BC doesn't always rock. In fact, at lower levels your style doesn't have that much of a meaning. They are similar for a few reasons:
- Talents. Max HP from Life Force Code is probably the biggest deal. It grants flat HP bonus, which is equal for all styles and also makes big difference on lower levels. This, together with other talents (crits, defenses and even int/agil/prot talents for level & rank) haev greater impact on results of battles than your style matchup.
- Artful & red armor + runes. Each of these spreads out "special" stats (int/agil/prot) around, getting styles closer to each other. It's very different from sets that dominated years ago (blue armor, sometimes augmented with a green rune), which had only one "special" stat, and so paper-rock-scissors rules applied.
- Red fair pots. +50 "special stat" on this level is a massive boost. Can make a dodger win against HW if they use a Destruction pot, for instance.
- Symbols. Well, that's obvious - you have more purple/red symbols than your enemy, you win.
If I were to pick a style in my favour, it would be rather a HW. There's one major reason to my choice - the sacrificial pot. All styles commit themselves to choices between offense and defense. All, except for HW. Mostly defense, but can drink a sacrificial and easily switches to balanced or even offense.
So yeah, on low levels choosing your style might be important when you start (like you can only afford a blue set and not those expensive talents), but later on it loses its meaning. HW and sacrificial are the way to go if you're indecisive or need flexibility.