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Saturday, August 5th 2023, 10:03pm

[AUGUST EVENT] Clan Wars Season 2023

Warriors! More Nws about the Clan wars!

Your Task:
We are looking forward to challenging your creative side in addition to your strong, warlike side - so we have come up with a "small" task for you. Write us an interview, a report, draw us a picture or a comic about the Clan Wars!

The entries will be evaluated by the Jesters.

IMPORTANT! Post your contribution here in the forum before 27/08/23 18:00 server time

More information about the event here and more about the rules here

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Plueschdrache" (Aug 22nd 2023, 2:47pm)


Sunday, August 6th 2023, 10:10am

20 lvl clan vs 15 level clan be like: :stronger:

invalid: task not fulfilled

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Plueschdrache" (Aug 7th 2023, 4:06pm)


Sunday, August 6th 2023, 12:26pm

War mages, war mages
Why do you hit so hard
level twenty versus level sixes
I feel the pain in my heart

invalid: task not fulfilled

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Plueschdrache" (Aug 7th 2023, 4:06pm)


Sunday, August 6th 2023, 2:32pm

ah clan wars wher have you been i cant wait to bully a beginner clan
ah clan wars i miss the days when a level 20 clan bully a level 14 clan
ah clan wars i cant wait for your arrival

invalid: task not fulfilled

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 lol666 [9] 


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Sunday, August 6th 2023, 3:07pm

It feels really good to go against lvl 20 blessed as christmas tree as a level 8 :lol:
And that's about it :drink:

invalid: task not fulfilled
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Plueschdrache" (Aug 7th 2023, 4:06pm)


Sunday, August 6th 2023, 7:07pm

Traitor Story

:sneakers: : Hey bro, i was looking at you everywhere, where did you was?
:smoke: : Hey bro, Sory i was busy lot of stuff to do!! why was you looking at me?

:sneakers: : Great evenement is comming but i know you wil be there, to help us becausse that kind of event you like.

:smoke: : Hahaha me helping the clan again? are you laughing at me? Did you saw our clanmates? Have you looked at the clan itself?

:smoke: : it's not christmas, they're not going to give us presents.

:sneakers: : why this bad attitude? before u had many hopes. now i see it gone

:smoke: : I wil join a clan in top 2 for this kind of event, only strongs clans live in the futur and bad clans lives in the past. Do u know why i say that? look at you members!! Dragon worship exist 10years and you clanmates lvl 11+ that play this game for long time don't even hase it :lol:

:smoke: : and you wil win this kind of event? let me laugh again

:sneakers: : we are no more friend again. 18:55 Leader hase expel player -donker- from Negatif activity clan

:sneakers: Ball chain + lost soul+ bad effect+ attack scroll used on -donker-

:sneakers: Fight is over

:smoke: : -donker- change his name in general grivous

:smoke: : -donker- send war gift to Negatif activity + used invi deck and buff

:sneakers: : we were friends now we are ennemis Gl

:smoke: : Friends never attack each others Bl

:woody: Next season comming soon


This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Plueschdrache" (Aug 7th 2023, 4:08pm)


Sunday, August 6th 2023, 8:15pm

clan wars. friends and enemies to combat, without distinction of level blessings to the fullest the combat begins the heart in a fist we are winning the battle almost finished then a level 20 enters with blessings to the fullest, the battle ends the illusion the heart is lost It beats again with a leisurely rhythm. Clan War I'll be waiting for you with a renewed spirit.
:stronger: :pain:

invalid: task not fulfilled

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Plueschdrache" (Aug 7th 2023, 4:07pm)


Monday, August 7th 2023, 1:58am

Turnament of clanwars

the rules of the tournament.
1. Each clan competes with 10 fighters.
2. the clan that loses will be wiped out.
3. The clan that wins at the end receives the Dragon War Balls and can ask Shera to fulfill a wish.
4. The tournament lasts exactly 100 feominutes. Moscow time.

