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Tuesday, November 30th 2010, 6:12pm

Please check the probabilities of certain card drops :)

I find it funny that at least 5 people that I know have Chaos Giant card (most rare in set), but none of them have a frequent cards like gunglVO and XO. We already had this very same problem with Burz card, which you thankfully fixed.

Can you please check if the following cards' drop probabilities are set correctly? (if they are at all):

- GunglXO
- GunglVO
- DefilerDO
- Shizka Mushroom
- Necrasphodel (not caustic)
- Gambier

Thanks for your time. I just don't understand why I know 3 people with Coral card and none with the other 3, and 5 with Giant and none of the other 3 :)


Saturday, December 4th 2010, 8:40am

^ .


Monday, December 6th 2010, 11:09am

This is a known issue which will be fixed as soon as possible.