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Still egoism or already stupidity?
As in the title, I'm curious to know "why players act in a certain way - when put offers by exchange as an example"
for cup of coffee or tea, I will write "a little" about how players can buy something only so that the "neighbor" does not have it, because to look for logic in it and justify overpaying
It's natural to break prices offers when player needs a certain number of resource materials (a luxurious price for express sales is fully justified). Same as breaking them for items that you buy once for an extended period (EQ, rare cards, and other luxury items). But it's still amazing how players can't cooperate when it comes to regulating prices on exchange, such popular items as evil eyes, flamians, luxites, cents, incs, items from collections (will, suppression, or concentration), and even... caskets
and now a little bit with the last ones.
Almost all of them are bought by locksmiths, which is perfectly logical. But I don't understand, however, why everyone pulls to his own selfishness? Every day, offers for caskets are breaken by successive players, instead of setting a certain price together, following it and encouraging potential newcomers to do so. Most sellers who do it by exchange, to put it bluntly, don't make much difference whether they get 25s more or less for a sale - and if they feel the price is too low, they can always ask a priv locksmith to pay more, they can put up for auction after " overpriced " and also... (shocked) go and open it by locksmith and gives him a chance for promotion. and in last weeks, prices have been reach about 1.65g - just because 2 players can't cooperate
you really don't understand, that higher price don't make more pcs on server, or what's wrong with you? Anyway, it reaches the limit of profitability - great job...future locksmiths lvl ~135 will be grateful to you, just like lvl ~105 in PL per few last years.
I'm playing COM just about few weeks, after merge/fusion. Few times NOBODY had an offer for several of the caskets, and this is the clearest proof that there is no great pressure that one locksmith has to fight another for a piece of the them - you really can't understand it, or what's hard with this? So when i Was here (exchange) alone, then I rise a little price of caskets (compared to what was in PL - because the resource materials here are also a bit more expensive, so a slightly higher pay for caskets was reasonably) which was also little bit lower than COM players had proposed for the previous days - and what? I was sold over a dozen boxes within 3 hours, but few hours later COM players couldn't bear the sight and of course they break my price by 1s
no matter if the price would be 1.5g or 1.9g or even 2.3g ... they just mindlessly raise by 1s to be on top - but the problem is that when everyone thinks like this selfishly, neither of you will be at the top for more than a moment, even though you are already raising the price by 50% of the real value of the product
Therefore, I encourage players to post prices at mutually agreed and affordable prices that will be profitable for both sellers and buyers, and the profession of a locksmith will still have the possibility of real earnings, rather than doing another dead (non-earning) profession after the healer and executioner. Of course, the other side of the coin is that some are satisfied with this condition (the sellers) and if they are saved in this way by more 1,5g per week - congratulations on a lifetime achievement
however remember that sooner or later you will need evil eyes, mentioned fragments of the collection (yesterday for 1,1g? Today for 40s? Tommorow for 75s? No problemo), or something else and it will suddenly turn out that you will not be able to buy anything for weeks only because someone who breaks your price by 1s will collect 30 items during this time.
PS Think for yourself - on average, do you prefer to buy the same caskets as others for an example of 1.8g ... or buy less and at a higher price, e.g. 2.2g? Because this is what your logic leads to - if everyone will do this, you will buy even less because someone will always be on top for a longer time with a better price
PS 2 It's a pity that most players prefer to sell to those who are so mindlessly outbid others, thus promoting such a 1s raising, but this is the seller's right and everyone have to respect it - at this point, respect for those who are appreciated by those who put offers first and understand that with a difference of 1s for the sale will not get poorer
PS 3 Don't be selfish by putting sick offers on 50-100 caskets - you are not alone, give everyone a chance to buy...5-10 pcs will be ok (the same for any resources, like placed offer for few thousands of stones, fishes etc, resources which already someone alse want to buy)
PS 4 I'm new in this forum, if there is a place better suited to the post - sorry and please put it there

It's natural to break prices offers when player needs a certain number of resource materials (a luxurious price for express sales is fully justified). Same as breaking them for items that you buy once for an extended period (EQ, rare cards, and other luxury items). But it's still amazing how players can't cooperate when it comes to regulating prices on exchange, such popular items as evil eyes, flamians, luxites, cents, incs, items from collections (will, suppression, or concentration), and even... caskets

