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Wednesday, November 11th 2020, 7:30am

07:30 Received: Residual Portal Energy 50 pcs.


Wednesday, November 11th 2020, 4:30pm

Residual Energy x 50
Argor the Dueller x3
<2018> coin - exchange for 20g 18s


Wednesday, November 11th 2020, 5:59pm

Residual Energy x 50
Argor the Dueller x3
<2018> coin - exchange for 20g 18s
did you get all of this in 1 shot? or was this 3 days of stuff?


Thursday, November 12th 2020, 2:51am

Residual Energy x 50
Argor the Dueller x3
<2018> coin - exchange for 20g 18s
did you get all of this in 1 shot? or was this 3 days of stuff?

3 days... and today another 50 residual energy


Friday, November 13th 2020, 7:29am

07:29 Received: Residual Portal Energy 50 pcs.


Saturday, November 14th 2020, 11:19am

grog the healer amulet x3


Saturday, November 14th 2020, 1:07pm

:Argor the Dueller Amulet of Call

gorg amulet of call[list][*][/list]
Residual Portal Energy


Sunday, November 15th 2020, 11:01am

again grog the healer summons x3


Monday, November 16th 2020, 6:25am

06:24 Received: Residual Portal Energy 50 pcs.


Tuesday, November 17th 2020, 6:47am

got another dzerug amulet :smile: they stack apparently and reset the time on it back to 7d

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