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  • "Reto" started this thread

Posts: 92

Location: Turkey

Occupation: Ankara

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Friday, May 26th 2023, 11:10pm

MY.GAMES yıldönümü: Yıldız Geçidi - MY.GAMES anniversary: Parade of Stars

Yıldızlar Geçidi (Parade of Stars) etkinliği boyunca 3. seviyeye ulaşan oyuncular için Yıldızlar Geçidi görevi mevcut olacak.
Görevi Pacifist Hills'teki Master Globius veya Datura Thickets'teki bilim insanı Avelius'tan alabilirsiniz.

Yıldız Geçidi görevine başladınız. İyi şanslar!
You have begun the quest Star Parade. Good luck!

- Amacınız: Kâşifin yeni keşfini Dartrong Meydanı'ndaki Elder Verkiry'ye / O'Delvays Şehir Meydanı'ndaki Elder Baguron'a anlatmak.

Your goal: Tell the Elder Verkiry at Dartrong Square / Elder Baguron at O’Delvays City Square about the inventor’s new discovery.

- Amacınız: Magmar City Fair'e giderek Sheamus the Joker'a / City Fair'a giderek Nadilarie'den etkinlikleri düzenleme konusunda yardım istemek.

Your goal: Go to Magmar City Fair and ask Sheamus the Joker / City Fair and ask Nadilarie to help with organizing the festivities.

- Amacınız: The Gurraldiy's Head Tavern'a 5 Cave Fish, 5 Clover Blossoms ve 2Aquamarine getirmek / Mary's Tavern'a 5Felinoy Roach, 5 Clover Blossom ve 2 Aquamarine getirmek.

Your goal: Bring Glivens to The Gurraldiy’s Head Tavern 5 Cave Fish , 5 Clover Blossoms and 2 Aquamarine . / Bring Voluptuous Mary to Mary’s Tavern 5 Felinoy Roach , 5 Clover Blossom and 2 Aquamarine .

- Amacınız: Fish stew Sheamus the Joker'e Magmar Şehir Fuarı'na / Nadilarie'e City Fair'a getirmek.

Your goal: Bring Fish stew Sheamus the Joker to Magmar City Fair. / Nadilarie to City Fair.

Amacınız: Thorn Apple Brushwood'na giderek Avelius the Scholar'a / Pacifist Hills'e giderek Master Globius'tan Mirrow'un ışınlarından gözlerinizi korumak için bir çare bulmasını istemek.

Your goal: Go to Thorn Apple Brushwood and ask Avelius theScholar / Pacifist Hills and ask Master Globius to come up with a remedy to protect your eyes from Mirrow’s rays.

- Amacınız: 10 Adet Marvelous Glass Thorn Apple Brushwood / Pacifist Hills konumundaki Avelius the Scholar / Master Globius 'e götürmek

Your goal: Bring 10 pieces of Marvelous Glass Avelius the Scholar / Master Globius, who lives in Thorn Apple Brushwood / Pacifist Hills.

Devamı Aşağıda
Always better :beer:

  • "Reto" started this thread

Posts: 92

Location: Turkey

Occupation: Ankara

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Friday, May 26th 2023, 11:11pm

- Amacınız: 10 Adet Marvelous Glass Thorn Apple Brushwood / Pacifist Hills konumundaki Avelius the Scholar / Master Globius 'e götürmek

Your goal: Bring 10 pieces of Marvelous Glass Avelius the Scholar / Master Globius, who lives in Thorn Apple Brushwood / Pacifist Hills.

- Amacınız:Bag of Safety Goggles Magmar Şehir Fuarı'ndaki Sheamus the Joker'a / City Fair'daki Nadilarie'ye vermek.

Your goal: Give Bag of Safety Goggles to Sheamus the Joker at Magmar City Fair / Nadilarie at City Fair.

- Amacınız: Süper varlığı(boss) yenerek onun sinew 'ini alıp Square of Fire'daki Soygura the Craftswoman'a / Daylight Square'deki Ostap the Craftsman'a götürmek.

Your goal: After defeating the superbeing, take its sinew and bring it to Soygura the Craftswoman in Square of Fire / Ostap the Craftsman in Daylight Square.

- Amacınız: Yeni string Magmar Şehir Fuarı'ndaki Sheamus the Joker'a / City Fair'daki Nadilarie'ye götürmek.

Your goal: Bring the new string to Sheamus the Joker in Magmar City Fair / Nadilarie in City Fair.

- Yıldız Geçidi görevini tamamladınız.
You have completed the quest Star Parade.

- Teslim edilenler: Lute String 1 adet. Alınanlar: Star Gift1 adet.
Handed over: Lute String 1 pcs. Received: Star Gift 1 pcs.
Always better :beer: