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Monday, May 16th 2022, 3:06am

Reward from orbs of Ergam

Last month was event with orbs of Ergam like this:…ct_id=898952090

When i bought the keys like this:

and when use it i got, among other prizes, some of this Tokens of the current seasonal event 7-42 pcs.

Now i have useless reward in my inventory :…ct_id=898081468

which will expire soon, and have no use of those, can only get season food!!

Need to warn that event was held after April seasonal event closed and reward time for it passed!!

I was waiting that someone will relize and see no logic of rewards as seasonal token after closed shop , and
will open shop but nothing of it!!

I think i am not only one!

So will we get chance to spent tokens not just on season food, or we are deceived again ??!!



Monday, May 16th 2022, 4:07pm

"Please note: the item will disappear at the end of the event."

Mine are still cluttering up my backpack - I had zero intention of opening any so why are they still here - and why can't I delete/drop crap like this?

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