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new english???????????????????????????ßß
Воины Огрия и Хаира! Сражение на Древнем плато началось! Великие драконы призывают вас в бой!
is this new english and why cant I complain this? so I ask these individuals who call themselves guards: how often do you admonish these so-called admins?
Translating takes time and manpower which needs money. You really think they are going to spend money so players could understand what is going on?
Unfortunately the invitation to dragons fights has been untranslated for a long time
Not that anyone is nowadays interested in the ancient plateau.
Unfortunately the invitation to dragons fights has been untranslated for a long time Not that anyone is nowadays interested in the ancient plateau.
im sorry but...
has anyone ever dealt with fixing bugs in this game?
Unfortunately the invitation to dragons fights has been untranslated for a long time Not that anyone is nowadays interested in the ancient plateau.
im sorry but...
has anyone ever dealt with fixing bugs in this game?
in short - yes - but every bug fixed brings out 3 more