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09/06/21 - Changes to rune transfers
Following the recent update, the mechanics for transfers of runes has changed. Previously, you were required to contact the technical support team to request the transfer, however now you can extract the rune from your item using the new Scroll of Rune Transfer and place it into another item. The new scroll can be obtained from a Runic Master's Box.
The Runic Master's Box will be available for purchase during the Special Chests sale in the premium shop. It will not be possible to purchase this chest outside of the event.
Players may still own the old style of rune transfer certificates, so an additional option has been added to this, to allow the manual transfer of runes.
Please note: there are currently issues with this function in the game client, so please use the certificate in your browser.
Please feel free to contact me if further information is required.
Thank you!
18/10/21 - Clarification to functionality of Rune Transfers
If the target item (the item which you wish to transfer the rune to) has an existing rune, it will not be possible to transfer the rune via the scroll.
You will be required to contact the Support Team and ask them to delete the rune in the target item. After that, you can use the scroll to transfer a rune to the target item.
The Runic Master's Box will be available for purchase during the Special Chests sale in the premium shop. It will not be possible to purchase this chest outside of the event.
Players may still own the old style of rune transfer certificates, so an additional option has been added to this, to allow the manual transfer of runes.
Please note: there are currently issues with this function in the game client, so please use the certificate in your browser.
Please feel free to contact me if further information is required.
Thank you!
18/10/21 - Clarification to functionality of Rune Transfers
If the target item (the item which you wish to transfer the rune to) has an existing rune, it will not be possible to transfer the rune via the scroll.
You will be required to contact the Support Team and ask them to delete the rune in the target item. After that, you can use the scroll to transfer a rune to the target item.
This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Oct 18th 2021, 4:28pm)
11/06/21 - Battlefield Inactivity Letter
With the recent update, a new feature is being developed to counter inactivity on battlefields. The feature itself is not yet fully active and is still being adjusted. If you have received a system letter in the last few days, informing you of inactivity on battlefields, you can ignore this for now.
More information about this feature will be released in the news when this feature is formally launched.
11/11/21 - This feature is now live.
25/01/22 - This feature has now been disabled, so players should no longer receive Battlefield inactivity letters or Marks of Shame
More information about this feature will be released in the news when this feature is formally launched.
11/11/21 - This feature is now live.
25/01/22 - This feature has now been disabled, so players should no longer receive Battlefield inactivity letters or Marks of Shame
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Jan 25th 2022, 1:41pm)
28/06/21 - Clan Wars Season Reward
The bless is now available at the Archivists (initially this had a glitch where winning clans could not receive the bless).
Conditions for bless availability:
Player in clan for more than 33 days.
Clan ranks (at end of season): 1-10 in Gold, 1-20 in Silver or 1-3 in Bronze.
Conditions for bless availability:
Player in clan for more than 33 days.
Clan ranks (at end of season): 1-10 in Gold, 1-20 in Silver or 1-3 in Bronze.
30/06/21 - Clan Wars Rewards (Blessing)
There have been some issues regarding the clan wars blessings from the Archivists. Information as follows:
Please note, unlike other blessings, this does not appear in your blessings list or character statistics page.
- If you have not yet collected your bless, you can do so as normal and will recieve the correct one.
- Players who have collected their blessing, but do not have any coin bonuses when they should, can contact support here. Players in this category will typically be in clans who ranked 14-20 in Silver league and 1-3 in Bronze league.
- Players who have collected their blessing, but do not have the correct coin bonus, can contact support here. Players in this category will typically be in clans who ranked 11-13 in Silver league.
Please note, unlike other blessings, this does not appear in your blessings list or character statistics page.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Jun 30th 2021, 2:16pm)
05/07/21 - Magic Mirror Event
There was an initial glitch on this event, and so each game had a price of 1 gold and the Reflection Chests were priced at 50 gold/diamonds. This has now been corrected to 50 silver and 25 gold/diamonds, as per the usual pricing.
If you purchased a Reflection Chest for 50 gold/diamonds, you can contact support here to request a refund for the excess paid.
If you purchased a Reflection Chest for 50 gold/diamonds, you can contact support here to request a refund for the excess paid.
20/07/21 - Referrals
Players may currently experience issues with referral links - if you transferred server, whether by a premium service or the server merge, the referral system may not currently work for you.
There are no estimated timescales for when this may be resolved.
There are no estimated timescales for when this may be resolved.
29/07/21 - [IMPORTANT] Clarity on use of mouse buttons
There have recently been a lot of questions on the use of mouse buttons to assist actions while hunting.
Please see below a clarification:
Please note: these are just examples, all uses of mouse buttons for more than one action are defined as macros. The use of macros is a bannable offence as per the game rules, found here
If you have any questions, please either contact me, the Magmar Guards team or the Human Guards team.
Thank you.
Please see below a clarification:
- You CAN link a key to a mouse button to perform ONE single action. Example: a mouse button to hit in the upwards direction.
- You CANNOT link multiple keys to a mouse button to perform MULTIPLE actions. Example: to use a single mouse button to use a belt slot and hit in the upwards direction.
Please note: these are just examples, all uses of mouse buttons for more than one action are defined as macros. The use of macros is a bannable offence as per the game rules, found here
If you have any questions, please either contact me, the Magmar Guards team or the Human Guards team.
Thank you.
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Jul 30th 2021, 3:29pm)
02/09/21 - Clan Wars (First Division)
Issues were experienced in today's clan wars for the first division, therefore all battle instances have been terminated. As a result, there will be no Clan Wars fights today (Thursday 2nd September).
The issue will be investigated and further information will follow in due course. The rating is expected to reset and this issue should not have a bearing on the final results of the Clan Wars season.
At this moment, there is no additional information regarding compensation for blessings used.
The issue will be investigated and further information will follow in due course. The rating is expected to reset and this issue should not have a bearing on the final results of the Clan Wars season.
At this moment, there is no additional information regarding compensation for blessings used.
14/09/21 - Clan Wars (First Division)
Today's Clan Wars for the First Division ran in test mode again. It commenced without issues, however if you faced any problems, please send me forum mail outlining them.
Please note:
Please note:
- The Clan Wars season is expected to officially start on Thursday 16th September.
- The ratings will be reset ahead of the fights. The results of the test fights will not have any influence on the outcome of the season.
- There is currently no information regarding compensation of blessings for test runs of the Clan Wars season.
31/10/21 - Ergam Anniversary Quests
The Anniversary quests related to Ergam have been temporarily disabled due to glitches caused by the time change.
If you have finished the Brave New World quest, you can access Ergam manually (for the Labyrinth instance) via Favytor Suburbs or Grand Ford Suburbs or 3 times per day via the Ergam teleportation scroll.
More information to follow regarding the anniversary quest line.
If you have finished the Brave New World quest, you can access Ergam manually (for the Labyrinth instance) via Favytor Suburbs or Grand Ford Suburbs or 3 times per day via the Ergam teleportation scroll.
More information to follow regarding the anniversary quest line.
22/12/21 - Fight Load Times
Aware that there are currently severe issues with the client, both with the auto-load plugins and fight load times.
Just for info - fights run normally on browser. Please ensure that you have the "Use FProxy" option unticked and there should not be any delays.
To untick the "Use FProxy" option, go to: Character -> Personal -> Preferences. Scroll down to "Others", and you should see the option there.
There is currently no further information regarding estimated fix times for the client, however the issues have been reported.
Just for info - fights run normally on browser. Please ensure that you have the "Use FProxy" option unticked and there should not be any delays.
To untick the "Use FProxy" option, go to: Character -> Personal -> Preferences. Scroll down to "Others", and you should see the option there.
There is currently no further information regarding estimated fix times for the client, however the issues have been reported.
[29/12/2021] - [IMPORTANT] Restart of Fight Servers today!
IMPORTANT: Today during the day fights will be interrupted a couple of times as fightserver needs restarting in the attempt to fix server lags. Please do not start any long or important fights like Eshu-Decks today then! Thank you for your understanding!
25/01/22 - Battlefield Inactivity Letter/Marks of Shame
This feature has now been disabled so players should no longer receive letters or Marks of Shame after participating on battlefields.
Please see this post for more details on the previous functionality of this feature.
Please see this post for more details on the previous functionality of this feature.
26/03/22 - Temporary merging of worlds event
This change relates to the Temporary merging of worlds event.
Midday Reward Chests and Small Midday Reward Chests, without the use of Midday coin of Good Luck, can be obtained up to three times a day. If you have a coin, you will still receive two chests.
How it works: Coin charges are first spent on bonus double rewards. When the charges run out and the coin evaporates, the "three chests a day" counter starts working.
Midday Reward Chests and Small Midday Reward Chests, without the use of Midday coin of Good Luck, can be obtained up to three times a day. If you have a coin, you will still receive two chests.
How it works: Coin charges are first spent on bonus double rewards. When the charges run out and the coin evaporates, the "three chests a day" counter starts working.
29/03/2022 - Calling of the queen (wrong tokens)
Please note: The Queen's Calling bosses were previously dropping Legendary Fourteenth Anniversary Badge. You may now exchange this for the correct tokens in the Ergam Rarity Shop.
Mobs also have been fixed and should now drop the correct tokens.
Mobs also have been fixed and should now drop the correct tokens.

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