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[GUIDE] Worships


In addition to the quest descriptions below, you can also take a look the following Library articles related to reputations:
- Reputations
- Reputation Rating
- Sparks of the Heavenly Fire

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Sequana" (May 28th 2023, 7:12pm)
Brotherhood of Virtue
Required level: 5

Quest: Bring Norak the Virtuous Emanation of Good (15000 pcs).
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 22nd 2022, 4:58pm)
Destroyers of Chaos
Required level: 5

Quest: The quest consists of several stages:
1. Hand in 20 Chaos Amulets of Noitcerruser and 10 Chaos Amulets of Relaeh. Then use the received teleportation scroll and defeat the Army of GunglsXO [9] (5 GunglsXO will attack you).
2. Hand in 400 Chaos Elixirs of Rewop, 300 Chaos Elixirs of Nelots Efil and 100 Chaos Elixir of Doolb. Then use the received teleportation scroll and defeat 5 (weakened) DefilersDO [10]. Rukham/Bakhasha will help you in fight.
3. Hand in 300 Chaos Elixirs of Efil, then use the received teleportation scroll and defeat 4 (weakened) DefilersXO [12]. Rukham/Bakhasha will help you in fight.
4. Hand in 150 Chaos Elixirs of Tnaig, then use the received teleportation scroll and defeat 3 (weakened) Generals UyarrMO [12]. you will be helped by a Healer, Warrior, and Rukham/Bakhasha.
5. Hand in 25 Chaos Elixirs of Htaed Nogard, then use the received teleportation scroll and defeat a (weakened) Large Egnu [16]. The Egnu will summon 4 DefilersDO, 4 DefilersHO and 4 GunglsXO (the Defilers will be weakened same as in the previous fights). You will be helped by a Healer, Warrior, Rukham/Bakhasha, and Sheara.
6. Hand in 1 UyarrMO Sword and 1 UyarrMO Shield, then use the received teleportation scroll and defeat a (weakened) Egnu Lord [18], a Large Egnu, 3 DefilersXO and 5 DefilersDO (all of them weakened same as in the previous fights). You will be helped by 2 Warriors, 2 Healers, Rukham/Bakhasha, and Sheara.
7. Hand in 1 UyarrMO Helmet and 1 UyarrMO Pauldrons, then use the received teleportation scroll and defeat 10 of each Egnu Lords, Large Egnu, Generals UyarrMO, DefilersDO, DefilersXO and GunglsXO (all of them weakened same as in the previous fights). You will be helped by Warriors, Healers, Warlord, Rukham/Bakhasha, and Sheara.
The fights can be quite difficult, especially the last one, and even though you will be helped by many NPCs, it's better to go well-prepared. If you die in one of the fights, the fight will end and you will have to use the scroll to start it again (you won't need to hand in the resources for the second time though).
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 31st 2022, 10:06pm)
Hunters of Fortune
Required level: 5

Quest: Bring Poker/Cardsharp 1000 Grains of Magical Sand.
To create the Grains of Magical Sand, you will need Manuscripts of Crushing. They can be purchased in the Tavern Shop, each manuscript costs

Therefore, to complete the quest, you will need 8350-25000 pcs of Marvelous Glass and 334-1000 Manuscripts of Crushing (

Alternative quest: Hand in 7 Sparks of the Heavenly Fires.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 31st 2022, 10:04pm)
Required level: 5
Night Stealers:

Red Axes:

Stone Lotus:

Quest: Hand in 50 Imp Cubes, 50 Demon Cubes and 50 Devil Cubes.
Learn more about the Combo-Cubes
Please note that in order to finish this quest, you need to have 3000 reputation. If you have switched to the other Mercenaries reputation before completing the quest, you will have to complete daily tasks (or hand in Sparks) until your reputation reaches 3000 again before you will be able to finish the quest for the Medal of Worship.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 31st 2022, 10:09pm)
Relic Seekers
Required level: 5

