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Thursday, February 17th 2022, 7:46pm

what is going on with Human guards?

Would be nice to know why mags are running human guards now, and all former human guards are clanless and some assumed to be leaving game (looking at the stage of the gear worn)? Is this some kind of joke or is it to reduce the workforce before locking the gate? If anyone could be kind enough to shed some light on this would be awesome. WIth the current state i cannot see how human gaurds can be entrusted in doing their job plainly based on in game race bias. Abuse of position highly possible as well.



Thursday, February 17th 2022, 7:59pm

The current situation was a decision made by the Administration to promote a positive change in the game. I can completely understand the concerns that you and others may have, given the circumstances.

Sadly more detailed information cannot be provided, however active recruitment is underway for the Human Guards team. Should players feel they fit the requirements, please do apply!


Thursday, February 17th 2022, 8:09pm

You wrote "promote a positive change in the game" - the changes concern only humans or the magmar as well? :embarressed:


Thursday, February 17th 2022, 8:16pm

Maybe admins just weighed which sides buys more diamonds selected favor that side.


Thursday, February 17th 2022, 8:55pm

You wrote "promote a positive change in the game" - the changes concern only humans or the magmar as well? :embarressed:

At the moment the primary focus of the change is the Human race. As the situation develops, further considerations, which cannot yet be disclosed, will be discussed in detail.

Maybe admins just weighed which sides buys more diamonds selected favor that side.

Purchases of diamonds have no bearing in such decisions.


Thursday, February 17th 2022, 9:03pm

she has been dealing with magmars for years :D now it's your turn humis good luck with she HA HA HA
I didn’t change, I just woke up.


Thursday, February 17th 2022, 9:05pm

Basically this reply was not even worth the time reading it, but thank you for trying :D

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Thursday, February 17th 2022, 9:40pm

is it to reduce the workforce before locking the gate
You kinda answered your own question with this. Thin the herd, reduce workforce, report to higher ups that things aren't going well, shut the server down and/or merge servers, move on, reduce workforce, reduce playerbase, shut the server down, merge, move on.

Exhibit A: 2014, TR, ES, IT, FR shut down, merged into COM
Exhibit B: 2021, PL shut down, merged into COM
Exhibit C: (Work in Progress) 202? DE shut down, merged into COM
Exhibit D: (Work in Progress) 202? COM shut down, merged into RU Minor/Prime

As my guy Benny once said: From where you're standing it must seem like an 18-carat run of bad luck. Truth is... the game was rigged from the start.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Friday, February 18th 2022, 9:57pm

You kinda answered your own question with this.
Yeah, somehow hoped for a better explanation/honesty on what is going on, but that seems to be impossible.

oh well, the last one turn of the lights please :D


Saturday, February 19th 2022, 9:22pm

Here is a little history lesson for most of you and or those of you that simply may have forgot , years ago mags had the head human guard named Irish come to mag side and did same thing that is happening now on the human side, admins felt there was some things going on that needed to be corrected in both the guards and the players on mag side in a few select clans one of them clans on mag side was Alpha just to name one but it was notonly alpha that got hit hard with game fines / jailing for game rule breaches and such , but that siad I personaly think this is and was long overdue to happen on human side and happy to see it. thanks for trying to get this issue resolved. :) ps if you dont like what I had to say here you are probably guilty of some wrong doing s so best not to comment to my post it will draw more attention to you :)P
drops are not "Random" they are "Extinct"

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Feb 20th 2022, 12:52am) with the following reason: Please refrain from making speculative comments as without evidence this is baseless criticism. Please note (for all) this is not an invitation to post confidential information on the forum.


Saturday, February 19th 2022, 11:27pm

First of all, it is really sad to see you accusing your old team mates of doing corruption. I do still remember the time when you were in Magmar guards. Oh really? Did you leave there as they made you feel corrupt? Also, how do you know whether they were doing corruption and what corruption have you seen recently? Please tell it explicitly so that we can know about it. Furthermore, you are speaking so surely about their corruption that it feels like you were with them for all the time. You keep telling that they don't touch their friends. Are you really serious? Because as a player here, I have seen many friends of the guards getting jailed here and could explicitly tell here if it weren't against the forum rules. In addition, what you keep claiming here is the baseless criticism against the game volunteers and this is against the forum rules, no? Please either shut up or talk about the truth. We have heard lies enough.

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Sunday, February 20th 2022, 2:38am

Please either shut up or talk about the truth. We have heard lies enough.

Fine the truth is....Pineapple does belong on pizza :love2:
:woody: Im bored :woody:


Sunday, February 20th 2022, 3:46am

is it to reduce the workforce before locking the gate
You kinda answered your own question with this. Thin the herd, reduce workforce, report to higher ups that things aren't going well, shut the server down and/or merge servers, move on, reduce workforce, reduce playerbase, shut the server down, merge, move on.

Exhibit A: 2014, TR, ES, IT, FR shut down, merged into COM
Exhibit B: 2021, PL shut down, merged into COM
Exhibit C: (Work in Progress) 202? DE shut down, merged into COM
Exhibit D: (Work in Progress) 202? COM shut down, merged into RU Minor/Prime

As my guy Benny once said: From where you're standing it must seem like an 18-carat run of bad luck. Truth is... the game was rigged from the start.


Work in progress = update (SWAP) server so that game runs like crap, players leave....merge :puke:


Sunday, February 20th 2022, 5:09am

lol gotta love justice <3
I might come over now that sequana and TJ are in charge:) :love2:

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Feb 20th 2022, 12:29pm) with the following reason: Please refrain from comments which contain baseless criticism


Sunday, February 20th 2022, 5:56am

Well so as to not get myself into any unnecessary trouble here I will simple close my opinion and comments with this, 1st thanks again to the Admins for doing something to help the game play for all by this change happening, and to Zuko you did say in discord you were quitting so ...... I guess this is bye, so long and farewell to you?
drops are not "Random" they are "Extinct"


Sunday, February 20th 2022, 5:02pm

just a feedback... if you see so many ppl angry and you need to moderate a lot (dear tj), you should start ask yourself who is the problem here :D.

To stay on topic, magmar guards, and lately human guards are runned by sequana. Why? because she does a lot of job for admins. Her job goes outside of the "Guard side". You can consider her as another admin for the powers she has been grant.

It is like this and admins want it to be like this. So bear with it if you like it or not :D
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Saturday, March 19th 2022, 12:56am

just a feedback... if you see so many ppl angry and you need to moderate a lot (dear tj), you should start ask yourself who is the problem here :D.

To stay on topic, magmar guards, and lately human guards are runned by sequana. Why? because she does a lot of job for admins. Her job goes outside of the "Guard side". You can consider her as another admin for the powers she has been grant.

It is like this and admins want it to be like this. So bear with it if you like it or not :D

makes sense that acro was never banned for breakin so many rules back then cause sequana and acro are tight xD
I snap shot all my postings, dont remove my comments and claim them to be off topic.any...threads/posts containing name-calling will be closed/deleted.