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@ Vilya you try with Tips from here?…9216#post329216
I hope that will help you…9216#post329216
I hope that will help you

I have tried but unfortunately I am not getting the option and can only log in directly. But thank you for that thread, I was trying to find that one. I will ask there for help as it seems like other people have the same problem as I do.
@ Vilya you try with Tips from here?…9216#post329216
I hope that will help you
I have tried but unfortunately I am not getting the option and can only log in directly. But thank you for that thread, I was trying to find that one. I will ask there for help as it seems like other people have the same problem as I do.
Cheers@ Vilya you try with Tips from here?
I have tried but unfortunately I am not getting the option and can only log in directly. But thank you for that thread, I was trying to find that one. I will ask there for help as it seems like other people have the same problem as I do.
CheersI'm sorry it didn't help@ Vilya you try with Tips from here?
I hope that will help youotherwise please try via support

getting activity chest after caves of the past
i have been having the issue where i would be in the caves of the past in a browser not in my client and then i complete the activity to win and then when the caves are done and i am back in my client i can not claim the chest for the activity and it does not register that i completed the activity - it has been happening the last 2 days
i have been having the issue where i would be in the caves of the past in a browser not in my client and then i complete the activity to win and then when the caves are done and i am back in my client i can not claim the chest for the activity and it does not register that i completed the activity - it has been happening the last 2 days
Wisdom Brings Strength...... And Strength Brings Victory ......
If you use the crates on the old battlefields then they only apply there. Wait to complete the activity until you are out of the old battlefields and only then apply it, then you have it in your backpackhi,
i have been having the issue where i would be in the caves of the past in a browser not in my client and then i complete the activity to win and then when the caves are done and i am back in my client i can not claim the chest for the activity and it does not register that i completed the activity - it has been happening the last 2 days

i have been having the issue where i would be in the caves of the past in a browser not in my client and then i complete the activity to win and then when the caves are done and i am back in my client i can not claim the chest for the activity and it does not register that i completed the activity - it has been happening the last 2 days

i never used the crate in the battlefield i was waiting until i got back into client for it and it never registered and it messed up my battle pass as wellIf you use the crates on the old battlefields then they only apply there. Wait to complete the activity until you are out of the old battlefields and only then apply it, then you have it in your backpackhi,
i have been having the issue where i would be in the caves of the past in a browser not in my client and then i complete the activity to win and then when the caves are done and i am back in my client i can not claim the chest for the activity and it does not register that i completed the activity - it has been happening the last 2 days
i have been having the issue where i would be in the caves of the past in a browser not in my client and then i complete the activity to win and then when the caves are done and i am back in my client i can not claim the chest for the activity and it does not register that i completed the activity - it has been happening the last 2 days
Wisdom Brings Strength...... And Strength Brings Victory ......
01:08 You have attacked Saber-tooth Yeti [9] .
But im not in fight, cannot start another fight, what is going on? Internet is very good, since im downloading stuff but the game just kicked me off twice too
But im not in fight, cannot start another fight, what is going on? Internet is very good, since im downloading stuff but the game just kicked me off twice too
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard
but i will try my best

01:09 You have attacked Saber-tooth Yeti [9] .
Unable to initiate fight!
I just attacked again, the game lagged so bad, and didn't even allowed me to get into the fight.
There is also nothing in current fights, or completed battles
Unable to initiate fight!

There is also nothing in current fights, or completed battles
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard
but i will try my best

Regular server freeze. Wha's going on? Pretty much a daily occurence that I see so who knows how many other times it happens.
Just happened again to me. I clicked my efric replicator at 02.02 server time - nothing. Tried several more times - nothing.
Then at 02.05 (so c3 minutes server freeze) my chat came up with;-
02:02 The process of producing an efril ended with the creation of Efril 1 pcs.
02:03 The process of producing an efril ended with the creation of Efril 2 pcs.
This is a known issue and has been reported. There is currently no est. timeframe for when this will be resolved, but the cause may be postponed to a later time at night to minimise the impact.
Just happened again to me. I clicked my efric replicator at 02.02 server time - nothing. Tried several more times - nothing.
Then at 02.05 (so c3 minutes server freeze) my chat came up with;-
02:02 The process of producing an efril ended with the creation of Efril 1 pcs.
02:03 The process of producing an efril ended with the creation of Efril 2 pcs.
This is a known issue and has been reported. There is currently no est. timeframe for when this will be resolved, but the cause may be postponed to a later time at night to minimise the impact.
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Aug 4th 2023, 5:08pm)
battlefield activity
If you use the crates on the old battlefields then they only apply there. Wait to complete the activity until you are out of the old battlefields and only then apply it, then you have it in your backpackhi,
i have been having the issue where i would be in the caves of the past in a browser not in my client and then i complete the activity to win and then when the caves are done and i am back in my client i can not claim the chest for the activity and it does not register that i completed the activity - it has been happening the last 2 days
Hi, can this be fixed please.. it happens to me too, activity was completed while in the caves 386. But when the instances finish, the activity completion is gone. What to do?hi,
i have been having the issue where i would be in the caves of the past in a browser not in my client and then i complete the activity to win and then when the caves are done and i am back in my client i can not claim the chest for the activity and it does not register that i completed the activity - it has been happening the last 2 days
Hallo! Ich kann mich nicht einloggen und finde keine Möglichkeit, mich mit dem Spitznamen mit Zahl einzuloggen, noch meinen Spitznamen zu ändern. Ich war seit der Serverzusammenführung nicht mehr online. Bitte helfen Sie mir!
Screenshot nmicht möglich, selbst nach zuschneiden mit Snipping Tool: Die Dateigröße von Screenshot (34).png ist zu groß.
Screenshot nmicht möglich, selbst nach zuschneiden mit Snipping Tool: Die Dateigröße von Screenshot (34).png ist zu groß.
Hallo! Ich kann mich nicht einloggen und finde keine Möglichkeit, mich mit dem Spitznamen mit Zahl einzuloggen, noch meinen Spitznamen zu ändern. Ich war seit der Serverzusammenführung nicht mehr online. Bitte helfen Sie mir!
Screenshot nmicht möglich, selbst nach zuschneiden mit Snipping Tool: Die Dateigröße von Screenshot (34).png ist zu groß.
Please try the steps outlined here.
Sorry, ich habe nur eine E-Mail Adresse und anders scheint es nicht zu funktionieren. Dann werde ich dem Spiel wohl fernbleiben müssen.
If both your accounts have the same email address then naturally it will not be possible to log in. If you follow the steps outlined in the link I sent, it will be possible to unlink the two accounts so that they have separate email addresses.

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