Almost all of them are bought by locksmiths, which is perfectly logical. But I don't understand, however, why everyone pulls to his own selfishness? Every day, offers for caskets are breaken by successive players, instead of setting a certain price together, following it and encouraging potential newcomers to do so. Most sellers who do it by exchange, to put it bluntly, don't make much difference whether they get 25s more or less for a sale - and if they feel the price is too low, they can always ask a priv locksmith to pay more, they can put up for auction after " overpriced " and also... (shocked) go and open it by locksmith and gives him a chance for promotion. and in last weeks, prices have been reach about 1.65g - just because 2 players can't cooperate
I'm playing COM just about few weeks, after merge/fusion. Few times NOBODY had an offer for several of the caskets, and this is the clearest proof that there is no great pressure that one locksmith has to fight another for a piece of the them - you really can't understand it, or what's hard with this? So when i Was here (exchange) alone, then I rise a little price of caskets (compared to what was in PL - because the resource materials here are also a bit more expensive, so a slightly higher pay for caskets was reasonably) which was also little bit lower than COM players had proposed for the previous days - and what? I was sold over a dozen boxes within 3 hours, but few hours later COM players couldn't bear the sight and of course they break my price by 1s
Therefore, I encourage players to post prices at mutually agreed and affordable prices that will be profitable for both sellers and buyers, and the profession of a locksmith will still have the possibility of real earnings, rather than doing another dead (non-earning) profession after the healer and executioner. Of course, the other side of the coin is that some are satisfied with this condition (the sellers) and if they are saved in this way by more 1,5g per week - congratulations on a lifetime achievement

PS Think for yourself - on average, do you prefer to buy the same caskets as others for an example of 1.8g ... or buy less and at a higher price, e.g. 2.2g? Because this is what your logic leads to - if everyone will do this, you will buy even less because someone will always be on top for a longer time with a better price
PS 2 It's a pity that most players prefer to sell to those who are so mindlessly outbid others, thus promoting such a 1s raising, but this is the seller's right and everyone have to respect it - at this point, respect for those who are appreciated by those who put offers first and understand that with a difference of 1s for the sale will not get poorer
PS 3 Don't be selfish by putting sick offers on 50-100 caskets - you are not alone, give everyone a chance to buy...5-10 pcs will be ok (the same for any resources, like placed offer for few thousands of stones, fishes etc, resources which already someone alse want to buy)
PS 4 I'm new in this forum, if there is a place better suited to the post - sorry and please put it there
I just wanna be famous...
...but be careful what you wish for
...but be careful what you wish for
I think you never met people who put 1 bronze more to get on top of offers
Don't get too mad abt the trades, just keep in mind that many were banned for black market
i doubt there will be something wrong if a item price just increase 30s or 50s

I think you never met people who put 1 bronze more to get on top of offers

Don't get too mad abt the trades, just keep in mind that many were banned for black market

Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard
but i will try my best

And after all, the price of items just changes time by time, i can still remember that fossils years ago were rare and pretty expensive, now their prices are so low that sometimes i just puke and drop it away

Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard
but i will try my best

BTW, abt locksmith profession, to get exp u better buy the locked precious chests instead of the normal ones, if u wanna lvl up fast, and for all other chests i just pass out, even i am a locksmith many times i just sell the chest directly, not that i cannot afford buying the lockpick, but there is no sense to spend 1,5g lockpick for a max 1g gain chest(since i never got something really worthy from chests, besides normal resourses and maybe twice low lvl chest pieces)
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard
but i will try my best

@ lol666
Thanks for the answer(s), but that was not the topic
I met a lot of players that break prices by 1m, but that is not the point raising any such symbolic value is objectively stupid especially in the case of repeated purchases, examples of which I wrote about before.
The point is, breaking for such a small amount is analogous to joigning others on a wercida/rainbows. How is one different from the other? Why on misty islands (correctly?) players can talk and get along to "reserve" mobs for themselves, they can not disturb each other, and why it is so hard to use their brains to get along on the exchange/market - in the context of long-term purchase of everyday items, such as the mentioned evil eyes, cents, inks or caskets?
I'm not get mad, because I'm not active player since about 2016, nowadays I only log in, talk with friends, and (on PL) just try to keep right prices for caskets - which was useful for new locksmith, who want to buy caskets by exchange. Despite the fact, I haven't attacked mobs for several years, I have already few thousands of gold and about several thousand of golds in some resources, elixirs, etc... - is that reason for boast? No, because most players from higher lvl probably have the same, or could have if they wanted to... but this is a fact, thanks to which I could give offers (for example, 3g) for each casket and most likely, with the exception of individual players, others would stop buying them - the only question is WHY should I do this?
I just want players to respect each other and not create sick pay stacks. And the price changing you are talking about? Sorry, but if one day the price of an item starts from 1.8g to 2.3g in the evening and changes 100 times within 50s during one week, so it is not a natural course of things and a change in the value of the product, but instability caused by the title stupidity or the egoism of the players.
Thanks for the answer(s), but that was not the topic

