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Friday, January 3rd 2020, 7:41am

Beefy's Rant - One WoD "rule" which in my POV, simply makes ZERO sense

So, ok, someone broke certain game rules which results in a permanent ban/jailed.
So, ok, this IP is flagged.
So, ok, all other different characters made with this IP are banned at the same time with: You are currently connected to a currently jailed player (or something like that).
So, ok, fine, ban 'em all since there's always a chance that one or all of the characters owned by this someone might have commited a "crime" so to speak.
So, ok, I guess end of story? Not quite yet.

If having all my characters banned, I would've just said adios to WoD. But, hey, no, this someone loves WoD so much that he/she can't live without it, he/she breathes WoD, it's not even a drug, it's air and life itself (perhaps overexaggerated, maybe not). So, he/she creates a new character, hoping to start new, again. But lo and behold, this new character gets banned too: You are currently connected to a currently jailed player.

Like, wtf? This is a new character, all prior ones are already banned. Someone is trying to start afresh, there's no way he/she can do any illegal trades with past characters as they are all banned.
There are already literally no more new players coming in, and yet when old players try to get back to game are still getting banned just because... their IP is flagged? Can't play WoD forever, so sad. :cry:

Just one of the many things that makes no sense. Then again, this is just my POV. Maybe in the first place, it already made no sense at all.

Disclaimer: I'm not banned/jailed, sorry to disappoint. Don't need to open my profile to see if I have a red/black skull. :shuffle:


Friday, January 3rd 2020, 8:28am

the biggest problem of this game... +1

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Friday, January 3rd 2020, 9:52pm

I see it as ''punishment'' for cheating


Saturday, January 4th 2020, 12:23am

If this someone lives and breath WoD, he probably should respect it enough to not cheat repeatedly


Saturday, January 4th 2020, 7:27am

I see it as ''punishment'' for cheating
Ok, so, just for the sake of having a discussion, I see that your stance is, if and when someone does something wrong, he/she should never be forgiven. Understood.

Oh well, I guess I see why there's so much discrimination against people who got out of jail etc, they don't get jobs etc, and they should just stay in jail forever, they don't deserve to come back to society and should be punished for all eternal.
If this someone lives and breath WoD, he probably should respect it enough to not cheat repeatedly
"Probably", "should". Of course in the first place, one should not cheat. And to say cheat repeatedly are strong words with strong implications. First of all, we don't know if this someone cheated repeatedly. And is it ok if he/she didn't cheat repeatedly instead? Also, it's beside the point, since probably and should in this case is invalid as the deed "is already done", and the main point of discussion is whether this permanent ban makes sense.

Generally speaking, there is no point in saying that if no one breaks any rules, there won't be such discussions. Come out of your comfortable, safe zone and welcome to the real world (of Faeo). There are killings, there are wrongdoings, there are unjust. So no point in bringing all these into this discussion. Freedom of speech is always available, whether what's said is relevant or not is another matter. All I'm saying is that this rule makes no sense to me.

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Saturday, January 4th 2020, 4:36pm

It's not going to change anything even if the game rules change. If a guy got jailed because he logged in from the same computer as some other guy and left the game because he couldn't get out won't be coming back years or let's say even months after he gets jailed. Even if they could, they would lose all interest in game because of how different things are right now. Imagine a scenario like this: Powerlevelling limit is non existent, your other characters/characters that log in from your computer don't get jailed because of what 1 character did, only reasons to get jailed is constantly abusing the multi account rule (like getting your 2 accounts, 1 human 1 mag, to the same place and constantyl attacking each other for idk, executioner levels, scalps etc.) and bot using as well as swearing on admins or something idk go figure destructive actions. Would it be really good? Hell yeah, it'd be a lot of breathing room for the existing players, but it wouldn't attract anyone to play a 2d turn based mmorpg with shiZZy graphics. I myself would rather go play 10 hours of PlayerUnknown's Fortnite Grounds of call of apex battlefield of League of DotAscape 5 or something since it's more appealing, more rewarding and all the things i can't list in more ways than imaginable than this game. If you have a time machine and can go back to 2006 to warn the IT Territory about the state of the game in 14 years, then by all means, be my guest. Because that way a lot of players would still be able to play without getting jailed for small things.

And let me just address the elephant in the room, nobody cares about it until they get or someone they know gets affected by this rule. I personally would love if it, together with multi account rule, was repelled but maybe 5-10 years ago when a ton of players were still playing. Right now it's not going to make any difference, sure the person you're close to gets out... and the rest? Ok a few people make some calls and try to re-invite their friends who were previously jailed, then what? Nothing changes. The amount of active players left are mostly the people who never went against this rule.

Last but not least, should there be a change to it, then all the people (which imho makes the majority of the ones who are jailed together with multi-account-trading-fighting-powerlevelling-whatever you call it) who were jailed because of it would have to be released which is a ton of work.

