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Thursday, February 13th 2020, 3:26pm

Magic Clover…ct_id=683214801 yesterday I got this and today nothing

is that normal skill here again? The evnet is gone :grrrr:

 Sequana [10] 


Posts: 574

Location: Square of Fire, Khair

Occupation: Looking busy

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Thursday, February 13th 2020, 4:03pm

The event had accidently been switched on yesterday. For that reason it has been switched off today again.
:!: Guards open their doors for new members. Interested? Please apply here! :!:


Friday, February 14th 2020, 12:00am

New admin problems yet again is my guess. Not started Feb event yet, it had finished this time last year.

All events out of synch so far since new admin took over it seems, too much emphasis on P2W events for the... and I quote, "hardcore" players I guess .well:

 Sequana [10] 


Posts: 574

Location: Square of Fire, Khair

Occupation: Looking busy

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Friday, February 14th 2020, 7:18am

February just has started. And so will the event soon :)
:!: Guards open their doors for new members. Interested? Please apply here! :!:

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