The point is, breaking for such a small amount is analogous to joigning others on a wercida/rainbows. How is one different from the other? Why on misty islands (correctly?) players can talk and get along to "reserve" mobs for themselves, they can not disturb each other, and why it is so hard to use their brains to get along on the exchange/market - in the context of long-term purchase of everyday items, such as the mentioned evil eyes, cents, inks or caskets?

I'm not get mad, because I'm not active player since about 2016, nowadays I only log in, talk with friends, and (on PL) just try to keep right prices for caskets - which was useful for new locksmith, who want to buy caskets by exchange. Despite the fact, I haven't attacked mobs for several years, I have already few thousands of gold and about several thousand of golds in some resources, elixirs, etc... - is that reason for boast? No, because most players from higher lvl probably have the same, or could have if they wanted to... but this is a fact, thanks to which I could give offers (for example, 3g) for each casket and most likely, with the exception of individual players, others would stop buying them - the only question is WHY should I do this?
I just want players to respect each other and not create sick pay stacks. And the price changing you are talking about? Sorry, but if one day the price of an item starts from 1.8g to 2.3g in the evening and changes 100 times within 50s during one week, so it is not a natural course of things and a change in the value of the product, but instability caused by the title stupidity or the egoism of the players.
I just wanna be famous...
...but be careful what you wish for
...but be careful what you wish for
Someone should write down a list of price of all things in game then
Should i mention that your way of thinking is a bit *beep*(no insult but only refers to some kind of monopolistic market management, and since it refers also to a type of politic prob better beep it)
Someone should write down a list of price of all things in game then

Should i mention that your way of thinking is a bit *beep*(no insult but only refers to some kind of monopolistic market management, and since it refers also to a type of politic prob better beep it)
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard
but i will try my best

It's gone worse, bud. Ludial chain links can spike up to 1.8g to 2g. Artful cuisses are limited. Almost all prices gone up. Even cubes. Idk. I'm not one to complain. I've no right to.Meh
Someone should write down a list of price of all things in game then![]()
Should i mention that your way of thinking is a bit *beep*(no insult but only refers to some kind of monopolistic market management, and since it refers also to a type of politic prob better beep it)

@ lol666
You can laugh, but from the point of view of the influence on the player of what I described - seriously, I'm one of the last players to whom it can be harmful
I don't play actively, even if I want to fight for a moment (PVM or even PVP), I'm player which developed enough to have fun better than most at the same level... but one more time - that's not the point. The sooner you understand, the less reason you will have to *beep*. Any changes I'm talking about can only help lower level players, even like you - just use your brain ;x
Also you can laugh down, you can write nonsense about some list of price, how much should items cost etc - but it would be enough to add offers with the same price as player who previously issued the offer (and in the case of a completely different vision, how much is the object worth, using the chat), is that such a problem or only a few players from PL have the option of using the chat?
Players simply find it more convenient to make a higher offer and have everything in their backs, they prefer to overpay for something, as long as someone else does not buy it. Well, now the exchange, maybe in the future we will see times when one will fight each other (mobs) and then there will also be a reason to laugh - but problably only for me
We have lived to see the times when stupidity is glorified and thinking mocked
nice Feo, fat times
You can laugh, but from the point of view of the influence on the player of what I described - seriously, I'm one of the last players to whom it can be harmful
Also you can laugh down, you can write nonsense about some list of price, how much should items cost etc - but it would be enough to add offers with the same price as player who previously issued the offer (and in the case of a completely different vision, how much is the object worth, using the chat), is that such a problem or only a few players from PL have the option of using the chat?

