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  • "SiNiRLi DoMaTes" started this thread

Posts: 33

Location: artvin

Occupation: trainee

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Sunday, April 30th 2023, 12:07pm


We want the fight to be auto-eating at the end, we want it to be considered exhausting, clicking nowhere, constantly clicking somewhere at the end of the fight.


Monday, May 1st 2023, 12:33am

The Client has auto eat Al laong as you have the food to eat....


Saturday, May 6th 2023, 3:24am

The Client has auto eat Al laong as you have the food to eat....
but u have to click exit, who does do that? evryone click hunt after last hit :)


Tuesday, May 9th 2023, 10:42pm

The Client has auto eat Al laong as you have the food to eat....
but u have to click exit, who does do that? evryone click hunt after last hit :)
That is not a hard thing to one liittl click os th mouse... Next people will want auto start fight.....

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