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Monday, July 6th 2020, 12:10am

Why the Hell?

I just wondering what is the point for me to play the game, for already 10 years, if this game is pretty "fair".
These days I was trying my luck and played one armed bandit. Spent every gold coin I had, was wanted to get the jackpot. It went to 1300 gold. I thought I was pretty close to achieve it. But, suddenly I was told that the game is freaking closed. And? So? Do you have any idea about that? about 200 gold were spent and it just waste. Waste of my time? If those freaking stones could be picked on the 7-9th time. (7-9 times action is freaking failed) why the heaven should I stay here? Just make it somehow...If you buy a ticket- you have it granted and not just loose months of time. Thank you. Best regards.


Monday, July 6th 2020, 3:23am

Very interesting story,bro.


Monday, July 6th 2020, 5:23am

Sad but true

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