We have lived to see the times when stupidity is glorified and thinking mocked
I just wanna be famous...
...but be careful what you wish for
...but be careful what you wish for
What are you even on about? This is the place where human greed shows itself. Over the course of almost 6 years I've seen all kinds of overinflated ego, the dominant id taking over someone's personality completely and people lying & manipulating others to make their actions look legit. Look at the following examples:
It was about 2 or 3 years ago, this guy comes up to me pretty pissed because someone overbid him on exchange by 1 silver (99 coppers and an exchange app ain't one to be exact)
"Dude what the hell is wrong with these people??? I am making app for 1g 10s 1c so that it'd look higher up and people would sell faster, why is this guy making app for 1g 11s? Why is he [insert le overbid here] me? Are these people stupid?"
Yes. Yes they are stupid. But who did it first, my dude? You, right? You could just make app for the same price and people would sell you, but you didn't, you wanted to get it first just like everyone else. Those guys saw you le overbid de la magnifique le no speak french omelette du fromage so they did the same. Basic human reaction. If you don't do it, then others also won't, or maybe they will, you are not the only greedy guy around. Who knows.
Another example:
Thank you for bringing this up, I'm going to use your own example here.
I guess no need to tell you what happened in the end...
Hint: The same person bought for higher prices and now nobody trusts each other, every time I tried to do the same thing, but with a plot twist in the end (yeah that's right, my word being my bound, I wouldn't buy for higher prices lol) people were like "how about no?" and just continued to pay more and more.
What you are suggesting is a house of cards type of situation.
You will never succeed unless everyone decides to put their ego aside and work together.
You will never succeed because nobody has trade ethics.
In the end, human greed overcomes those ethics even those you or others have it.
It takes only 1 person to act selfish and everyone will just follow that example no matter what. Because "WeLl He'S dOiNg It sO WhY ShOuLdN't I dO iT?" is a mentality that is more dominant than "If I act like a reasonable person and if everyone else does the same, then we all can profit instead of some winning and some losing, then apply this in our real lives and achieve world peace and then we can work on scientific achievements and we can have flying cars and use only renewable energy and cure all kinds of sicknesses and all those stuff mang can you imagine?" and some other utopic ideas.
It was about 2 or 3 years ago, this guy comes up to me pretty pissed because someone overbid him on exchange by 1 silver (99 coppers and an exchange app ain't one to be exact)
"Dude what the hell is wrong with these people??? I am making app for 1g 10s 1c so that it'd look higher up and people would sell faster, why is this guy making app for 1g 11s? Why is he [insert le overbid here] me? Are these people stupid?"
Yes. Yes they are stupid. But who did it first, my dude? You, right? You could just make app for the same price and people would sell you, but you didn't, you wanted to get it first just like everyone else. Those guys saw you le overbid de la magnifique le no speak french omelette du fromage so they did the same. Basic human reaction. If you don't do it, then others also won't, or maybe they will, you are not the only greedy guy around. Who knows.
Another example:
Thank you for bringing this up, I'm going to use your own example here.
We tried this about... 2 years ago? Someone said "ok guys look, this certain item's price is rising, we need to agree on a fixed price and always make app for x golds and never pay a dime higher or less, we will all buy those and the prices will stay the same"I encourage players to post prices at mutually agreed and affordable prices that will be profitable for both sellers and buyers,
I guess no need to tell you what happened in the end...
Hint: The same person bought for higher prices and now nobody trusts each other, every time I tried to do the same thing, but with a plot twist in the end (yeah that's right, my word being my bound, I wouldn't buy for higher prices lol) people were like "how about no?" and just continued to pay more and more.
What you are suggesting is a house of cards type of situation.
You will never succeed unless everyone decides to put their ego aside and work together.
You will never succeed because nobody has trade ethics.
In the end, human greed overcomes those ethics even those you or others have it.
It takes only 1 person to act selfish and everyone will just follow that example no matter what. Because "WeLl He'S dOiNg It sO WhY ShOuLdN't I dO iT?" is a mentality that is more dominant than "If I act like a reasonable person and if everyone else does the same, then we all can profit instead of some winning and some losing, then apply this in our real lives and achieve world peace and then we can work on scientific achievements and we can have flying cars and use only renewable energy and cure all kinds of sicknesses and all those stuff mang can you imagine?" and some other utopic ideas.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
@ Hakan The Khan
Thanks for the valuable comment. Yes, who did it first is important, and sometimes I break someone else offer, but only in situation when he broke my offer first, in fact I want to cooperate with others, but don't be surprised that I can respond the same. It's pretty logical, that when no one is wrong towards me, I don't need to do it to him. I understand these human (greed) nature, I just pay attention to the banal cause-and-effect relationship, situations with method A in which you buy 50 caskets for 1,7g and at the same time using the B method the same 50 caskets for 2,2g
if the selfish action leads you to get a worse end result, it is simply a blunt solution where the selfish loses - the paradox that probably not everyone notices and everyone loses, I mean, everyone except sellers
@ Dee - original nick from PL
You are still actively playing and wasting time in a game that has been crashng for several years...? So I have bad news for you - unfortunately it's too late for you, belive me
Nobody cares...? Ask any locksmith with about 135lvl (or on any other example - a player increasing reputation), would he prefer to buy caskets for 1,2g or 1,6g
then find out how many you need to open to finish another promotion - the described situation is currently happening with caskets lvl 120 and especially 135 - just look and check (magmar's) at the stock exchange. Maybe you've been playing so long that you've managed to build up most of your reps, so it's right there for you when players break through - but don't measure everyone with your measure and your perspective
well, unless spending more on achieving the same is just "theory", so congratulations and we really have nothing to discuss, just for a bit different reasons than you thought
Thanks for the valuable comment. Yes, who did it first is important, and sometimes I break someone else offer, but only in situation when he broke my offer first, in fact I want to cooperate with others, but don't be surprised that I can respond the same. It's pretty logical, that when no one is wrong towards me, I don't need to do it to him. I understand these human (greed) nature, I just pay attention to the banal cause-and-effect relationship, situations with method A in which you buy 50 caskets for 1,7g and at the same time using the B method the same 50 caskets for 2,2g
@ Dee - original nick from PL

