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Tuesday, April 5th 2022, 8:19am

what to do upon game lags

what to do upon game lags? lol

A total of 11 Votes have been submitted.


toggle the fight frame volume back and forth as if it's a download progress meter... (2)


use mount or shadow or summon (1)


mute and un- mute fight frame and hope for a fast brandnew connnection session you know...


open new pop- up windows to load myself and mob animation files (1)


drink some water (3)


bye (4)


open OS all network activity panel, cut redundant connections (1)


yo netstat -laison wait -help 1st lol (1)


read forum and do some polls if any lol


thinking of there is a button for enraged player to direct exe others from forum... lol


hey it's been long but TTPP is back: Trash Troll Poll Post lol (1)


go walk my dog and sum up the loss of buffs used and plan for next rage... (2)


check ah buy and re- sell must make up the loss this time... (2)


how about a permanent ban orrin? huh? (2)

hi all, so this time we'd really gonna focus on realistic issue... the lag
hi let's meet in game and have some fun :]
please use Font size at least 10 for better forum reading

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Tuesday, April 5th 2022, 5:18pm

Orrin detected. Opinion rejected.

It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.

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