Rules are rules, don't break them and you'll be fine. Just like the rest of us are.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.

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Saturday, January 4th 2020, 8:15pm

I see it as ''punishment'' for cheating
Ok, so, just for the sake of having a discussion, I see that your stance is, if and when someone does something wrong, he/she should never be forgiven. Understood.

Oh well, I guess I see why there's so much discrimination against people who got out of jail etc, they don't get jobs etc, and they should just stay in jail forever, they don't deserve to come back to society and should be punished for all eternal.

You are 100% right sir :lol:.
Remember that once caught a possible future cheater the best way is keep him away from society :lol: I should make an adjusment, ''They use it as a punishment for cheating''. I think that its already enough punishment the fact that you lose all your progress in that account(unless you pay diamonds, ofc, money for them

Dont forget that in some places jail is business

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Sunday, January 12th 2020, 7:07pm

The problem here is simple.

Nearly every player that is active is asking the main question.

("Is there any future of new players joining, or will there be a no alternative server merge in the future to at least make the population at least a bit more presentable for players paying.")

Many of us know that with no game advertisement, stupidly strict item/gold transfer policies and jail first ask questions later approach has left the game/server in absolute turmoil population wise.

The marketing techinique of loaning diamonds to players clearly didnt work as well as anticiapated, with a probable case of more diamonds and characters in poverty curse than currently active and playing freely

The topic itself isnt really regarding allowing repeated cheaters to start over, as in most cases if they had even spent a few years on there so called (jailed status), chances are if they started again they would wind down the same road of cheating to at least gain some sort of advantage as to loosing eveyrthing the said person had worked for on his previously jailed character.

The sad reality is that the administration dont care they are a business just like any other. If every single player left tomorrow it would not faze them. They would just put more time in to othe products and services that they work on already.

In summary with more rules that are vague and processed through opinion of gaurds than a 6000 page encyclopedia banning the only few players that play is a riduculously stupid move if no new players are coming in.

Regardless however when the game is really at its end days (possibly 5-6 years max) i can almost guanretee that rules and regulations will go out of the window anyway. With no population what is there to police.

The stupidest people are the characters still paypalling heavily every month with no clear indication on where the game is going even a couple of years from now.

But what do i know i have only been here longer than any admin here currently and the same goes for most of us.

:lol: :pie:


Monday, January 13th 2020, 10:58am

thats the fact, as karma said without population rules will be useless. but let's make one step behind beefy's problem, the question is : why people want to start a new character after they get banned?
Biggest problem in the game are fines, they're just ridiculously high, and their goal seem to be to make banned ppl stop playing. let's be realistic, no one would pay one thousand euros (let's talk about euros, not gold or diamonds, as it fits more) for unbanning a character. we know how certificates work, then why not cursing people for 100-200 diamonds max instead of e.g 1500 gold???
people who get banned should have their chance of unban, applying very high fines is the stupidest move in my opinion as it harms everyone, including the game itself and game revenues

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Wednesday, January 15th 2020, 6:09pm

nibba if the fines arent high then what is to stop u from committing the same mistakes again and again, simply paying your way through each time?


Thursday, January 16th 2020, 12:02am

nibba if the fines arent high then what is to stop u from committing the same mistakes again and again, simply paying your way through each time?
hey mister ex-guard, i just said 1500€ fine is just too much for a game, even the ones i proposed are high enough, but whats the point of using very high fines if no one pays them? which are the chances right now that a character gets unbanned after he gets jailed?1% maybe? you can still make a survey asking if fines are too high or not, i'm already sure which choice would win

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Saturday, January 18th 2020, 1:23pm

Both comments you both made both have a seperate view but they both are not incorrect answers.

Yes a player should be heavily penalised if they break said rule. However if say for example a fine is ridiculously high then you are playing a gamble that the said cheating player has enough money in real life terms to pay it off and continue playing.

In the normal gaming world this shouldnt be an issue as new players join and start playing... however here we face a problem with new players coming in that are completely compiled to the following only:

Old players returning
Jailed characters creating new accounts
Multi accounts to purposley ruin someone elses gameplay
Lower level chracters to power level and cheat
Lower level re rolls that player old high level accounts that are pants i.e not worked on reps/mounts.

The CS sometimes times have just 1-3 players :lol: :lol:

3-4 years ago it would hit 30-40 at peak times with a minimum of around 15-20.