You are still actively playing and wasting time in a game that has been crashng for several years...? So I have bad news for you - unfortunately it's too late for you, belive me

Nobody cares...? Ask any locksmith with about 135lvl (or on any other example - a player increasing reputation), would he prefer to buy caskets for 1,2g or 1,6g

I just wanna be famous...
...but be careful what you wish for
...but be careful what you wish for
I had a leave of absence from the game for about 2 years until recently so my game knowledge is more lacking than usual.
Before I left, people were being executed on Human side (Com server) for this very issue. Players would overprice, undercut, drown the market with certain items to push others out of "their" corner of the market on purpose just so they could regain control of pricing for rare/quest resources.
Also, I saw players repeatedly exed for refusing to sell (for example Phosphorite card) which was very expensive at the time and they refused to lower their 999g asking price. They were the only player selling one at the time. Angry player wanted to buy card but refused to pay 999g so they executed the seller multiple times for days.
These tactics are, as far as I am against game rules? (I don't know for certain) but even back then when it was a legal grey area, it was still a morally ambiguous course of action at best.
These days, players can put EE/Coal/Flamians etc etc up in auction for maybe 2 or 3 times the exchange price. The exchange prices change daily, for example EE currently is about 80s on exchange but a few days ago they were 50/60s each on exchange.
I don't often hear humans complaining about price fluctuations. Maybe this is a Magmar thing, idk.
My point is this, if you see very popular quest resources, prices will vary a lot depending on market saturation.
If you sell items that are not as popular, prices will fluctuate depending on player greed.
Small example is, EE will always be in need daily due to Urchi, BoE/BoV buffs and hexes and other quests/events.
Chests will only ever be in high demand when a high number of locksmiths require a certain level of chests. Less need/demand than EE so it's more player dependant than market saturation of quest resources.
Best thing to do is either play auction like stock market and buy anticipated resources in bulk when prices are low then use your stocks while prices go up...or accept it and aqcuiesce.
...or complain on forum. That always helps ^_^
Before I left, people were being executed on Human side (Com server) for this very issue. Players would overprice, undercut, drown the market with certain items to push others out of "their" corner of the market on purpose just so they could regain control of pricing for rare/quest resources.
Also, I saw players repeatedly exed for refusing to sell (for example Phosphorite card) which was very expensive at the time and they refused to lower their 999g asking price. They were the only player selling one at the time. Angry player wanted to buy card but refused to pay 999g so they executed the seller multiple times for days.
These tactics are, as far as I am against game rules? (I don't know for certain) but even back then when it was a legal grey area, it was still a morally ambiguous course of action at best.
These days, players can put EE/Coal/Flamians etc etc up in auction for maybe 2 or 3 times the exchange price. The exchange prices change daily, for example EE currently is about 80s on exchange but a few days ago they were 50/60s each on exchange.
I don't often hear humans complaining about price fluctuations. Maybe this is a Magmar thing, idk.
My point is this, if you see very popular quest resources, prices will vary a lot depending on market saturation.
If you sell items that are not as popular, prices will fluctuate depending on player greed.
Small example is, EE will always be in need daily due to Urchi, BoE/BoV buffs and hexes and other quests/events.
Chests will only ever be in high demand when a high number of locksmiths require a certain level of chests. Less need/demand than EE so it's more player dependant than market saturation of quest resources.
Best thing to do is either play auction like stock market and buy anticipated resources in bulk when prices are low then use your stocks while prices go up...or accept it and aqcuiesce.
...or complain on forum. That always helps ^_^
An easy answer to this question: Supply and demand. Of course if lots of people want the same product... prices will go up. Look at toilet paper, face masks and hand sanitizer in the current world climate, prices have went up. And for example if there's a lull in evil eye exchanges, prices get really low but as more and more people put up their own exchanges, as expected the prices raise to the typical 80-90s/pc (a bit of a far cry from years ago prices still :lol
Now I'm not saying this isn't a petty act, because I get sometimes frustrated by it too with people overbidding by 1c or 1s, but I'm patient and I know eventually that I will get my resources and at cheaper prices to boot!
This "problem" is also exacerbated by anonymous lots, since there really can be no repercussions except for a slightly larger hole in your wallet.

