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He don't play anymore
Other party still logs in, they need to agree to the divorce.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Kleodora" (Jul 21st 2022, 6:01am)
I would like to update my comment regarding this situation:I refuse. She still has her debt to me. I will not agree to divorce until the debt is paid for in full.
I did not marry the Magmar Guards, I married the player Angry Lil Fluff. In one day, I have received more messages from guards to agree to divorce than I have received from them while I applied for marriage, which is zero. I would like to remind you that they have also delayed it until the very last day, till the very last second to post here that the marriage application was approved. The amount of messages I received is also more than how many times guards have messaged me this entire year, which is also zero.
Magmar Guards are not your private tool to intimidate or coerce people into doing things you want them to do. I do not agree with this divorce and you can not bully me into agreeing with it. When the time comes, on my own terms, I will post again. Until then, this divorce is not agreed upon. Do not message me about this.
Mind your own business, please, just like everyone else. If I wanted guards to constantly message me to agree to divorce, I would marry those guards, not someone else.
I still do not agree. Therefore this application is not valid. Do not try to bend the rules and do not try to exploit loopholes in the game. Thanks.
This is not a discussion thread, but to address your concerns:
- There is a reason for which a timescale is provided for marriages - this is due to other ongoing cases which take higher precedence. As I recall, your marriage was granted before that time period elapsed.
- Normally the involvement of Guards is not required for such cases, however due to the circumstances, intervention was necessary. In your previous comment you alluded to the fact that the divorce would not be agreeable until the debt has been paid.
As there were hurdles between both parties in this case, in terms of the ability to directly communicate, the option for direct transfer was used, thus satisfying the prior criteria set by yourself.
- As per the Divorce Procedure guidelines, If one of the spouses does not agree to the divorce or if you have a property dispute which cannot be amicably resolved, the Investigation Guard will make a decision on whether to grant the divorce or not, and how to divide any disputed items, according to the laws of Faeo.
In prior correspondence from Guards, you were also informed that as the trades are now balanced, agreement is more a formality than a requirement.
With all these things considered, the divorce can now be granted.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Jul 22nd 2022, 6:47pm)
Rules are simple for the divorces: one party posts the divorce application, other party agrees, then they get checked and the divorce will be granted. If one party does not agree, then divorce can not be granted until extraordinary circumstances are in effect (i.e one player being inactive). What is alluded, what is meant by one's words and surely what parties that are not even included in the process understand from what someone said or meant has been, is and will be irrelevant regarding the topic.
It does not concern any guard or any consecrator what happened between two other people, or "hurdles" as you might call it. It surely does not concern anyone who is neither one of those. What you recall also does not matter in this case as you were not part of the process, how you're wording it still does not change the fact that it was delayed until the very last day, nor does it change the fact that it was postponed until the next day.
I am reiterating once again: I will not be bullied into accepting this. I do not accept, nor do I agree. That is final. You or anyone else does not get a say about this. I did not marry you. Until you propose to me with a ring, I suggest you don't comment on this topic, either.
I am a Guard and a consecrator (though I work on the divorce side of things, hence choose to keep the symbol hidden).
As the suitable threshold has been met for this, the divorce shall now proceed.
Best wishes for the future.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Jul 22nd 2022, 7:07pm)
3. He does not play anymore
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "BigTasty" (Aug 2nd 2022, 10:21pm)
Reason: He does not play anymore

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "-Ailuj-" (Aug 2nd 2022, 10:18pm)
reason: barely plays or any contact at all
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "BigTasty" (Sep 4th 2022, 10:13pm)
3: Not active no more

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "BigTasty" (Sep 29th 2022, 12:02pm)
reason: barely plays or any contact at all
reason: personal

please use Font size at least 10 for better forum reading
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "BigTasty" (Sep 6th 2022, 8:53pm)
No longer Active

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Sep 30th 2022, 11:29pm)
Never-Death' account not active.

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