Quest: Bring Menachem/Samary The Goblet of Baddukh 1 pcs, The Klesh Sacrophagus 3 pcs, The Mask of Horror 10 pcs, Cuccko Flowers 500 pcs, and Fire Flowers 1000 pcs.
You can use both transferrable and non-transferrable Fire Flowers and Cuckoo Flowers, as lons as their quantities sum up to at least 1000 for Fire Flowers and 500 for Cuckoos.
Remember that each Mask of Horror, Klesh Sacrophagus and Goblet of Baddukh will take a separate space in your backpack. They also have a lifespan of 90 days.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 31st 2022, 10:18pm)
Underground Knights
Required level: 5

Quest: Obtain three certificates of the Underground Knights.
The First Underground Knights certificate can be received by handing in 250 Crystalline Coals to the Arsenal Keeper.
The Second Underground Knights certificate can be obtained by achieving 10 victories in the Tournament of Worship. Alternatively, you can hand in Sparks of the Heavenly Fires – 2 Sparks will count as 1 Tournament victory.
The Third Underground Knights certificate can be earned by providing 50 Combat Certificates. Combat Certificates can be obtained by bringing the Arsenal Keeper scalps of defeated enemies – 10 scalps will give you 1 Combat Certificate. They can also be purchased from other players.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 22nd 2022, 5:02pm)
Required level: 6

1. Talk to Okteon, who will send you to find Stack of Books in the Captain's Cabin on the Sunken Ship.
You do not have to kill the Captain to get the books, just click on the cachein the Captain's location:

After you find the books, return to Okteon.
2. Search for the Tasfero Body and Tasfero Pin in an abandoned cabin on the Sunken Ship.
Go to the Sunken Ship instance (it can be the same instance copy as in the previous step). In the First room kill all of the Skeleton Sailors in the hunt screen, then enter the First dead-end and click on the chest:

Then talk to Volnar the Wizard.
3. Bring Volnar an empty Efril Replicator.
The replicator can be purchased in the Relic Seekers shop for 30g if you have at least 1000 Relic Seekers reputation. If you do not have enough reputation or you are already using one,

4. After you have purchased the replicator, talk to Volnar, then bring the Tasfero parts to Okteon.
5. Go to the Underwater Jail and put 550 Deep Sea Shells in the Tasfero.
You will be attacked by Apostate Mage [9].
The fight isn’t very difficult. Remember to equip 1 Tranquility Amulet to remove Flaundin Fury effect. The mage will also summon sharkers (up to 5), so you might want to take some food for Lagmur and/or a few Sharker Amulets.
6. After the fight, talk to Akvarius to finish the quest.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 22nd 2022, 5:08pm)
Hunters of the Undead
Required level: 7
NPC: Shiko the Paladin (

Quest: Obtain Obscurant and bring it to Shiko the Paladin.

Effects used by the Enraged Dragon:
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 22nd 2022, 5:07pm)
Great Battles
Required level: 7

Quest: After talking to the Great Dragon, Goddess Aladeya, and God of the Cursed and the Dead obtain Scale of the Great Dragon (Scale of Erifarius or Scale of Striagorn depending on race), Elemental Lord Essence, and Crown of the Intransigent King, and bring them to

To obtain the items, you need to complete 3 sub-quests:
Great Battle of the Dragons (

1. Achieve 1000 victories in Great Battles or obtain the achievement Great Battles Vanquisher, then return to the Great Dragon.
2. Hand in resources: Imp Combo-Cube (30 pcs), Demon Combo-Cube (5 pcs), Devil Combo Cube (1 pcs).
3. Win a battle, after which you will receive the Dragon Scale.
Alternative quest: After accepting the quest Great Battle of the Dragons, you can hand in 20 Sparks of the Heavenly Fires to

Great Battle of the Dead (Altar of Darkness)
1. Bring 300 Scalps as an offering to the altar of the God of the Cursed and the Dead at the

2. Obtain 100 Evil Eyes and 300 Skulls, then return to the Altar of Darkness.
3. Remove everything from your belt and talk to the Altar to start the battle. You will be given some effects for the fight. The fight itself is not very difficult. After the fight you will receive Crown of the Intransigent King.
Great Battle spawned by elements (Altar of Life)
1. Bring 30 Idalles to the Altar of Life.
2. Talk to Blacksmith

3. Defeat Elementals army. Again, not a very difficult fight, after which you will receive Elemental Lord Essence.
Return to the Warlord to complete the quest.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 31st 2022, 10:24pm)
Great Dragons
Required level: 7
NPC: Altar of Dragon (