Now I'm not saying this isn't a petty act, because I get sometimes frustrated by it too with people overbidding by 1c or 1s, but I'm patient and I know eventually that I will get my resources and at cheaper prices to boot!
This "problem" is also exacerbated by anonymous lots, since there really can be no repercussions except for a slightly larger hole in your wallet.
An easy answer to this question: Supply and demand. Of course if lots of people want the same product... prices will go up. Look at toilet paper, face masks and hand sanitizer in the current world climate, prices have went up. And for example if there's a lull in evil eye exchanges, prices get really low but as more and more people put up their own exchanges, as expected the prices raise to the typical 80-90s/pc (a bit of a far cry from years ago prices still :lol
Now I'm not saying this isn't a petty act, because I get sometimes frustrated by it too with people overbidding by 1c or 1s, but I'm patient and I know eventually that I will get my resources and at cheaper prices to boot!
This "problem" is also exacerbated by anonymous lots, since there really can be no repercussions except for a slightly larger hole in your wallet.
^This^ or more precisely "Supply & Demand" - a simple concept that has been around for centuries, no avoiding it I'm afraid - even, or should I say especially! in a game.
@ Hazzelinko
@ --SLY--
Thank you for the answers - I respect the opinion.
Maybe the fact (caskets) I have quoted is specific and is different from the others. Well, while you can actually talk about the aspect of supply and demand in the case of evil eyes, cents, inks, etc. in the case of buying caskets it is very limited. Why? A player who buys this way has 2 ways to make a profit:
1. Locksmith lvl advance - and even let it not be subject to any market price, I would understand (I will also talk about it later)
2. Earnings from the profession - and unfortunately, you can come up with reasons, look for excuses, but here the price of the item should always depend on the game and its conditions. Why? Since you have a certain value of cash inside, and materials/items, the price of which you can estimate if you have already opened a lot (and since you already involve the stock exchange, you can clearly determine this value of profitability), so it is logical that after proposing a certain price, it simply isn't profitable.
Few days ago I was talking about "gray boxes" (120 & 135 lvl), so on the example of the more expensive ones - after opening you get about 1.35g and resources/elixirs worth another ~30s (it depends, I'm giving the average value - but the total profit is therefore 1.65g), why is it so hard to understand - that a player who put offer at a similar price or even higher - doesn't benefit from it, but also takes away this opportunity from others? In the "higher lvl" caskets it is even worse, because there a possible breaking of a lockpick costs even a few golds, not 20s (and this should also be taken into account when calculating profitability). Reducing this to the "demand-supply" principle is wrong by definition, because it ignores the fact that the CONTENT OF THE BOX IS ALWAYS SPECIFIC, I mean you know which of several things can fall out and you can judge its value. And we are not talking about items whose prices fluctuate every now and then, and above all about resource materials whose prices (with individual, temporary exceptions) can be unchanged for X months
Some people may think that if I posted this post and I'm short on COM, it means that I didn't play the game, or I didn't meet any people - and you are right, you just think so, wrong
it was mentioned that you can't cooperate like that because someone will always disbelieve and it will fall like a house of cards - I agree, but this is still an excuse, because it is up to us (cooperation) it depends, just as it depends only on us whether we will join each other on a wercida/ rainbow or not. So why you can get along there, and not here? After all, it is an analogous situation in which it depends only on the will of each of us whether we act in the A way (we get the offer at the same price) or in the B way (we raise, showing others that they can also beat us - and finally ourselves we will suffer from it), in both situations "systems" allow us to make choice - why in wercida we can cooperate, and can't on exchange? .gif)
