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Friday, January 24th 2020, 8:35am


Weekly knowledge test: 24/01-30/01/2020

Is there any way to increase or guarantee stun? How can you increase the probability to stun? And howcan you protect yourself against being stunned??

Post your answers here.


For all who do not know the game yet some simple rules:
  • Every week (Friday morning) we publish one question to our game:
    Legend. Legacy of the Dragons.
  • From all correct and complete answers up to 5 participants will win one promotional game code each.
  • Only complete and detailed answers will be rewarded. If there is more than 5 detailed and complete answers the most unique answers have the biggest chance to win.
  • Copy and paste-answers will NOT be considered. Same goes for trolling or spamming or inadequate language.
  • Personal attacks on other players in your answers/posts as well will NOT be accepted.
  • Answer must be in English. You can answer in your mothertongue only if you post understandable translation in English in same post as your answer.
  • The winners will be chosen by a mixed team of magmars and humans. The decision will be final.
  • Codes will be sent to winners via private messages in the forum or per post ingame.

Good game and good luck for all! :drink:

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Aixlinn" (Feb 7th 2020, 7:44am)


Friday, January 24th 2020, 9:02am

To increase stun rate:
There are potions,weapons and rings that give you a chance to stun... if they add up than you will surely get more stuns... These are :

-Gorbakh's Mace-Battle Skill Elixir
-Elixir of Rock Skin

-Balthazar's Stun Ring

-Wonders Stun Ring[url='']-Might Charm[/url]

To prevent getting stunned
There is no such thing to not get stunned... but you can reduce the chance of getting stunned by Tubar-Dan Symbol of Inexorability this symbol.

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Friday, January 24th 2020, 2:00pm

There are several ways to guarantee that a player will eventually get random stuns in a fight, however there's no way to guarantee that every hit will be a stun. Of course there are ways to work around it, use items, effects etc. to practically stun someone every few hits.
Using Items to Increase the Stun Chance

-Using Items with stun chances, for example Gorbakh's Mace or Replicas of Gorbakh's mace.
-Using the Unique Silvery Bezel (for example Unique Silvery Flames Bezel for BC weapon) on weapons to increase the stun chance.
-Using amulets and rings that give stun chance (Like Balthazar's Stun Ring or The level 15 stun ring via the quest from the Gnome Spirit).
-Using the Witch's Hat which is an event reward from October Seasonal Event.

Using Effects to Increase the Stun Chance
-Using the Rock Skin Elixir.
-Using the Might Charm.
-Using the Battle Skill Elixir.

Other ways:
-Using level 4 and level 6 combinations (Thirst for Blood and Greater Thirst for Blood).
-Using level 9 combination (Bear Super-Blow).
-Using Power Elixir or Extract of Power at the combo ending hit (applies for the two combinations listed above). It's not proven, however the super blows seem to stun more when these elixirs are used.

These are the ways one can try and use to stun monsters or other players.

Ways to protect oneself from stuns are:
-Using Elixir of Internal Stability. Greatly reduces one's chances of being stunned.
-Using the Fetters of Weakening arrow on an enemy to force them to re-start their combination (this works in cases of the enemy using physical hits or glaze). Making sure that one will not be hit by a Bear Super-Blow, Thirst For Blood or Greater Thirst For Blood and therefore is not in danger of being stunned via these super blows. It, of course, does not nullify the effects of the might charm, rock skin elixir, battle skill elixir or any other stunning effect from items or elixirs/effects
-Last, but not least, various symbols. Tubar-Dan Symbol of Inexorability (only received on Chainmail or Helmet) reduces the chances of one being stunned slightly.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Friday, January 24th 2020, 3:20pm

Items to increase stun chance;

Gorbakh's Mace - from a quest.
Stun Ring - you can buy when fair comes.
Baltazar Ring - From a quest.

Battle Effects to increase stun chance;

Rock Skin Elixir - You can obtain this from chest or you can buy from fair
Battle Skill Elixir - You can buy from fair

Super-blows that gives a chance to stun opponent;

Thirst for blood super-blow : Restores 50% of damage dealt by the blow, there is a chance of stunning the opponent for 6 seconds.

Great thirst for blood super-blow: Restores 75% of damage dealt by the blow, there is a chance of stunning the opponent for 10 seconds.

Bear super-blow: Has a significant chance of stunning your opponent for 10 seconds.

In order to protect from stuns, we can put symbols on our items, we can use arrow; fetters of weaking
and we can use Elixir of Internal Stability ( from fair )
Dr Hanasomay


Saturday, January 25th 2020, 3:21pm

Wow, more stuff then i found myself when thinking firsts moments
about it but in the end i even found somezhing additional:

Artifacts to increase stun chance:

-Gorbakh's Mace
-Balthazar's Stun Ring
-Wonders Stun Ring
-Unique Silvery Bezel
-Witch's Hat

Effects to Increase the Stun Chance:

-Rock Skin Elixir
-Might Charm
-Battle Skill Elixir.
-Dawn Luck Charm

Behaviour/Moves to increase Stun chance:

-Thirst for Blood Superblow
-Greater Thirst for Blood Superblow
-Bear Super-Blo

Protection possibilities against enemies stuns:

-Elixir of Internal Stability. (Highly reduces - but only for 20 moves)
-Using arrows to interrupt enemies combos
-Tubar-Dan Symbol of Inexorability


Sunday, January 26th 2020, 1:17am

Lets look items elixirs and artifacts to increase to stun chance;


+Balthazar's Stun Ring (From a quest)
+Gorbakh's Mace (From a quest)
+Wonder Stun Ring (From fair market)
+Seasonal some hats (Witch Hat's btc.)