It does not take a rocket scientist to work out that unless changes are made population wise people will get bored and play elsewhere. .well: :horse: :horse: :dance:

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Monday, January 20th 2020, 8:28am

nibba if the fines arent high then what is to stop u from committing the same mistakes again and again, simply paying your way through each time?
hey mister ex-guard, i just said 1500€ fine is just too much for a game, even the ones i proposed are high enough, but whats the point of using very high fines if no one pays them? which are the chances right now that a character gets unbanned after he gets jailed?1% maybe? you can still make a survey asking if fines are too high or not, i'm already sure which choice would win

hey mr fashion designer, why would u even propose any idea of a new fine system? are u lookiing to break the rules and buy your way out?? isnt it simple: dont break rules dont pay fine. if u arent looking for ways to circumvent any law or rule, u shud be ok with the fine

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Monday, January 20th 2020, 8:32am

also the biggest problem in the game is lack of reach and advertisements, not ur idea of the fine system. starting afresh is a totally different thing from paying a fine. u break a rule, pay the friggin fine.
as far as starting new is concerned, i think it could be an option. doesnt hurt for a diehard wod lover (lmao lmao lmao) to be allowed to start playing again

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Monday, January 20th 2020, 3:16pm

I think a big issue with the way fines work right now is this: Fines usually work on a flat base level, while guards certainly are and try to be considerate of the context of the crime and situation the person was in obviously they have to put their foot down at some point to stop rule breakers.

The problem however is that fines work very different depending on what level you are, depending on how prepared you are to pay the fines. Some players of higher levels will easily pay out of most fines while other players that are determined to stay lowlevel forever(usually reap lower profits from rule breaking too) are often fined the same, which leads to them not being able to buy out as easily.

You could say that higher levels are more determined to play the game and therefor deserve to pay out of misbehavior too, but seeing as it seems to be a valid pay of playing to stay lvl 4 for 10 years I think thats a bit problematic.

Of course for lower levels there usually isnt as much to lose by just making new accounts too, you break a bunch of rules and say "well oopsie, just delete these I'll be good on my next account" it just doesnt quite work like that, there is a review function in this game, its been advertised before that the guards are willing to give retourning players a second chance if it is deemed to be appropriate.

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Tuesday, January 21st 2020, 8:12am

there also exists a very curious thing that not many ppl know of
its called game rules.
read them
dont get punished
wow life so simple

FiNeS aRe tOo hIgH, THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE HIGH, its not your stupid pocket money lol


Tuesday, January 21st 2020, 2:11pm

So many things to rant about and you pick something like that man :woot: :lol:

How about:
§12. Transfer or spying on access data, entering accounts of others
The access data of your own character (login, password) may not be passed on to other players, no matter if this is done for free or of you receive game money or items or real money for it.

§13. Gaining financial profit, abuse of services
a. It is not allowed to exchange items or services from Legend: Legacy of the Dragons for real items or services. This includes services like obtaining game money. It is also prohibited to exchange items or services from Legend: Legacy of the Dragons for items or services in the game when this happens via using real services (Terrabank and SMS service), e. g. asking to pay Diamonds on a game character. Items or services can only be exchanged for items and services in the game..

b. It is prohibited to offer a game character or game resources for real money.

Do you know how many players sold their characters? They pay punishment and new person plays on the account.

How about the fact that half of the rules are on forum instead of one place? :lol:
How about the fact guards like to 'value' items by their standards instead of market prices? And won't tell you the 'value' because of 'reasons'. But pay wrongly and you will be accused and made to balance.

How about the fact admins abandoned us so long ago? They made the event to ask them questions just to ignore us.
Months later they answered 'interview' of how great the game is :lol: Maybe it is and I'm missing something :beer:

Important bit:
Looking for a graphic designer that would be interested in a nice project, lemme know :king:

Cya till I decide to pop in next year :peace:


Wednesday, January 22nd 2020, 6:00am

Thread responses TLDR, just browsed through.

All I want to say is, I'm not advocating for banned chars to be unbanned. I don't have the slightest clue how anyone can deduce that from my post, am I really that confusing?

Any and all banned characters can stay banned, pay the penalty if anyone wants, I'm not really bothered.

I'm just saying, (I was told that multis from the same computer are banned, not from the same IP and I didn't know when I wrote the thread), what's done is done, previous chars who flaunted with the great laws of Faeo should be put in jail, no doubt, but anyone should be given the opportunity to create new chars to start playing again (until (if) they decide to break any rules again).

Whatever the fine is, whether anyone is willing to pay, I don't care. Point of this thread is not about free unbans of jailed chars. It's about someone with jailed chars being able to create a new one to (re)start playing.

 Sequana [10] 


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Wednesday, January 22nd 2020, 8:35am


There is several player in this game who are already allowed to restart on a new account. But this all is dependant on the violation and also players attitude and behaviour.

And as mentioned, there is an Amnesty program in place which even allows older accounts to be freed or also restart on a new account. Guards on both sides are not interested in only jailing as much player as possible to empty the game.

If a player is being banned from creating new accounts to play, then the story usually is not as simple as this player want to make you believe, then there is many reasons to decline that.

All guards agree, a player with a rather minor violation and a decent behaviour usually should be given a second chance and those players get their chances.
:!: Guards open their doors for new members. Interested? Please apply here! :!:

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Thursday, January 23rd 2020, 3:21am

play bdo and bdm it seems fun