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A Humble Request
Is it possible for monster hunting limits to be rearranged? A simple addition of extra 100 and 200 monsters could work for everyone. The new hunting limits could be made as following numbers:
Level 1-10: 400 monsters
Level 11-15: 600 monsters
Level 16 and up: 800 monsters
The thread is open to ideas from everyone.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
I wouldn't mind seeing the change log.
Would make sense to me if lvl21 Imps counted as 2 mobs
The limit is very short. It makes the game very boring. I personally drain my limits within 3 hours in a day. I think these limits came for supporting diamond replenishments. But i don`t think +100-200 will effect the game income balance.
I personally gaining my money with hunt and replenishment. if i need urgent money and special something i buy diamonds and sell for 10x gold. It is not bad in game business. So it means the diamond replenishmet will not change. The only thing may will be effected is in-game infliation.