Using Effects to Increase the Stun Chance;

+Battle Skill Elixir
+Rock Skin Elixir
+Might Charm
+Dawn Luck Charm
+Iron Five Amulet (From a quest)

Superblows / Moves to Increase the Stun Chance;

+Thirst of blood Superblow+Greater Thirst of blood Superblow
+Bear Superblow

And how can we protect from stuns ?

+Elixir of Internal Stability(From fair market)
+Using arrows for enemy superblows
+Symbols(Tubar-Dan Symbol of Inexorability)

We can partially block them but we cannot completely prevent. :stronger:


Monday, January 27th 2020, 10:43am

We can partially block them but we cannot completely prevent. :stronger:

To add to Hakim's post, you can actually prevent stuns if you can get in this superblow each time....
Flying Stork - Protects against stunning blows for 7 turns.


Tuesday, January 28th 2020, 3:25am

  1. Tubar-Dan Symbol of Inexorability (Slightly reduces the likelihood of being stunned by an enemy blow or spell.)
  1. Balthazar's Stun Ring (The Demon Balthazar ring [3] is possessed of an astonishing quality that gives its owner the chance to stun an opponent.)
  2. Wonder's Stun Ring (A ring, possessed of an astonishing quality that gives its owner the chance to stun an opponent.)
  3. Reborn Dragnor Concentration Ring (Only gnome masters have the skill to forge weightless combat rings, which carry huge magic power inside. Apart from its main properties, this unique artefact will give its owner power in battle, increasing the chance of repeatedly stunning the opponent.)
  4. Reborn Dragnor Fury Ring
  5. Reborn Dragnor Ring of Opression
  6. Reborn Dragnor Barrier Ring
  7. Reborn Dragnor Ring of Surmounting
  1. Ghost Web Amulet (A mysterious amulet that gathers strength at Halloween and entangles your enemy in a destructive web of the spirit world. The master of the artefact has the chance to stun an opponent in combat, hitting them with a powerful blow orweakening them.)
  2. Iron Five Amulet (A powerful amulet, given to you as a sign of victory over Grugo Flayer, once an invincible champion in the Iron Five Tournament. Apart from increasing life force, the owner of this artefact will receive the chance to stun their opponent during battle.)
  1. Battle Skill Elixir (This vial contains a potent elixir that can for one hour turn whoever drinks it into a real destruction machine. You should not drink it more than once a day. It increases the chance of inflicting critical damage, enables you to periodically stun your opponent and restores life through part of the inflicted damage. Affects physical and magic damage)
  2. Elixir of Rock Skin (A unique elixir, the secret for the preparation of which was previously unknown. Suitable for warriors of any combat style. After use this elixir increases your Strength by 40 and Protection by 50, as well as giving a 7% chance of stunning your opponent for 3 seconds.)


  1. “Thirst for Blood” - Restores 50% of damage to the attacker and has a chance of stunning the opponent for 6 seconds.

  1. "Great Thirst for Blood" Resores 75% of damage to the attacker and has a chance of stunning opponent for 10 seconds.
  2. "Bear" Has a significant chance of stunning your oppenent for 10 seconds.

  1. Hypnosis (This spell inflicts magic damage on the opponent and stuns them.)
  2. Rockfall (Sends a torrent of rocks at your opponent, dealing 67 damage. There is a small chance that your opponent will be stunned for 1 second. Changes turn when used. Consumes 33 mana. Interval of use - 3 seconds)
  3. Ice Storm (Summons a hurricane of ice shards, causing 62 damage to your opponent. There is a chance that your opponent will be stunned for 1 second. Changes turn upon use. Consumes 31 mana. Interval of use: 3 seconds.)


Tuesday, January 28th 2020, 3:35am


-Gorbakh's Mace
-Wonders Stun Ring
-Baltazar's Stun Ring
-Reborn Dragnor (Fury,Oppression,Concentration,Barrier,Surmounting)

-Iron Five Amulet -Elixir of Rock Skin
-Ghost Web Amulet(s) -Green Lolly
-Battle Skill Elixir (at Nadilarie)
-Might Charm

-Silk Turban
-Witch's Hat

-Thirst for Blood super-blow -Hypnosis
-Great Thirst for Blood super-blow -Rock Fall
-Bear super-blow -Ice Storm


SYMBOLS; (just one)
-Tubar-Dan Symbol: Slighlty REDUCES the likelihood of being stunned by an enemy blow or spell.

-Using ability by bow: Fetters of Weakening, reset the super-blow combo.

-Elixir of Interval Stabilty: Resistance against stunning effects.

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Tuesday, January 28th 2020, 4:25am

only magmars can stun


Tuesday, January 28th 2020, 12:18pm

only magmars can stun
Facts :!: :!:
Dr Hanasomay

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