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Friday, January 29th 2021, 7:46pm

Does atoum va symbols and artisan legacy talent works on fire flower ?

I started to count every attempt to collecting fire flowers. I've equipped 3 armors which contains atoum va symbols and i have blue talent (%6).

100 tries ---> 46 success and 54 unsuccess ---> %46 success rate
200 tries ---> 101 success and 99 unsuccess ---> %50,5 success rate

I will try with only blue talent and i will update results.

Please write your effect and results under this thread!


Sunday, January 31st 2021, 1:37am

Tried with just blue artisan legacy talent and here is the results:

100 tries ---> 58 success and 42 unsuccess ---> %58 success rate
200 tries ---> 118 success and 82 unsuccess ---> %59 success rate

It seems atoum va symbol of confidence isn't working on fire flowers.


Sunday, January 31st 2021, 3:11am

50% picking rate is actually high already. I only have around 30-40% success rate. :(
Try to boost it more by buying a bezel that increases chance of gathering resources...

I also wonder, does it work for/with enchanted wooden shield?


Monday, February 1st 2021, 12:28am

50% picking rate is actually high already. I only have around 30-40% success rate. :(
Try to boost it more by buying a bezel that increases chance of gathering resources...

I also wonder, does it work for/with enchanted wooden shield?

I don't have enchanted wooden shield rn.. also successful procurement bezel can't be attached into unarius i thought.

I reset my talent and will try it soon with no effect.


Monday, February 1st 2021, 5:55am

50% picking rate is actually high already. I only have around 30-40% success rate. :(
Try to boost it more by buying a bezel that increases chance of gathering resources...

I also wonder, does it work for/with enchanted wooden shield?

I don't have enchanted wooden shield rn.. also successful procurement bezel can't be attached into unarius i thought.

I reset my talent and will try it soon with no effect.
Aah yeah, I now remember. Bezels can not be placed on unarius. Did you try to equip a set with all items having that symbol? I think it can still increase if more items is equipped with that symbol.


Monday, February 1st 2021, 10:00am

Atoum-va symbol does not fit all armor. It just fits the following:


so i had 3 symbols and unarius :D


Tuesday, February 2nd 2021, 3:54am

Atoum-va symbol does not fit all armor. It just fits the following:


so i had 3 symbols and unarius :D
Atoum-va symbol does not fit all armor. It just fits the following:


so i had 3 symbols and unarius :D
I see. Thanks for that! I'll be waiting for the updates in case you improve the success rate of picking. :cool:


Wednesday, February 3rd 2021, 1:44am

Here is no effect picking results:

100 tries ---> 51 success and 49 unsuccess ---> %49 success rate
200 tries ---> 100 success and 100 unsuccess ---> %50 success rate

And there is one thing which i forgot from the beginning.
Here is how much power charge i got:

With just artisan legacy talent ---> 9 power charge ---> 200 try %59
No effects ---> 5 power charge ---> 200 try %50

In that case i cant tell if artisan legacy works...
But i vote to not work


Wednesday, February 3rd 2021, 10:04am

No effects --->4* power charge ---> 200 try %50

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