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Server Issues
To help better raise issues for further fixes, if you are still facing lag issues, please can you detail them in this thread. Please also provide information on if this is via client or browser (and type of browser).
Example: [Client] When attacking monsters, there is a delay in initiating fights.
Issues which should have been patched already:
Please note: This thread is only to report issues. Any off-topic comments or discussions will be deleted.
Example: [Client] When attacking monsters, there is a delay in initiating fights.
Issues which should have been patched already:
- Client plugin options (belt/armour) load time
- Load time during fights
- Player Rankings
Please note: This thread is only to report issues. Any off-topic comments or discussions will be deleted.
This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Jan 12th 2022, 11:36am)
[client] Fights dont load fast like before
[Client] Eating, summon wraiths and mounts takes ages
[Client] Using buffs takes ages
[Client] Using…ct_id=781832301( and other weapons with "Eyes")Causes lags in fights
[Client] when the fight is over , takes ages to exit
[Client] Eating, summon wraiths and mounts takes ages
[Client] Using buffs takes ages
[Client] Using…ct_id=781832301( and other weapons with "Eyes")Causes lags in fights
[Client] when the fight is over , takes ages to exit
Since 21st December Update, of which some are covered above but I want to make sure it is not perceived as exclusive but for many/all.
The lists below are a summary for both the client & Firefox Browser (unless noted otherwise);-
Fights;- Loading & completing...
1. Fights still take a long time to inititate/load after clicking on monster (3-8 seconds when used to be instantly)
2. Fights take a long time to finish & go back to hunt screen (2-5 seconds after kill when used to be "almost" instant)
The fights themselves seem to be as fast as always
3. Fight with shadow didn't load at alll in Firefox browser the other day - unsure if still doing that but others have mentioned it
General gameplay;- Everything...
Doing ANYTHING in game that is not a fight takes much much longer than pre 21st update. This includes;-
1. Auto-load, although improved recently still takes much longer than before 21st & longer than before November update
2. Moving location takes longer for screen to load to show new location/characters etc
3. Clicking ANY quest in ANY location takes longer to confirm or move to next dialogue screen
4. Manually equipping, using, deleting or selling ANY item in backpack, quickslot or eating action takes much longer
5. Looking through or interacting (buy, sell, exchange) on auction takes longer
I could go on and on with the general gameplay lag but it is basically anything you click your mouse on is now much slower to react/complete than it was before the 21st December update.
In conclusion - whatever was done on the 21st was a catastrophe which completely broke the game. Preference would be that the game was reverted back to before that update & the auto-eating/clothing sets/equipping potions even earlier to before the udate that first broke that in November. Obviously keeping our progress/items etc since both of those breakages.
The lists below are a summary for both the client & Firefox Browser (unless noted otherwise);-
Fights;- Loading & completing...
1. Fights still take a long time to inititate/load after clicking on monster (3-8 seconds when used to be instantly)
2. Fights take a long time to finish & go back to hunt screen (2-5 seconds after kill when used to be "almost" instant)
The fights themselves seem to be as fast as always
3. Fight with shadow didn't load at alll in Firefox browser the other day - unsure if still doing that but others have mentioned it
General gameplay;- Everything...
Doing ANYTHING in game that is not a fight takes much much longer than pre 21st update. This includes;-
1. Auto-load, although improved recently still takes much longer than before 21st & longer than before November update
2. Moving location takes longer for screen to load to show new location/characters etc
3. Clicking ANY quest in ANY location takes longer to confirm or move to next dialogue screen
4. Manually equipping, using, deleting or selling ANY item in backpack, quickslot or eating action takes much longer
5. Looking through or interacting (buy, sell, exchange) on auction takes longer
I could go on and on with the general gameplay lag but it is basically anything you click your mouse on is now much slower to react/complete than it was before the 21st December update.
In conclusion - whatever was done on the 21st was a catastrophe which completely broke the game. Preference would be that the game was reverted back to before that update & the auto-eating/clothing sets/equipping potions even earlier to before the udate that first broke that in November. Obviously keeping our progress/items etc since both of those breakages.
