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[ITEMS] Insects
Weekly knowledge test: 13/03-19/03/2020
How many different "beasties" and insects do we know in this game? Where do you find them?
Post your answers here.
How many different "beasties" and insects do we know in this game? Where do you find them?
Post your answers here.
For all who do not know the game yet some simple rules:
- Every week (Friday morning) we publish one question to our game:
Legend. Legacy of the Dragons. - From all correct and complete answers up to 5 participants will win one promotional game code each.
- Only complete and detailed answers will be rewarded. If there is more than 5 detailed and complete answers the most unique answers have the biggest chance to win.
- Copy and paste-answers will NOT be considered. Same goes for trolling or spamming or inadequate language.
- Personal attacks on other players in your answers/posts as well will NOT be accepted.
- Answer must be in English. You can answer in your mothertongue only if you post understandable translation in English in same post as your answer.
- The winners will be chosen by a mixed team of magmars and humans. The decision will be final.
- Codes will be sent to winners via private messages in the forum or per post ingame.
Good game and good luck for all! 

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Aixlinn" (Mar 20th 2020, 10:23am)

Zik firefly:
We can find in Barrow of Death for mags
Queen zik firefly:
same as normal zik firefly but its more rare to pick than normal zik firefly
Queen Krobz Bark Beetle:
we can find it with kill arborisses
we can find it with kill zombies
Weetsa the Woodlouse:
we can find in Settlement Angrukhon for mags
Beef Beetle:
This insect is for only geo's. They can find with picking stones.
forget add queen krobz link:
Zik firefly:
We can find in Barrow of Death for mags
Queen zik firefly:
same as normal zik firefly but its more rare to pick than normal zik firefly
Queen Krobz Bark Beetle:
we can find it with kill arborisses
we can find it with kill zombies
Weetsa the Woodlouse:
we can find in Settlement Angrukhon for mags
Beef Beetle:
This insect is for only geo's. They can find with picking stones.
We can count nine beasties.Some can only be found in Magmar regions and only be found in Human regions ,while others can be found in the whole Feo world.
Insects that we can only find in the regions of Magmars
1.Zik Firefly from cavity in Barrow of Death.This item isn't function
2.Queen Zik Firefly from cavity in Barrow of Death.It is like zik firefly but you will need it for quest A Natural Vaccine Against Curses[4].Otherwise, you can remove for the Curse of the Sickly Hex or might also the Curse of the Swamp Hex.
Insects that we can only find in the regions of Humans
3.Scolopendra Yaguzzi from under of stones in Light Edge's. You will need on Orlufia Quest[2].
Insects that we can find in the whole Feo world
4.Weetsa the Woodlouse : You can pick up in Village Zviglod, Settlement Angrukhon for magmars and you can pick in Sleepy Walley, Dead Cove for humans.Even you can pick up in Plataeu of Silence.But you can pick max 10. This item can use so different quest.(seasonal etc.)
5.Baby Atshi : You can pick up in Bat's Den(magmar region!) but Atshi might attack you. If you went to Kretches Lair, you can pick up Baby Atshi in Butcher's Lair.
6.Beef Beetle : You can find with picking stones.When eaten, it restores 800 life.
7.Tubemaker : You can find it with kill zombies.Just a luck
8.Krobz Bark Beetle : You can find it with kill Arboris or Young Arboris then you can trade with forestler.
9.Queen Krobz Bark Beetle : You can find with kill Arboris or Young Arboris but this chance is lower than Krobz Bark Beetle. It is given to forestler.
Thanks for reading
Insects that we can only find in the regions of Magmars
1.Zik Firefly from cavity in Barrow of Death.This item isn't function
2.Queen Zik Firefly from cavity in Barrow of Death.It is like zik firefly but you will need it for quest A Natural Vaccine Against Curses[4].Otherwise, you can remove for the Curse of the Sickly Hex or might also the Curse of the Swamp Hex.
Insects that we can only find in the regions of Humans
3.Scolopendra Yaguzzi from under of stones in Light Edge's. You will need on Orlufia Quest[2].
Insects that we can find in the whole Feo world
4.Weetsa the Woodlouse : You can pick up in Village Zviglod, Settlement Angrukhon for magmars and you can pick in Sleepy Walley, Dead Cove for humans.Even you can pick up in Plataeu of Silence.But you can pick max 10. This item can use so different quest.(seasonal etc.)
5.Baby Atshi : You can pick up in Bat's Den(magmar region!) but Atshi might attack you. If you went to Kretches Lair, you can pick up Baby Atshi in Butcher's Lair.
6.Beef Beetle : You can find with picking stones.When eaten, it restores 800 life.
7.Tubemaker : You can find it with kill zombies.Just a luck
8.Krobz Bark Beetle : You can find it with kill Arboris or Young Arboris then you can trade with forestler.
9.Queen Krobz Bark Beetle : You can find with kill Arboris or Young Arboris but this chance is lower than Krobz Bark Beetle. It is given to forestler.

Types of "beasties" and "insects in "Legend: Legacy of the Dragons" with their respective locations
The "beasties" and "insects" can be found in the game by clicking under some rocks or in areas that can be touched by the players, others hopefully are obtained by exercising any type of primary profession, such as fisherman, geologist. These are used for different purposes, to fulfill quests in the game or they can also be sold.
[Beef Beetle] This is one of the most common insects found by those practicing the profession of geologist and encounters some luck mining rocks.
[Edible Crayfish] This safe insect is a favorite of fishermen, they are the ones who have the possibility of finding it, with some luck in one of their catches catching fish.
[Scolopendra Yaguzzi] This insect can be found in the world of Faeo, clicking on the rocks found in Lights Edge.

