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Saturday, February 20th 2021, 1:36am

Nightmare before Valentine

First of all there was an explanation about this event :
Your task:
Create the ultimate awakening potion, with at least 10 ingredients, from the world of Faeo!
Post the list of ingredients for your elixir and along with its name.
Please explain why these ingredients will help to awaken the fairy!
Further, we like you to design the flask in which the wonderous potion will be stored.

And if u check some of them have not any explanation about ingredients....Also Stewie Griffin ???
How u choose the people for community awards then????
I don't have any doubt about from 1 to 3 but please tell me how u choose the others???


Saturday, February 20th 2021, 1:38am

First of all there was an explanation about this event :
Your task:
Create the ultimate awakening potion, with at least 10 ingredients, from the world of Faeo!
Post the list of ingredients for your elixir and along with its name.
Please explain why these ingredients will help to awaken the fairy!
Further, we like you to design the flask in which the wonderous potion will be stored.

And if u check some of them have not any explanation about ingredients....Also Stewie Griffin ???
How u choose the people for community awards then????
I don't have any doubt about from 1 to 3 but please tell me how u choose the others???

Actually i have doubt about 3. degree because i think his picture is from internet not his own draw but ....


Saturday, February 20th 2021, 11:38am

Taking into consideration that the team of jesters+consacrators that voted the winners contained 8 magmars and 3 humans (accordinf to the team comp posted on library), i wasnt too surprised that the first 4 places were reserved by magmars.
As Niqo mentioned, make sure the entries that you voted and/or consider valid checks the requirements that you asked.
I would add the originlity of the picture (if its too hard, u could just ask the participants what was their source of inspiration for the drawing) and if the recepie that they posted does indeed look like a recepie.


Saturday, February 20th 2021, 2:34pm

The voting for events is conducted by teams across both COM and DE servers to help minimise bias. Unfortunately, this time some oversights occured in the scrunity of entries, however given the new information (thanks to Nefertiti), a revised list of winners will be posted in the coming week.

With regards to the explanation of ingredients, the rules stated "Please explain why these ingredients will help to awaken the fairy!". This did not indicate that an explanation for each individual ingredient was required. However, in future, terms and conditions for entries will have more detail to try and reduce ambiguity.

The feedback in this thread is very useful, and will be taken forward for development of new events, to minimise the possibility of such outcomes occuring, so thank you for your comments!


Monday, February 22nd 2021, 6:25am

Stewie's elixir wins hands down. You all just need to determine 2nd and below placings :sneakers:


Thursday, February 25th 2021, 9:52am

how come people that participated did not get their participation reward yet?


Friday, February 26th 2021, 5:46pm

I honestly dont know how you guys are doing this checks. But what I do know is that youre doing a very lousy job.
The feedback that tdeadly was so gracefull about hasnt been applied.

I understood the first, the second and now the third time, its hard for you to take 5 minutes to look for "potion bottle" on google, that its why i asked you a "pre-google era" solution: ask the players for their source of inspiration. I personally wasnt asked this, I doubt others were.

But all is good. You (jesters) have received your salary for the valentiones event (gold or tokens, im taking a wild guess here) and youre preparing the next event.

P.S. i would have wanted this incompetent jester team to handle the past event too, when the vague and loose rules of the contest got me an elimination, my multi was revealed to persons outside the guards team followed by some bats on my multi by the same person.

Keep up the great work! :thumbsup:


Tuesday, March 9th 2021, 12:55pm

Please see Liusaidh's response to your query here. While some entries did violate the T&C, they have been disqualified. If you have any issues with Jester events or the team, please feel free to contact Liusaidh directly. Furthermore, if you are dissatisfied with events, you hold the right to not participate.

This thread is now being closed.

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