Quoted from "Atrocitus"
this is a puzzle...
answer be much simple we are not zoolog
i think ostrich is enough...
and i said cassowary before
Cassowaries are fundamentally different to ostriches, despite both being flightless birds. The hard mound on their head is a distinct giveaway that this was not an ostrich and indeed a cassowary. I am not a zoologist either, I am just a regular person, like everyone.
Isn't it similar to your case of posting turkish actors? I am simply posting Australian animals.
yes I thought 'Maybe the ostrich is not enough' and i wrote the cassowary after the ostrich xd
you are right... but in that day when we post turkis
h famous persons, we used google for much photo.
and i just say its just a puzzle and it should be simple than other days i think..