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Magic Lasso
Has anyone ever completed this collection?
If so then what were the costs.
I myself am at 4/6 statues (just like alot of the people i have asked)
Wand - took like a week or 2 to get
Gift of Heaven - less than a month actively trying
Ludial - About 20-30 ludials obtained
Mirror - Took 3 Mirror chests
Still missing
Luck glow (spent aprox 3000g)
Precious chests (about 1000+g)
If so then what were the costs.
I myself am at 4/6 statues (just like alot of the people i have asked)
Wand - took like a week or 2 to get
Gift of Heaven - less than a month actively trying
Ludial - About 20-30 ludials obtained
Mirror - Took 3 Mirror chests
Still missing
Luck glow (spent aprox 3000g)
Precious chests (about 1000+g)
Has anyone ever completed this collection?
If so then what were the costs.
I myself am at 4/6 statues (just like alot of the people i have asked)
Wand - took like a week or 2 to get
Gift of Heaven - less than a month actively trying
Ludial - About 20-30 ludials obtained
Mirror - Took 3 Mirror chests
Still missing
Luck glow (spent aprox 3000g)
Precious chests (about 1000+g)
I am with you - I have same thing as you - I have spent over 1100 in well and like 900g in chests - those two i am also missing too. thats whats frustrates me too.
Funny thing is, on my lvl 5 char i got the luck glow statue in just 2 5g throwsHas anyone ever completed this collection?
If so then what were the costs.
I myself am at 4/6 statues (just like alot of the people i have asked)
Wand - took like a week or 2 to get
Gift of Heaven - less than a month actively trying
Ludial - About 20-30 ludials obtained
Mirror - Took 3 Mirror chests
Still missing
Luck glow (spent aprox 3000g)
Precious chests (about 1000+g)
I am with you - I have same thing as you - I have spent over 1100 in well and like 900g in chests - those two i am also missing too. thats whats frustrates me too.

10.000 thrown in well last days and still no lasso statuette here. and i am NOT talking about last statuette even.
I have 3 red stautetes, so actually i try to get 4. of 6...
(thats what leads me to the following opinion: it´s not only getting more rare to get 6. statuette from a collection
as Liam told yoyu before, but also it could be more hard to achieve single statuettes if you try to reach second, third,
fourth Lasso in your character-lifetime.... (i already completed 2 Lassos and now go for third...))
But anyway... still luck is a huge factor and i still like it, no reason to me sad or mad about.
Challenge accepted!
I have 3 red stautetes, so actually i try to get 4. of 6...

(thats what leads me to the following opinion: it´s not only getting more rare to get 6. statuette from a collection
as Liam told yoyu before, but also it could be more hard to achieve single statuettes if you try to reach second, third,
fourth Lasso in your character-lifetime.... (i already completed 2 Lassos and now go for third...))
But anyway... still luck is a huge factor and i still like it, no reason to me sad or mad about.
Challenge accepted!
10.000 thrown in well last days and still no lasso statuette here. and i am NOT talking about last statuette even.
I have 3 red stautetes, so actually i try to get 4. of 6...![]()
(thats what leads me to the following opinion: it´s not only getting more rare to get 6. statuette from a collection
as Liam told yoyu before, but also it could be more hard to achieve single statuettes if you try to reach second, third,
fourth Lasso in your character-lifetime.... (i already completed 2 Lassos and now go for third...))
But anyway... still luck is a huge factor and i still like it, no reason to me sad or mad about.
Challenge accepted!
I am trying to get my 1st - this is SO FRUSTRATING THIS GAME....
I will keep going atleast until i finish the fortune hunter deed. Only 8 more broadcasts for that.10.000 thrown in well last days and still no lasso statuette here. and i am NOT talking about last statuette even.
I have 3 red stautetes, so actually i try to get 4. of 6...![]()
(thats what leads me to the following opinion: it´s not only getting more rare to get 6. statuette from a collection
as Liam told yoyu before, but also it could be more hard to achieve single statuettes if you try to reach second, third,
fourth Lasso in your character-lifetime.... (i already completed 2 Lassos and now go for third...))
But anyway... still luck is a huge factor and i still like it, no reason to me sad or mad about.
Challenge accepted!

