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Sunday, June 14th 2020, 5:06pm

Advice for 5 level player

Hey everyone,

I killed 270 zombies yesterday and got 11 ee in a hour.
and today i killed 230 and got 24 ee.

So here is advice for all of you, dont spent a lot of money to kill zombies faster. they are gonna stall you anyways.

Another advice for dodgers; you dont have to change your set to bc in order to do rainy.
I had 2 set ( dodger and bc ) they are totally same. The only difference between them, if you put VI purple runes every items, you can kill zombies with power elixir instead of blood elixir. But it wont change your hunting speed.
Dont waste your time and money for changing your set.
Dr Hanasomay

Posts: 172

Location: Spain Valencia

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Sunday, June 14th 2020, 6:43pm

lvl up


Monday, June 15th 2020, 11:41am

lvl up
Thanks for advice
Dr Hanasomay


Monday, June 15th 2020, 6:09pm

I was killing 330 zombie in 1 hour. 25+ evil eye on average ( lvl5) :shuffle:

  • "Hakan The Khan" has been banned

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Monday, June 15th 2020, 7:55pm

It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Tuesday, June 16th 2020, 9:27pm

I was killing 330 zombie in 1 hour. 25+ evil eye on average ( lvl5) :shuffle:
So you basicly one shot them in almost every fight. wp
Dr Hanasomay


Friday, June 19th 2020, 8:46am

i love my lvl. today with naked hunting i drop 5 evil eye. its just an extra money for me. i will hunt naked for a long time

  • "Hakan The Khan" has been banned

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Friday, June 19th 2020, 5:08pm

You're about to do the biggest mistake of your game life, but go ahead, don't let me stop you.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Friday, June 19th 2020, 9:19pm

It may not be the most efficient way to play the game, but if it's fun for you then definitely go for it.

From my view, the most efficient way to play would probably be to rush to lvl 20 while getting blue/purple armour, runes, and hunting buffs/reps. Then doing the plateau weekends for valour and hunting for gold to complete the non-hunting beneficial reps.

However, that's a pretty easy way to get burnt out as well.


Saturday, June 20th 2020, 3:44am

Don't rage in BC set, it's no good if you crit on monsters! Author is rigth! BC set is bad for rage!
When I rage and crit because I have BC set I get mad! Crits ain't good!


Friday, October 16th 2020, 8:02am

173 Monsters... 5 EE... Any advice to make things faster?

 Innos [13] 


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Friday, October 16th 2020, 7:46pm

yeah level up eyes are shit nowadays you wont make much with them and zombies drop basically no silver
I don't have no fear of death. My only fear is coming back reincarnated.


Sunday, October 18th 2020, 4:20pm

+ even at lvl 11/12 you can get fast fights, some ppl are 2 slapping serpagons


Sunday, October 18th 2020, 6:26pm

some even one-slapping :woot: and some take 2 min per fight hunting 4 h a day blocking others who wanna hunt with full bless :woot:

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