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  • "The Great Khan" has been banned
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Sunday, April 3rd 2022, 10:57pm

When exactly and why the way castle works changed?

As far as I can remember, no dragon = no basement = no resources for a week.

When did this change? Why did it change and why the hell are humans getting resources for no effort?

I want an explanation, what the hell is this message supposed to be?

22:00 Not one of the capturing teams managed to get gold from the vile undead! The Dragon captured the treasury and is celebrating victory!

22:50 Unfortunately, your clan did not manage to defend the dungeon. Your opponent was clan Dark Riders
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Monday, April 4th 2022, 10:33am

You still get matched up against an enemy clan who you have to "beat" even though they cannot contest the basement. As long as you clear out the zombies in 50min or so you are guaranteed the win.

Having said that it would definitely be much better if it was an auto-cap if enemy race does not kill dragon.

  • "The Great Khan" has been banned
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Monday, April 4th 2022, 6:18pm

That doesn't answer my question. You get matched with a clan anyway and you don't have to kill zombies when they spawn since enemy doesn't have access there=auto win. If they can't contest the basement due to no dragon, they can't compete against anyone because they don't have access to the basement at all and that eliminates the "have to beat" factor here. You can just leave the zombies be and nothing will happen. At least that's how it used to be up until yesterday. What changed in the past week that made us lose to people who don't even have access to basement in the first place?

As for dark riders, can you guys enter the basement? It'd be nice if anyone from your clan could come shed some light.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Monday, April 4th 2022, 7:58pm

In terms of mechanics, it has been like that for a very long time and is not a recent change (it worked that way even before luinill rallied humans into killing dragon weekly). Even if the enemy race does not kill dragon, you need to kill the zombies in basement to guarantee capture. If neither side kills the zombies, it is captured based on luck (or a pre-defined algorithm which we do not have sight of).

  • "The Great Khan" has been banned
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Monday, April 4th 2022, 8:57pm

I don't know about Luinill's crusade and tbh I have no idea why you had to include it. You're telling me this is how it worked, by sheer luck, everyone who did the castle won against the other side which didn't kill the dragon. It worked that way and every time, every single time, they won by nothing but sheer luck. That's how we won in the past I don't know how many times when we just left it because humans didn't kill the dragon and that's how everyone else also won because we were just lucky? And a precedent of this where a side which didn't kill the dragon wins the basement also never in the past 16 years occured because they just weren't lucky? If yes, is there a record of it you can present as proof?

All in all, that's too much luck to take into consideration. And frankly if you're asking me to believe that you might as well ask me to believe that Santa Claus is real. So my question still stands: when and why did it change? A follow up question is: did it change for everyone else as well or is it just us who gets it stuck to them as usual?
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Monday, April 4th 2022, 9:20pm

The reason for mentioning luinill is for a depiction of timelines. Both sides have been killing dragon consistently for almost a year now, bar the last two weeks. Hence, saying such circumstances have been present prior to that is more for an indication that it has been longer than a year.

I can't speak for how your clan was tackling basement fights prior to that period, but to prevent this exact issue from occurring as it was an outcome that we faced, we killed zombies weekly, despite the fact that humans were unable to compete for the basement itself. Sadly, we did not keep proof of this as it felt rather trivial. Rather we just adapted and dedicated time towards capture to guarantee access to basement.

As to the why this happened, again it could be from a pre-defined algorithm which we do not have sight of, and more than likely will remain that way.


Monday, April 4th 2022, 11:07pm

If human don't kill dragon, you have to kill zombies (at least some). If you don't, it's random and you can loose the basement. It's so since years now.