How DARE you say that?! Don't you know ikke is CHEATING all the time? ALL of the magmars who WON things are CHEATING! It's IMPOSSIBLE for someone to have 10-20k GOLDS in this game because I HAVE NEVER SEEN IT before! So you better check your words, cheater battleking69. I know just like ikke the cheater, you're also a cheater!At this point, I'm not even sure if UltimateGameman is actually, geniunely serious or just trolling.
100% if you don't even have one statue you have to ask yourself, am I even playing the game or spending all my times writing essays in guard section![]()
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
Hey Valak,
seems like on that PC i cant quote but i´m referring to your post:
In general i got your idea and yeah - i had same and even calculated that for myself.
Its around 3.600 Gold to pay for 400 diamonds regularly.
In my opinion thats much to much as statuettes from events come just additional
to the drop you receive from chests, well, Mirror.
It´s just about
1) math/statistics
2) knowledge about market prices
3) your individual selling prices (which includes cleverness+pacience)
to evaluate the outcome of those 3 main "luck events".
For me there is only small loss and it´s win even in luck glow.
So for me spending 3.200g for diamond certs >>> mount amulet in fair would be the waste.
I did buy Dzerug in special auction few weeks ago though. But that was for 1.750g - which is way
less then your idea here is. (and i knew i still need Ice Bear and Fiery Phad, so way with statuetes was
till i have all and i wanted to shortcut that
seems like on that PC i cant quote but i´m referring to your post:
In general i got your idea and yeah - i had same and even calculated that for myself.
Its around 3.600 Gold to pay for 400 diamonds regularly.
In my opinion thats much to much as statuettes from events come just additional
to the drop you receive from chests, well, Mirror.
It´s just about
1) math/statistics
2) knowledge about market prices
3) your individual selling prices (which includes cleverness+pacience)
to evaluate the outcome of those 3 main "luck events".
For me there is only small loss and it´s win even in luck glow.
So for me spending 3.200g for diamond certs >>> mount amulet in fair would be the waste.
I did buy Dzerug in special auction few weeks ago though. But that was for 1.750g - which is way
less then your idea here is. (and i knew i still need Ice Bear and Fiery Phad, so way with statuetes was
till i have all and i wanted to shortcut that

How DARE you say that?! Don't you know ikke is CHEATING all the time? ALL of the magmars who WON things are CHEATING! It's IMPOSSIBLE for someone to have 10-20k GOLDS in this game because I HAVE NEVER SEEN IT before! So you better check your words, cheater battleking69. I know just like ikke the cheater, you're also a cheater!
ok Mr. Judgment

what is the definition of insanity?

Hey you said you have already made 2 lassos, do you remember how much the 1st 2 lassos cost aprox?Hey Valak,
seems like on that PC i cant quote but i´m referring to your post:
In general i got your idea and yeah - i had same and even calculated that for myself.
Its around 3.600 Gold to pay for 400 diamonds regularly.
In my opinion thats much to much as statuettes from events come just additional
to the drop you receive from chests, well, Mirror.
It´s just about
1) math/statistics
2) knowledge about market prices
3) your individual selling prices (which includes cleverness+pacience)
to evaluate the outcome of those 3 main "luck events".
For me there is only small loss and it´s win even in luck glow.
So for me spending 3.200g for diamond certs >>> mount amulet in fair would be the waste.
I did buy Dzerug in special auction few weeks ago though. But that was for 1.750g - which is way
less then your idea here is. (and i knew i still need Ice Bear and Fiery Phad, so way with statuetes was
till i have all and i wanted to shortcut that)
Hey you said you have already made 2 lassos, do you remember how much the 1st 2 lassos cost aprox?
I noted here that i did 3.800 in one luck glow with "normal" status so 2x drop...
next luck glow i did 1.600 with 100 diamon cert exchanged before so 4x drop..
With those 5.400 in total i received red statue from luck glow and (as it has my last in first collection)
i received next red statue after 100g throw in very fast...
But i cannot tell you about chest event and magic mirror unfortunatly.
From my feeling chest event was hardest anyway

Hey you said you have already made 2 lassos, do you remember how much the 1st 2 lassos cost aprox?
i found something else here
Seems like in addition of 2 Magic Mirror i got red statue from
2.700 games = 1.350 gold
Magic lasso can get mounts that are NOT available in the holiday fair to buyI don t understand , you guys spend tons of gold for statues instead of buying diamond certificates and buying mounts in holiday fair?
if you invest 20k gold in dia certs you can buy all the mountsand you would have some gold left over.

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