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Monday, April 19th 2021, 10:09pm

keeping fairs and events on a schedule

Would be really nice if game administration could keep the fairs and other events on a proper schedule; every few months you guys fail to do the fairs in a timely manner and all the timed stuff we buy goes out the window.


Monday, April 19th 2021, 10:32pm

Dr Hanasomay


Monday, April 19th 2021, 10:59pm



Monday, April 19th 2021, 11:15pm



Tuesday, April 20th 2021, 1:16am


An increase in a lot of timers would be nice. I despise timers on most items. 7d timers (or less in some cases) on some items are ridiculous especially if you need to save a couple to buy shop items. Even some new monthly seasonal items with 30 days are going to time out due to event dates not falling "monthly" i.e. Kretch Amulets. Which makes them somewhat useless for several months unless you just waste them to use them up.

 lol666 [9] 


Posts: 771

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Tuesday, April 20th 2021, 2:34pm

Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:

Posts: 75

Location: Cold Winds of Nowhere

Occupation: CEO of Ghostly Serpagon Inc.

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Tuesday, April 20th 2021, 9:48pm


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