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  • "zAquisgran" started this thread

Posts: 866

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Monday, June 15th 2020, 12:51am

Faeo under the Control of Darkness

Dear friends,

i have 2 1/2 questions about that event:

Do we have a more specific timetable somewhere to look up how long (days) the single event stages are?

How long will stage "The arrival of Poseidopus" last?


Will it be possible to hand in Daggers, Seeds an Tentacles during"stage "The arrival of Poseidopus"?

Thanks a lot :dance:

Your award collecting


Monday, June 15th 2020, 3:10am


The arrival of Poseidopus should last 24 hours, you can check RU library for more specific timetable.

  • "zAquisgran" started this thread

Posts: 866

Location: Möhnesee

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Monday, June 15th 2020, 11:15pm

Thanks rubecula for link,
unfortunatly it sais
"Born by Chaos (June 11 - June 23)"
while that stage had 6 days only on our server so events are different in general?

I didnt miss much entries but i will end with around 145 award certificates
and i wonder how people manage to get 250 awards for max. Vargash upgrade?

But perhaps we can buy awards in the end like smuggler bags in seasonal events?

Dont know about that, neither i know about rewards and length of last stage,
would like to get that knowledge :rabbit:


Tuesday, June 16th 2020, 12:49am

:O they must have changed it... well then maybe THIS or THIS link for a schedule that looks more like ours

  • "Hakan The Khan" has been banned

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Tuesday, June 16th 2020, 2:22am

They changed the event, it was all smooth going, everything was nice, we had an entire month to do the event and then the admin said screw it and went:

It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.