lost my Puddin!
Because everyone levelled up. Because people don't want to waste their time with some bullshiz instance every day for piss low valor. (oh boo hoo you got your elite warrior rank in level 1 what a great f---in accomplishment)
If you still have the mentality of a player who was a low level in 2009-2010 and spent 50 years of his low level life naked hunting bears/dugrkhargs I got bad news for you: nobody stays in your levels anymore. Just a friendly advice, level up. Forget about CC or anything.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
besides some people have to pay for the game to be free and awesome for everyone else

Because humans queue as mag with multi acc and it's never a 9v9,also because of the lovely novice sets and the 3 months-full artful,with purple pet and 30 wraiths per fight
I blame it on the admins ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If they cared about something else than money we'd have more players, the more players the more BFs and less chances of fighting 'the toughest'.
But you're right it's
all players fault

so you finally have realised, life isn't fair? That is really cool. So why are you whining about mags not queuing then? Life just is not fair ...
I have lost my Puddin!
Ouchie ouch