[Client] and [Browser] - Opera and Chrome
Ranking is no longer updated
Change of location delayed
Start of fight delayed
End of fight delayed
Delayed hunting mode,
Eating delayed,
Entering an instance delayed,
Moving delayed,
Slot occupancy delayed,
Mount and Moroks throw delayed,
Delayed sending of gifts,
Chests open delayed,
Backpack no matter what you click delayed,
that's the first thing that strikes me
Ranking is no longer updated
Change of location delayed
Start of fight delayed
End of fight delayed
Delayed hunting mode,
Eating delayed,
Entering an instance delayed,
Moving delayed,
Slot occupancy delayed,
Mount and Moroks throw delayed,
Delayed sending of gifts,
Chests open delayed,
Backpack no matter what you click delayed,
that's the first thing that strikes me
Just saw the thread here, so I'll copy paste my post somewhere else here, and add some more info. Although I'm not sure it's wrong or right, but still hope it would be some kind of help.
It seems now the client downloads much more data everytime than before. Especially when open inventory, enter battle and estate... If you've got some software which is able to monitor the data transfering, you may check it. Maybe it's the reason I think.
When entering fight, it needs to download 200+k data everytime. When loading estate page, it downloads more data everytime. As to the inventory, it depends on how much items there're in that tab, but it also takes much longer time to load than before.
For those who're close to the server or has good connection speed with the server, several hundreds kilos of data everytime isn't something big, so they maybe don't feel big difference. But for those whose speed is not so good, like below 50k/s or worse (traffic busy time below 10k/s), it becomes painful.
Other aspects are not of apparent difference than before.
It seems now the client downloads much more data everytime than before. Especially when open inventory, enter battle and estate... If you've got some software which is able to monitor the data transfering, you may check it. Maybe it's the reason I think.
When entering fight, it needs to download 200+k data everytime. When loading estate page, it downloads more data everytime. As to the inventory, it depends on how much items there're in that tab, but it also takes much longer time to load than before.
For those who're close to the server or has good connection speed with the server, several hundreds kilos of data everytime isn't something big, so they maybe don't feel big difference. But for those whose speed is not so good, like below 50k/s or worse (traffic busy time below 10k/s), it becomes painful.
Other aspects are not of apparent difference than before.
[Client] and [Browser] - Opera and Chrome and Firefox
Change of location delayed
Start of fight delayed
End of fight delayed
Delayed hunting mode,
Eating delayed,
Entering an instance delayed,
Moving delayed,
Slot occupancy delayed,
Mount and Moroks throw delayed,
Delayed sending of gifts,
Chests open delayed,
Backpack no matter what you click delayed,
well , you makeing me leave the game soon since i cannot play...
22:02 Endżi » **Nurosh**: Watch your language and respect chat rules.
sure... better to silence than solve issues...
The existing issues with lag can only be resolved by the Admins/Devs team, not Guards. While the situation is frustrating, the rules of the game must still be followed.
sure... better to silence than solve issues...
The existing issues with lag can only be resolved by the Admins/Devs team, not Guards. While the situation is frustrating, the rules of the game must still be followed.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Jan 10th 2022, 10:39am)
The server's functionality should be back to normal now. If you experience any further issues, please post them in this thread.
If you still have lag issues, please first try another internet connection to confirm it is not a network issue and also clear your cache.
The issue with the visual display of client plugins (belt/armour) has been reported already. Waiting for a fix on this.
If you still have lag issues, please first try another internet connection to confirm it is not a network issue and also clear your cache.
The issue with the visual display of client plugins (belt/armour) has been reported already. Waiting for a fix on this.
The server's functionality should be back to normal now. If you experience any further issues, please post them in this thread.
If you still have lag issues, please first try another internet connection to confirm it is not a network issue and also clear your cache.
The issue with the visual display of client plugins (belt/armour) has been reported already. Waiting for a fix on this.…ct_id=781831589…ct_id=781832301…ct_id=859532374
This kind of stuff causes lags in backpack and fights
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