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Wednesday, May 4th 2022, 10:47pm

ATT Lvls 6-10

Att lvls 6-10 we should all do Ancient Plateau lets cut out all the mages from joining people on eaither said cant get valor when lvl 16+ joins and kills with 2 hits Unsichtbar [0]Lord_Chaos_586 [8] -9118 cast so lets cut them out of the Plateau by doing Ancient Plateau i thinki we can still get token there is i am right


Wednesday, May 4th 2022, 10:50pm

storm plat needs a 2x valour effect as a cherry on the top, that was the problem xd


Wednesday, May 4th 2022, 11:00pm

storm plat needs a 2x valour effect as a cherry on the top, that was the problem xd
storm plat needs a 2x valour effect as a cherry on the top, that was the problem xd
dont care about 2x valour effect only care about mages high lvl ruining event you get lvl 20 joining fights that the higest lvl on other side is lvl 8 there is no way to win and they know it


Wednesday, May 4th 2022, 11:13pm

also i forgot to say that crossed sword tokens are easy to get at storm plat

still i prefer storm plat with more 16+ players due to glory :D

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