Most players (locksmiths) in PL cooperated in this way, with some minor exceptions, this situation lasted even for months - a matter of goodwill and understanding that by acting in someone else's way, you can come out with more benefit than by acting your own way without thinking. When someone disagreed and breaking price, he had to reckon with the fact that the same could happen to him and thus it was more difficult (more expensive and slower) to buy the boxes he wanted - some did not understand it and did not want to buy boxes at specific prices (~1,6g - in Poland they were lower, because the materials were also a bit cheaper), whining about the free market - it remains to ask, did you want the free market and you were crying about it thoughtlessly? Now, welcome to COM, where everyone can makes an offer for 2.5-3g, and then think about whether it is better to have the same 2x more or 2x cheaper?
and as I mentioned earlier - some players will not see the problem, people who only sell boxes, after all, more money goes to their wallet
What about players who only treat boxes on the stock exchange as a means to advance quickly? In PL, it was enough to mention it, talk about it, and sometimes (especially public-name offers) I talked myself and I was able to take off / limit my own offers, and ask others to do the same, who followed the common rules. So, it was a matter of getting along and cooperating so that a person who goes public on the short term for specific boxes could do it relatively easily and quickly.
And what is the situation of the "gray" boxes I talked about earlier? In magland last 3-4 weeks, they are regularly bought by only 2 players who can raise the price a day several times for 1s, and for a few days it starts from about 1.2g to 1.7g only for someone to finally understand that "oh it has gone too far" and re-issue 1.2g, and then the latter raises it again to 1.21g and we go further without drawing any conclusions. What's coolest? That these players do not have a chance to advance locksmith lvl, so they do it strictly for profit
yes, with two of them can lead to a situation in which opening the box is max 5s profit, instead of cooperating, not breaking through each other and collecting several times more profit, well, cool - we justify it with empty slogans "free market"
when a "new player" comes, who wants just to increase the locksmith lvl, he will definitely be happy, knowing that he is spending about 40% more than each box... but remember, the slogan "free market" and it already relieves you of thinking
@ --SLY--
Thank you for the answers - I respect the opinion.
Maybe the fact (caskets) I have quoted is specific and is different from the others. Well, while you can actually talk about the aspect of supply and demand in the case of evil eyes, cents, inks, etc. in the case of buying caskets it is very limited. Why? A player who buys this way has 2 ways to make a profit:
1. Locksmith lvl advance - and even let it not be subject to any market price, I would understand (I will also talk about it later)
2. Earnings from the profession - and unfortunately, you can come up with reasons, look for excuses, but here the price of the item should always depend on the game and its conditions. Why? Since you have a certain value of cash inside, and materials/items, the price of which you can estimate if you have already opened a lot (and since you already involve the stock exchange, you can clearly determine this value of profitability), so it is logical that after proposing a certain price, it simply isn't profitable.
Few days ago I was talking about "gray boxes" (120 & 135 lvl), so on the example of the more expensive ones - after opening you get about 1.35g and resources/elixirs worth another ~30s (it depends, I'm giving the average value - but the total profit is therefore 1.65g), why is it so hard to understand - that a player who put offer at a similar price or even higher - doesn't benefit from it, but also takes away this opportunity from others? In the "higher lvl" caskets it is even worse, because there a possible breaking of a lockpick costs even a few golds, not 20s (and this should also be taken into account when calculating profitability). Reducing this to the "demand-supply" principle is wrong by definition, because it ignores the fact that the CONTENT OF THE BOX IS ALWAYS SPECIFIC, I mean you know which of several things can fall out and you can judge its value. And we are not talking about items whose prices fluctuate every now and then, and above all about resource materials whose prices (with individual, temporary exceptions) can be unchanged for X months
Some people may think that if I posted this post and I'm short on COM, it means that I didn't play the game, or I didn't meet any people - and you are right, you just think so, wrong

