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 lol666 [9] 


  • "lol666" started this thread

Posts: 771

Location: Anywhere, Anytime

Occupation: Searching for the real meaning of life

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Thursday, June 18th 2020, 4:05pm

Wondering how is the logic

Can someone explain me, what is the logic of :
1. Make chaos event duration longer than(ok, so we can farm more certificate, but ofc no official declaration, so a lot of people had enough resourse for yesterday and got surprised)
2. Put more events one on another one, because, ofc we can duplicate ourself with shadow ninjizhu like naruto does
3. Increase number of participants for bf, so like last tallaar event, maybe 7 tallaar in total of 3 days....
Someone can answer? or is just me wondering around? :horse:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:

 lol666 [9] 


  • "lol666" started this thread

Posts: 771

Location: Anywhere, Anytime

Occupation: Searching for the real meaning of life

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Thursday, June 18th 2020, 4:09pm

Ah, and ofc the ferns are near mag invasion places, so as soon as u are getting ferns the usual invaders come in and game expierence 10/10 stuff happens :lol:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer: