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Thursday, December 23rd 2021, 5:30pm

I have never had proxy activated before.

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Thursday, December 23rd 2021, 7:40pm

+1 horrible lag. Can't hunt as find myself in a fight before I even have a chance to start picking. Use browser version at this time and the fp proxy box was already unchecked. Bit worrying and hopefully you guys will get on it as soon as poss ;) Happy Christmas eh? :D
Of course you are....and I am the Queen Of Sheba.


Thursday, December 23rd 2021, 8:52pm

News Since unfortunately not only the game is getting older, but also its gamers, the server speed was throttled to make the game more pleasant for the over 60+ generation

:xmasparty: :snowball: :smoke:


Thursday, December 23rd 2021, 10:02pm

^ :smile: :lol: ^

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Friday, December 24th 2021, 6:58am

This game every year always changes for the worse.
A multi-milion dollar company after 10+ years does not make a real update to the client (and game graphics) which is basically outdated from many point of view, not to mention the maintenance which, instead of solving problems, creates new and worse ones or the technical support which after 1 month haven't solved my problem yet without even giving me an answer, and so on...
At this point it's not that crazy believe UnderDemon when he said their goal is to silently close the game which is a real shame, as the game is quite nice (it would not have survived all this time otherwise), but since when server merged, is managed passively and absently, the community no longer has a say.
It's a really interesting topic to bring up. If you know, you know, the manpower, the resources, everything is being taken from here and being put to work in mobile games (the ones you see being promoted on the main page). Every single year I would see people saying "man wth this game is dead what's going on" but game was still somewhat alive. Every time there was a problem, you'd see admin, community manager, whatever that person's title is, just coming online to deal with it. You would get tech support when you contacted them instead of "talk to mentors in game lmao" answers we're all getting nowadays. You would get events where things were... fun. Yeah, fun. Nowadays it's all just the same repetitive cycle going on and on and on again, everything's automated and the human factor has been taken out of the equation. You want to complain that something is not working right? Oh boo effin hoo, you can't. Go ahead and meme something, dare to criticise and we'll see how far you can go. Every month you get the events in this exact order and in this exact order only: Luck Glow, Mirror Magic, Special Chests, Magic Moulds, Diamond Certificate sales. PvP events? Well yes, we do have them. Remember how hard you tried to get your purple armor? Well forget about it now, we live in the future that is the battlefields of the past, nobody can use their armor they worked so hard for. Oh you want to do arena? Well too bad, it will be filled with people who have red armor even though red armor is forbidden (it's the 6/1 and 90d red armor from 10 years ago dumdum, not the new red armor) in the battlefields. The game is laggy for days or even weeks and nothing is being fixed in the meantime. We have a discord server everybody! We're following the technology, we're the "hip" old people just like you fellow youngsters! Except, well, the server is shut down after being run by a syndicate of moderators who would just silence people left and right because they were having fun, now we moved to the russian discord server where saying anything can get you silenced and even banned cause why not? We could make it so that nobody can text anything and the entire server is just for you guys to know about the changes, but we allow you to speak, however one wrong move and it's game over. And learn to speak Russian for god's sakes. You can't contact the admin team directly in any other way.

You can't do pvp because you don't have that old game where you would have to grind so hard for valor, play with your buddies and even if you were trash you could have some fun. Now PvPs are taking a minimum of 1 hour and afterwards someone kretches out to deny the other guy of getting the scalp. Same goes for tallaar's halls minus the kretch, fights go on and on and on, or the chaotics. Wait, hold on, did I catch you guys having FUN?! In this game?! FUN?!?!?!?! How dare you! Now we have timetables for the meridian vaults, that will show you. This place has a clear "No fun allowed" sign.

You can't hunt because it's a total chore since there are events you HAVE TO take part in, without might charm your effects don't mean anything, without oceans amulet your damage is lower, without the prismatic signet ring the enemy has the upper hand, these are a MUST HAVE, not a sweet extra like they used to be.

The events are repetitive, the changes are uninspired and are for the worse with every new update, the attention the server gets is zero and since they can't just say "hey it's the closing hour, come on, shoo" they are probably just doing all of this to make you get bored and go somewhere else. To be honest, it's working. All those people who were saying "game is dead" were wrong. But if they came today and said the same thing they said over the years, they'd be right.

Isn't this as if someone is trying to say something? It's almost like they're just trying to kick everyone out. I mean when you go to's website you don't see any advertisements for this game, nothing, nada. But here on the main page there are advertisements for some other stuff which is also promoted on that site. I guess this place will also end up just like Juggernaut did. But hey, there's nothing we can do about it, just let it go. As my boy Ivan Drago said it years ago: If it dies, it dies.

Just my two cents.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Friday, December 24th 2021, 5:13pm

I wish they would just get it over with then & close the game & put us all out of our misery, because misery is how it currently feels. It's pretty much unplayable for me now & I seem like I've just been going through the motions for years now.

I just worked out with last ahem "update" I am killing at least 50% LESS monsters than I was before this latest update & I was killing 100% more a couple of years back before a update that delayed the fighting closure time (regular event fights now close slower than normal hunting), that is how bad it is for me as fights now take so much longer to initiate then actually start.


Monday, December 27th 2021, 4:15am

+1 recario


Wednesday, December 29th 2021, 1:11pm

The fight load issues on client should be fixed now. If you experience any further issues with lag, please post here.

Still awaiting a patch for the client plugin issues (belt/armour). Will provide an update when there is further information.


Wednesday, December 29th 2021, 1:46pm

quick pocket foods and messages are still laggy, fights are like normal but sometimes still slow


Wednesday, December 29th 2021, 2:52pm

14:49 The battle « Angriff auf Gungl-Einzelgänger» was interrupted.
New Lags


Wednesday, December 29th 2021, 3:05pm

It seems some fine tuning is still on-going so there may be further interruptions.


Wednesday, December 29th 2021, 3:07pm

It seems some fine tuning is still on-going so there may be further interruptions.
Ah oki, thanks


Wednesday, December 29th 2021, 5:25pm

NOTHING changed with autodress and belt, with général lag that took some second for every clic. Need still 10mn + for change stuff, belt and bless !!!


Wednesday, December 29th 2021, 5:59pm

Still same lag when using mount, summon, arhas in fight .well:

Still DB Error! for some lvl in rating .... (17-16 for sure didn't check the others)

still need 3s for open cube etc etc .....


Wednesday, December 29th 2021, 7:13pm

Level 6

Still DB Error! for some lvl in rating ....


Wednesday, December 29th 2021, 7:16pm

Still DB Error! for some lvl in rating .... (17-16 for sure didn't check the others)
+1 same problem afflict lv 10 ratings furthermore general ratings have not been updated in these days.


Friday, December 31st 2021, 1:56pm

I tried a hunt today (30min), and it wasn't good at all. I had a lag problem on average 4-5 fights.

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