Most players (locksmiths) in PL cooperated in this way, with some minor exceptions, this situation lasted even for months - a matter of goodwill and understanding that by acting in someone else's way, you can come out with more benefit than by acting your own way without thinking. When someone disagreed and breaking price, he had to reckon with the fact that the same could happen to him and thus it was more difficult (more expensive and slower) to buy the boxes he wanted - some did not understand it and did not want to buy boxes at specific prices (~1,6g - in Poland they were lower, because the materials were also a bit cheaper), whining about the free market - it remains to ask, did you want the free market and you were crying about it thoughtlessly? Now, welcome to COM, where everyone can makes an offer for 2.5-3g, and then think about whether it is better to have the same 2x more or 2x cheaper?

What about players who only treat boxes on the stock exchange as a means to advance quickly? In PL, it was enough to mention it, talk about it, and sometimes (especially public-name offers) I talked myself and I was able to take off / limit my own offers, and ask others to do the same, who followed the common rules. So, it was a matter of getting along and cooperating so that a person who goes public on the short term for specific boxes could do it relatively easily and quickly.
And what is the situation of the "gray" boxes I talked about earlier? In magland last 3-4 weeks, they are regularly bought by only 2 players who can raise the price a day several times for 1s, and for a few days it starts from about 1.2g to 1.7g only for someone to finally understand that "oh it has gone too far" and re-issue 1.2g, and then the latter raises it again to 1.21g and we go further without drawing any conclusions. What's coolest? That these players do not have a chance to advance locksmith lvl, so they do it strictly for profit

I just wanna be famous...
...but be careful what you wish for
...but be careful what you wish for
@ Gwenpool
Look, a lot of people won't read it because they don't enter the forum (or they only do it in terms of events and games) and I know it. On the other hand, if for someone it is a feat and a problem to read a text longer than 3 sentences, it probably shows badly about him... and if he/she has a problem with it, probably won't even understand what we're talking about ~ 1,9g ~ 1,86g
Above are the current prices (exchange) of the above-mentioned boxes, the highest in a month on exchange (resulting from the addition of several more buyers). From the boxes you can get the value that I estimated above (1.5g - silver and 1.65g - gold), and this is the maximum profitability limit. So how (especially experts on the blunt slogan "free market" which supposedly entitles to everything, even mindless) you explain - why:
1) boxes whose contents are identical, except for a 15s shift in favor of gold box... are at such a price that the silver ones are even more expensive?
2) do players buy items at a price that is not profitable? Well, unless you sell 120lvl resources every day for 4s, and blood and vampire elixirs for 1.5s and power for 1s - then I wish you return to earth (but looking at your "ideal prices in the stock market" this is not the case, yaay)
(It's short and to the point
some ignorant people will not get it anyway, and for someone who would like to understand it - there were messages above)
Look, a lot of people won't read it because they don't enter the forum (or they only do it in terms of events and games) and I know it. On the other hand, if for someone it is a feat and a problem to read a text longer than 3 sentences, it probably shows badly about him... and if he/she has a problem with it, probably won't even understand what we're talking about ~ 1,9g ~ 1,86g
Above are the current prices (exchange) of the above-mentioned boxes, the highest in a month on exchange (resulting from the addition of several more buyers). From the boxes you can get the value that I estimated above (1.5g - silver and 1.65g - gold), and this is the maximum profitability limit. So how (especially experts on the blunt slogan "free market" which supposedly entitles to everything, even mindless) you explain - why:
1) boxes whose contents are identical, except for a 15s shift in favor of gold box... are at such a price that the silver ones are even more expensive?
2) do players buy items at a price that is not profitable? Well, unless you sell 120lvl resources every day for 4s, and blood and vampire elixirs for 1.5s and power for 1s - then I wish you return to earth (but looking at your "ideal prices in the stock market" this is not the case, yaay)
(It's short and to the point

I just wanna be famous...
...but be careful what you wish for
...but be careful what you wish for
- 1
- 2

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