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New Support website
Turkish Guide

Small picture guide about how to switch to the new support website:
Support websitehad been moved

Wait till you get re-directed and see the following image:

Click on MY.GAMES Game Center

Select the topic which is matching you issue the closest.
Choose the question which matches your issue the closest.
If there isn't just choose any.
If your question is not answered by now click on Still have questions? Ask our experts

Now Login with your MY.COM Login.

Agree to the Legal information.

Click continue.

Now you can describe your issue and also upload files and submit.

On top you find a topic "My tickets".
Here you can check out your open, closed and pending tickets.
If you still have questions to the support, feel free to ask in this thread and we tryto answer it.
Support websitehad been moved

Wait till you get re-directed and see the following image:

Click on MY.GAMES Game Center

Select the topic which is matching you issue the closest.
Choose the question which matches your issue the closest.
If there isn't just choose any.
If your question is not answered by now click on Still have questions? Ask our experts

Now Login with your MY.COM Login.

Agree to the Legal information.

Click continue.

Now you can describe your issue and also upload files and submit.

On top you find a topic "My tickets".
Here you can check out your open, closed and pending tickets.
If you still have questions to the support, feel free to ask in this thread and we tryto answer it.
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Dec 10th 2019, 6:28pm)
Impossible to contact support now, and i have so many issues like the lost new year chests on another server for 1.
Try to migrate and as soon as you get to the login/sign up page all it does is refresh the page whichever option you click. Impossible to even transfer account over, let alone contact support.
Try to migrate and as soon as you get to the login/sign up page all it does is refresh the page whichever option you click. Impossible to even transfer account over, let alone contact support.
I have this Ticket NAK-577-62028 in the new support and and 11 days have passed without response,
apparently it is not a good idea to buy certificates in diamonds for special services, I think I throw my money
I have this Ticket NAK-577-62028 in the new support and and 11 days have passed without response,
apparently it is not a good idea to buy certificates in diamonds for special services, I think I throw my money

If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the mighty one . 'Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds..(Robert_Oppenheimer).
Krogan fishing rod lost because malfunction
Dear reader,
this is Fike (human race). just a few moments ago i droped accidentally the krogan's fishing rod (purple). It happened because of malfunction of internet or bad cgarge of the website. I wanted to use it, not to drop it and it is very expensive and very dificult to get.
Is there the possibility to get it back because it was not my fault at all.
Thank you very much
In your disposition
this is Fike (human race). just a few moments ago i droped accidentally the krogan's fishing rod (purple). It happened because of malfunction of internet or bad cgarge of the website. I wanted to use it, not to drop it and it is very expensive and very dificult to get.
Is there the possibility to get it back because it was not my fault at all.
Thank you very much
In your disposition
i buy something by wrong from Premium shop
Good evening, I bought something by mistake that I thought I needed, but it turned out that I need a red medal so I want to get the amount that I bought this item for.…rtikul_id=30773…rtikul_id=30773
Describe an issue. Did you stuck with Anuluj/Zapisz screen? Try to log in PL server with old login and password, then link your character with a new (you must to create it 1st) MY.GAMES account and do same things as on this video guideI welcome there is a chance of regaining the figure at the transfer operation badly I did something and I have such a form now
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