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Sunday, November 1st 2020, 11:04pm

Superbeing drop…94&server_id=10

Why just me got drop ? (Edera Wreath)


Monday, November 2nd 2020, 5:20am

Mmmh, same for me only once... Idk really but i suggest maybe you put random loot or you invite yours friend so later


Monday, November 2nd 2020, 8:36am

Random loot is not a good solution.
This is a bug that needs to be fixed.


Monday, November 2nd 2020, 9:17am

have you made group before fight started or after it?


Monday, November 2nd 2020, 6:44pm


Posts: 581

Location: Aspen, CO

Occupation: Nooby's tractor

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Monday, November 2nd 2020, 8:54pm

this usually happens when u create group after attack, but u said u created it before so... :/


Tuesday, November 3rd 2020, 6:31pm

this usually happens when u create group after attack, but u said u created it before so... :/

Genius' comments not needed...

Posts: 581

Location: Aspen, CO

Occupation: Nooby's tractor

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Thursday, November 5th 2020, 5:17pm

well then go ask the answerless administration... :)


Sunday, January 3rd 2021, 3:19pm…24&server_id=10

Happened again...

Group was created before starting the fight...

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