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Sunday, October 3rd 2021, 12:35am

How to be good at battlefields?

So I did a couple of battlefields and noticed everyone is always like 10 times stronger than me even with green and blue armour. Everyone has those crazy rare and expensive armour, items, blessings, mounts, pets, and what not. :stronger:

I know this game requires a lot of grinding (or money) to be good, but I just need to know how I can match the other players. Assuming I have the time and ressources, where do you suggest I start if I want to be seriously strong ? How do I prepare optimally for a battlefield ?


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Sunday, October 3rd 2021, 11:32am

You don't. This is a pay to win game and you can see it more than clearly on those levels. If you stay low lvl you will waste your time trying to reach p2w player strength and you will most likely fail. Best thing to do is level higher where you have significantly profitable hunts and better resources to pick, thus A LOT easier and better way of upgrading you character (even without battlefields, which you kinda don't need).

Unless you WANT to grind lvl 3-4. Then prepare to pick rocks indefinitely.

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Sunday, October 3rd 2021, 6:25pm

you need at least purple set with decent symbols and runes to compete with strong players there are not that much stat difference between blue and purple items for 3-5 level sets but the real difference is you can get 4 symbols on purple items so more chance to get great ones combined, for example symbols like stalwart shield or devastation are important as non mage but you need to spend a lot to get really useful symbols also there are talents too so imo its not worth to spend years at 3-4 levels while you can level up hunt properly get reps etc and dont listen naked hunters saying how good is naked hunt it is the worst thing you can do at those levels

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