Quest: Bring an offering to the Altar: Dragon Blood (3286 pcs), Magic Purple Ink (1845 pcs) and Liquid Nacre (7890 pcs).
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 31st 2022, 10:02pm)
Goddess Aladeya
Required level: 7
NPC: Altar of Life (

Quest: Bring an offering to the Altar: Sighing Grass (2875 pcs), Dragon Blood Dust (12660 pcs) and Malleable Stone (5340 pcs).
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 31st 2022, 9:59pm)
God of the Cursed and Dead
Required level: 7
NPC: Altar of Darkness (

Quest: Bring an offering to the Altar: Crystal Sturgeon (4759 pcs), Collected Sighing Grass (450 pcs) and Silver-plated Petal (11655 pcs).
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 31st 2022, 10:03pm)
Required level: 11

Quest: Go to the Ruined Temple of Truth, summon the powerful Superbeing Spirits with the help of Celestial Quicksilver and obtain 200 Liros Shining (200 pcs).
Celestial Quicksilver can be obtained by exchanging the regular Juggernaut resources through dialogue with Demonologists

When you gather the necessary amount of Celestial Quicksilver to summon the Superbeing Spirits, you can go to the Temple of Truth (via dialogue with Brugilda/Gredeya).
The instance is available every 24 hours for 3 hours, you need a group to enter (but remember you can only enter the Temple alone). During one instance run you can only kill each of the Superbeing Spirits once. Certain number of Liros is rewarded for each Spirit you kill. You cannot get more than 35 in a single instance copy. The number of collected Liros can be checked in Backpack - Attributes - Quests. After reaching a certain number of collected Liros, some Superbeing Spirits become unavailable.

The Spirits are similar to the regular Superbeings, some are identical and some are stronger (have more life points and their hits are stronger, but skills are the same as regular superbeings):
Harcide Spirit [6] (stronger than the regular Harcide)
Gurraldiy Korr Spirit [7] (stronger than the regular Korr)
Spirit of Captain Claw [8] (stronger than the regular Captain)
Spider Patriarch Spirit [9]
Bog Elf Spirit [10]
Fire Golem Spirit [11] (stronger than the regular Golem)
Emperor Scorpion Spirit [12]
Resurrected Ghoul Spirit [13]
Bone Dragon Spirit [14]
Uborg Spirit [15]
During fights in the Temple you cannot summon wraiths and mounts. The only exception is Temple Custodian [15]. You can summon it unlimited number of times, but each time will cost you 1000 Celestial Quicksilver. The Custodian is pretty strong and has useful skills, so it's recommended to always have some spare Celestial Quicksilver in case you need help in a fight against one of the Spirits.
It is also possible to obtain Liros by handing in Sparks of the Heavenly Fires: 1 Spark gives 7 Liros.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 22nd 2022, 5:16pm)
Pet Patrons
Required level: 11

1. Hand in resources to:
- Sorcerer

- Demonologist



2. Find witch Belinda's cave (find the cave in the location screen of

3. Go back to Scolopendra Coast/Daigon Islands and defeat Belinda the Sorceress [13]. Remember to equip the received Dead Water.
Alternative quest:

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Caraxes" (Feb 9th 2025, 12:58pm)
Nymph Water God
Required level: 11

Quest: Hand in resources: Water Sphere (150 pcs), Small Potion of Success (20 pcs), Scarlet Ink (1389 pcs), Schoo Essence (1389 pcs), Collected Glowpetal (500 pcs), Collected Ceptoris (500 pcs), Smaraglis Dust (12500 pcs), Mountain Lagric Dust (12500 pcs).
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 31st 2022, 10:27pm)
Sylphius Air Goddess
Required level: 11

Quest: Hand in resources: Air Sphere (150 pcs), Small Potion of Success (20 pcs), Ultramarine Ink (1389 pcs), Bluecraw Essence (1389 pcs), Collected Irvis (500 pcs), Collected Lonebud (500 pcs), Armedian Dust (12500 pcs), Caratide Dust (12500 pcs).
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 31st 2022, 10:29pm)
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