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Tuesday, July 28th 2020, 4:48pm

Splinter trouble

The rapid increase of the splinter is incorrect. For only 15 excavated stones, I got 3 splinters. You have done everything to make it difficult for ordinary players to earn gold. Among other reasons, this is the reason why there are fewer and fewer players in the game. Eliminate the splinter from the game please. Splinter is the biggest nonsense in this game. Finally, bring back the charm of the game she once had. Thanks.


Wednesday, February 10th 2021, 6:42pm

The rapid increase of the splinter is incorrect. For only 15 excavated stones, I got 3 splinters. You have done everything to make it difficult for ordinary players to earn gold. Among other reasons, this is the reason why there are fewer and fewer players in the game. Eliminate the splinter from the game please. Splinter is the biggest nonsense in this game. Finally, bring back the charm of the game she once had. Thanks.

18:33 You finally find the flower you need and start to pick it, not noticing a vicious thorn hiding amongst its petals. As you put it in your rucksack, you badly prick yourself. Ouch! Received: Splinter 1 pcs.

Great great great great great. Cant even collect plants. I get this text almost every 10 min. Try to make money by collecting plants no no no no never its not allowed here lets make a thing called splinter and make you mad.

Splitterin' you till you get mad :)

 lol666 [9] 


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Location: Anywhere, Anytime

Occupation: Searching for the real meaning of life

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Thursday, February 11th 2021, 8:16am

You still are not level 7,8 where you try to find a time where no one is gathering the rep resourses.
And finally you get online to gather when no one is around by that time, and 2 fishes later.... splinter comes in, since almost no one is around or most people are afk, you have to travel around the world to ask someone to help :lol: :stupid:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Friday, February 12th 2021, 9:35pm

Come on we want splinter remover euro set yeayyyyyyyy.