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Mystic Rep
18:18 Handed over: Pile of Papers 3 pcs, Elf Spy Cloak 1 pcs, Gnome King Fibula 1 pcs, Orc Leader Axe 1 pcs. Received: "Notes on the Daughter of Two Peoples" 1 pcs.
Your goal: To restore Cracked Seer's Ball, bring to Korundum the Jeweler one average and one small shining crystal.
Bring 5000 Quicksilver and 5000 Wonderful glass pieces toKhorsungum the Mage.
Your goal: Bring 5 Chaos Elixirs of Efil, 5 Cuckoo Flowers, 5 Fire Flowers and Black Dragon Scales to Veddun the Alchemist.
dragon scale - fire - cuckoo - heat - efril
Your goal: By using hints of Seer’s Enchanted Ball, find the girl, who appeared to Maritsa the Witch in visions.
go bog - use ball in boss room - kill boss
start donating:
Your goal: Give Kari 200 obsidian dust, 200 sapphire dust, 50 green magic ink, 50 red magic ink, 20 collected iris and collected rosemary
update after this when i can
Your goal: To restore Cracked Seer's Ball, bring to Korundum the Jeweler one average and one small shining crystal.
Bring 5000 Quicksilver and 5000 Wonderful glass pieces toKhorsungum the Mage.
Your goal: Bring 5 Chaos Elixirs of Efil, 5 Cuckoo Flowers, 5 Fire Flowers and Black Dragon Scales to Veddun the Alchemist.
dragon scale - fire - cuckoo - heat - efril
Your goal: By using hints of Seer’s Enchanted Ball, find the girl, who appeared to Maritsa the Witch in visions.
go bog - use ball in boss room - kill boss
start donating:
Your goal: Give Kari 200 obsidian dust, 200 sapphire dust, 50 green magic ink, 50 red magic ink, 20 collected iris and collected rosemary
update after this when i can
Donation guide:
Mystic -
- 50 donations level 4
200 Obsidian or Saphire Dust
20 Coll Iris or Milfoil
50 Red (Fire Bream) or Green (Black Tilapia) Ink
- 50 donations level 5
400 Ruby Dust
20 Coll Anemone or Lotus
100 Blue (Carbon Pike) Ink
- 50 donations level 6
400 DD
40 Coll Bella
100 Lilac (Crimson Sterlet) Ink
- 50 donations level 8
200 Violite or Esmerite Dust
20 Coll Helta or Pitcher Plant
50 Aquamrine (Glowfish) or Silver (Kato) Ink
- 50 donations level 9
200 Cochalong or Celestine Dust
20 Coll Succuleaf or Downpetal
50 Grey (Lionfish) or Agate (Reefer) Ink
- 50 donations level 10
200 Verzolite or Icestone Dust
20 Coll Spiceflower or Daffodil
50 Brass (Blue Puffer) or Oive (Angler Fish) Ink
Mystic -
- 50 donations level 4
200 Obsidian or Saphire Dust
20 Coll Iris or Milfoil
50 Red (Fire Bream) or Green (Black Tilapia) Ink
- 50 donations level 5
400 Ruby Dust
20 Coll Anemone or Lotus
100 Blue (Carbon Pike) Ink
- 50 donations level 6
400 DD
40 Coll Bella
100 Lilac (Crimson Sterlet) Ink
- 50 donations level 8
200 Violite or Esmerite Dust
20 Coll Helta or Pitcher Plant
50 Aquamrine (Glowfish) or Silver (Kato) Ink
- 50 donations level 9
200 Cochalong or Celestine Dust
20 Coll Succuleaf or Downpetal
50 Grey (Lionfish) or Agate (Reefer) Ink
- 50 donations level 10
200 Verzolite or Icestone Dust
20 Coll Spiceflower or Daffodil
50 Brass (Blue Puffer) or Oive (Angler Fish) Ink
RE: Mystic Rep
Your goal: Go to Haunted Place and use Scroll of Kari. After you manage to kill all of the Skeleton Demon Hounds [5] <img src="" align="absmiddle" />, go back to Kari.18:18 Handed over: Pile of Papers 3 pcs, Elf Spy Cloak 1 pcs, Gnome King Fibula 1 pcs, Orc Leader Axe 1 pcs. Received: "Notes on the Daughter of Two Peoples" 1 pcs.
Your goal: To restore Cracked Seer's Ball, bring to Korundum the Jeweler one average and one small shining crystal.
Bring 5000 Quicksilver and 5000 Wonderful glass pieces toKhorsungum the Mage.
Your goal: Bring 5 Chaos Elixirs of Efil, 5 Cuckoo Flowers, 5 Fire Flowers and Black Dragon Scales to Veddun the Alchemist.
dragon scale - fire - cuckoo - heat - efril
Your goal: By using hints of Seer’s Enchanted Ball, find the girl, who appeared to Maritsa the Witch in visions.
go bog - use ball in boss room - kill boss
start donating:
Your goal: Give Kari 200 obsidian dust, 200 sapphire dust, 50 green magic ink, 50 red magic ink, 20 collected iris and collected rosemary
update after this when i can
rumor is that you need to do the full set of donations for another scroll each day? is this glitch? that's a bit much for 10 damn rep max, shouldn't it be one of those things not all at once?
Sorry it's rosemary not milfoil for the donation
yea you need to do all of them at once each time:
Give Kari 200 obsidian dust and sapphire dust, 20 collected iris and rosemary, and also 50 red and green magic ink.
yea you need to do all of them at once each time:
Give Kari 200 obsidian dust and sapphire dust, 20 collected iris and rosemary, and also 50 red and green magic ink.