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Monday, November 29th 2010, 6:46pm

yeah can you fix mine aswell please?
:glance: I Was Taught That If You're Gonna Murder Somebody You Should Face 'Em, Tell 'Em Why, Look 'Em Dead In The Eye Then Waste 'Em :sarcastic:


Monday, November 29th 2010, 6:55pm

They are transferrable now.


Monday, November 29th 2010, 7:09pm

Cross Knight

Could you perhaps shed some light on when the Purple Cuisses (140 & 300 Chain Links) will appear? And how that will work? Thanks.


Monday, November 29th 2010, 8:38pm

Hi, I heard you could get your Ludials fixed here so here are mine:…act_id=88580437

Thanks in advance!


Monday, November 29th 2010, 9:42pm

Could you fix mine to please ?…act_id=88745940
Thanks in advance!


Tuesday, November 30th 2010, 12:28am

my links are still non transferiable...fix pls
Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for?:jump:


Tuesday, November 30th 2010, 4:51am

same here, non transferable. kindly fix.
I will flay the skin from your flesh and the flesh from your bones and scrape your bones dry.
And still you will not have suffered enough



Tuesday, November 30th 2010, 8:31am

Please fix mine too, please

Thank you in advance


Tuesday, November 30th 2010, 10:08am

Fix my chain please


Tuesday, November 30th 2010, 11:11am

All fixed now. :smile:


Tuesday, November 30th 2010, 11:32am

my chain links are non transferable


Tuesday, November 30th 2010, 12:28pm

I have used my Admin magic and your chain links are tranferrable now. :smile: