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Thursday, March 26th 2020, 10:27am

EE pot ruin (not work)

Since update no plus ee's from ee pot ( i m 10lvl - always got 4 plus or more ee's per rainy )
Thats new update and nor more ? Infrom about this or what ?
Explain pls. :grrrr:


Thursday, March 26th 2020, 10:33am

The same problem here. 3 last day any Evil Eye from Pots. 4 pcs of EE Pots, 4 hours Rage, 800+ mobs. Still have 4 in backpack.
Please compensate 16 gold if dont work any more or send Pots back and fix the Bug.

Thank you..


Thursday, March 26th 2020, 2:43pm

Same reports that mag:

23. -SuperMag- 25.03.2020 22:30
Im sorry, but with the update could be possible you desactive the efect of evil­ eye pots? Cause I didnt receive the message "Thanks to the magic of the­ magic pot, you have received Evil Eye 1 pcs." in 2 rages after this update

Same can i report from doing 2 rages, got "normal evilEyes" but no from Pot


Thursday, March 26th 2020, 6:44pm

11. reservista 26.03.2020 16:49
how good! I am so happy! there is a fair, with a pot of gold, an eye­ pot. I'm going to do a few rages taking advantage of this. But too bad, the­ eye pots do not work, 2 used, 236 dead gungls and not a single pot eye, I am­ very happy, more and more. It's alright to fool people

12. Enlil 26.03.2020 16:50
2 vertsida's fury's done, with 2 evil eye pots, 0 evil eyes got,­ something seems wrong

13. -Tex- 26.03.2020 17:16
i do 1 bow with pot of ee, no ee from it so i buy only pot of gold now

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Thursday, March 26th 2020, 6:55pm

200 mobs = zero pot ees.
Out of those 200 mobs I got only 4 ee which is bad on it's own, so if anything the pot actually decreases the number of eyes received. :lol:


Thursday, March 26th 2020, 7:42pm

Bad luck for all :lol: :lol: :lol: try again :bll:

 Sequana [10] 


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Friday, March 27th 2020, 2:17pm

The issue had been forwarded to administration and has been reported back to be fixed. Thank you for reporting it.
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Saturday, March 28th 2020, 9:54am

08:47 Thanks to magic, you got Evil Eye 1 pcs.
Thanks for repair problem.
Can i expect to get my 2 missing ee pots ? ?(


Saturday, March 28th 2020, 12:43pm

yes what about the 2 pots i wasted as well, i did 2 hours rainbow with no EE!! please send me something :cry:


Monday, March 30th 2020, 12:01pm

Im miss 4 pcs. Any compensation? (((


Friday, May 8th 2020, 11:30am

When something is useless, nothing should be eliminated, so why do they sell us eye pots if they are useless? There are already many times that they do not release any or at most 1, they would do better by removing them and not stealing the gold we spend on that garbage, it is embarrassing, but of course, as the game goes we still have little and then the administration complains. To all the new player: spend years hunting naked with mounts, it is the only way to get gold in this game, if you hope they will thank you for something better stay home playing poer with the pc, it is more entertaining


Friday, May 8th 2020, 4:29pm

Same goes for me too, 270 zombies in a hour but 5 ee from ee pot, normally i got more than 15
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Saturday, May 9th 2020, 6:14pm

Idk maybe it's just me but ring of shadow seeking doesn't work either, I used to get about 10 shadows only from the ring (red one) now it seems to be lower.
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Saturday, May 9th 2020, 11:15pm

Yesterday I got 7 ees from pot (250 mobs), and today only 3 (230).. 2 months of daily rage up to now I got 5-6 on average from the pot on ~200 mobs (changed meta so the mob count is higher)..Normally I wouldn't post because it could be just bad luck since I had lousy rages with ~3 ees from pots, but it's just weird that the number dropped by half after players started complaining at the same time.

Still could be just bad luck and nothing more.. Guess we'll see.


Sunday, May 10th 2020, 2:47pm

In my opinion its just really random.

I normally dont do stats anymore about that but
i now did 2 times after reading that post here.

My old stats tell me about 12 evil eyes average when killing around 180 gargoyles.

>> Yesterday i received 4 (four!) evil eyes in total from around 160 gargoyles.

>> Today i received 13 evil eyes from around 165 gargoyles, which have been
3 - 10 in detail so it has been 10 evil eyes from (non working? :rabbit: ) evil eye pot


Tuesday, May 12th 2020, 3:05pm

185 gargoyles today

13 evil Eyes ("normal")
9 evil Eyes ("Magic Pot")


Monday, May 18th 2020, 10:49am

just checking so evil eye pot is working, just extreme RNG which means can be 0 extra or 10 extra :) ??

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