[Weetsa the Woodlouse]
This insect is probably the best known in the game and it is necessary for several quests, it is obtained by clicking below the stones found in the Water Well in Dead Cove and At the Water Well in Sleepy Valley
in the world of Faeo.
(They can also be obtained at Plateau of Silence, click on all the downed columns)
(In the world of Feygo you can get it at At the cart in Village Ziglod and At the cart in Settlement Angrukhon.)
Village Ziglod:
Settlement Angrukhon:
[Baby Atshi] This little "bestie" can be obtained in "Bat's Den" in the Feygo world, but keep in mind that it can be attacked by Baby Atshi's mother.
(They can also be obtained at Plateau of Silence, click on all the downed columns)

[Zik Firefly and Queen Zik Firefly]
These are obtained in the Feygo world exactly in Barrow of Death, you have to click on On the bridge, you can choose Zik Firefly 1 pcs or Queen Zik Firefly 1 pcs.
[Beef Beetle] This is one of the most common insects found by those practicing the profession of geologist and encounters some luck mining rocks.
[Edible Crayfish] This safe insect is a favorite of fishermen, they are the ones who have the possibility of finding it, with some luck in one of their catches catching fish.
[Scolopendra Yaguzzi] This insect can be found in the world of Faeo, clicking on the rocks found in Lights Edge.

[Weetsa the Woodlouse]
This insect is probably the best known in the game and it is necessary for several quests, it is obtained by clicking below the stones found in the Water Well in Dead Cove and At the Water Well in Sleepy Valley
in the world of Faeo.
(They can also be obtained at Plateau of Silence, click on all the downed columns)
(In the world of Feygo you can get it at At the cart in Village Ziglod and At the cart in Settlement Angrukhon.)
Village Ziglod:

Settlement Angrukhon:
[Baby Atshi] This little "bestie" can be obtained in "Bat's Den" in the Feygo world, but keep in mind that it can be attacked by Baby Atshi's mother.
(They can also be obtained at Plateau of Silence, click on all the downed columns)

[Zik Firefly and Queen Zik Firefly]
These are obtained in the Feygo world exactly in Barrow of Death, you have to click on On the bridge, you can choose Zik Firefly 1 pcs or Queen Zik Firefly 1 pcs.
queen krobz bark beetle and krobz bark beetle, we can find this insects by killing arboris and young arboris
Spotty bug , during march event, we can find this insects with repetitive quest(city charters) or by hideouts in the istances. http://warofdragons.com/artifact_info.ph…ct_id=687545768
Weetsa the Woodhouse , we can find this insects in the Dead Cove(for humans) or in other hideouts like plateu of silence or haunted place. http://warofdragons.com/artifact_info.php?artikul_id=743
Tubemaker, by killing zombies http://warofdragons.com/artifact_info.php?artikul_id=1176
Tarariquon, we can find this in the hideouts, quest or by killing the young spider patriarch(web of terror event)
( in collection there is taratiquon to
Crickets during april event
krimkhrum during may event, we find this insect while gathering oilberries
fry and midges during august event. a quest can allow us to obatin and grow the fry, in the hunt mode we can attack and fight midges
beef beetle, if you are a geologist you can find this insect during the gathering
Edible Crayfish, if you are a fisherman you can find this during the gathering
swamp toad, we can find this toad in some instances like Gurraldiy Korr's Grotto or Bog Elf Swamp
Lenuya, we can find this in underwater world, sunken ship hideout. or with the Balluar Ocean influence
i remenber that with the repetitive Buzzing Siege we can obtain a little zigred by killing the zigred queens
in the Kretches' Lair we can kidnap a baby atshi.
in light's edge by clicking the rock we can obtain Scolopendra Yaguzzi
Spotty bug , during march event, we can find this insects with repetitive quest(city charters) or by hideouts in the istances. http://warofdragons.com/artifact_info.ph…ct_id=687545768
Weetsa the Woodhouse , we can find this insects in the Dead Cove(for humans) or in other hideouts like plateu of silence or haunted place. http://warofdragons.com/artifact_info.php?artikul_id=743
Tubemaker, by killing zombies http://warofdragons.com/artifact_info.php?artikul_id=1176
Tarariquon, we can find this in the hideouts, quest or by killing the young spider patriarch(web of terror event)
( in collection there is taratiquon to

Crickets during april event
krimkhrum during may event, we find this insect while gathering oilberries
fry and midges during august event. a quest can allow us to obatin and grow the fry, in the hunt mode we can attack and fight midges
beef beetle, if you are a geologist you can find this insect during the gathering
Edible Crayfish, if you are a fisherman you can find this during the gathering
swamp toad, we can find this toad in some instances like Gurraldiy Korr's Grotto or Bog Elf Swamp
Lenuya, we can find this in underwater world, sunken ship hideout. or with the Balluar Ocean influence
i remenber that with the repetitive Buzzing Siege we can obtain a little zigred by killing the zigred queens
in the Kretches' Lair we can kidnap a baby atshi.
in light's edge by clicking the rock we can obtain Scolopendra Yaguzzi

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