Let the tournament begin.

invalid: task not fulfilled

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Plueschdrache" (Aug 7th 2023, 4:07pm)


Monday, August 7th 2023, 11:07am

the epic battle between 2 legend clans in the feo world clashes in clan war till we have a winner .The End :love1:

invalid: task not fulfilled

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Plueschdrache" (Aug 7th 2023, 4:07pm)


Monday, August 7th 2023, 4:35pm

Dear players :)

Please pay close attention to the task and take it seriously.
You all know "sports reports" from TV or games like soccer or football - they don't consist of one sentence. You can find enough examples of CW interviews from the War Narrators.
Pictures and comics I don't think I need to explain further ;)

You still have time to think about it and create a nice contribution to the event!

Greetings - the Jesters


Monday, August 7th 2023, 7:27pm

An interview with a Clan Battle participant by a neutral observer....

The interviewee is portrayed as :beer: His clan is in league level silver.
The neutral person is represented as :dragon:

:dragon: How would you both describe the current situation?
:beer: We have had a surprisingly good first phase. With a lot of hard fights and sometimes unfortunate situations, but meanwhile also 2 very nice victories.

:dragon: Which event has given you the most pleasure at the moment?
:beer: Well, we thought we had already lost a battle... but for some lucky moment, we still managed to win. You might not believe it, buddies (mounts) can also decide clan battles. In this case it was our good old Schankara.

:dragon: How would you describe the current feeling in the clan regarding the clan wars?
:beer: Positive. We have currently achieved more than we bargained for. We would have started from league level bronze as the first classification. That it is now silver? For us optimal. We continue to hope for positive events. Who knows what is still possible.

:dragon: You just addressed "what else might be possible." Do you have a specific goal for the second phase of the clan wars?
:beer: No. We want to continue to have fun, to be able to surprise and to keep up. Whether we finish the Clan Wars in league level gold, silver or bronze doesn't matter. Of course, the better, the cooler it would be. We just hope to win one or two certificates for the clan. But how do you say? Nothing ventured, nothing gained. And being there is everything.

:dragon: Do you have a favorite who can become the big winner of the clan battles?
:beer: Difficult. I think the big clans like Hostilis Humanis, Invictus Dominus or Freedom will fight it out. We'll watch it with interest, but I can't name a clear-cut favorite.

:dragon: Thank you for the interview and good luck with the second phase of the clan battles.
:beer: Thank you! And I wish all Clans still having a good time during the Clan wars!


This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Plueschdrache" (Aug 7th 2023, 8:18pm)


Tuesday, August 8th 2023, 12:52am

A Report on the Clanwar Written in the Past and to Becoming the Future end. (Based on tru story)

The warriors on both sides were armed to the tips of their hair and ready
to fight for the honor of their clan.
Among them were some of the most fearless and skillful warriors
ever seen on the battlefield.

When the two armies met
a veritable storm of violence was unleashed.

Amidst the bloody clan wars between the warriors Khair and Orgj, a warrior of the continent of Khair emerged,
endowed with an extraordinary ability.
Destoisback, a man of impressive stature and iron determination. (and with impressiv Biceps)
He mastered the rare Genjutsu and was Untouchable despite the huge difference in LVL his opponents had.

When the battle between Khair and Orgj was in full swing,
Destoisback stepped forward and used his Genjutsu.
With a targeted look into the eyes of his opponents, he changed their reality.
Suddenly they saw themselves surrounded by fire and flames,
when in reality they were standing in the middle of a peaceful forest.
The illusion was so convincing
that the warriors of Orgj were confused and motionless in fear.

The warriors of Orgj were powerless against Destoisback's genjutsu.
They tried desperately to free themselves from the illusions.
But no matter how many buffs they threw in, they were powerless.

Destoisback was a master of deception, and he used this ability mercilessly to finish off his opponents and ultimately decide the battle for Khair.

As a prize, he took Sheara the Mighty Dragonlord and flew away with her
Astonished warriors of the Orgj clan could only watch with humiliation and envy
how the legendary Destoisback took off with Scheara on the back of the black dragon Striagorn
LionHeart-Power a warrior of the Orgj Clan didn't want to accept this
so he gathered his last strenght which wasn't particularly impressive
and tried to throw around with buffs and seal of death as usual but in vain ...

THE END :snowball: :ninja:


This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Plueschdrache" (Aug 10th 2023, 12:10pm)


Tuesday, August 8th 2023, 6:28am

Today, being August 7, 2023, the call for the great clan war is open to find out who is the dominant clan in the world of faeo. where large clans will fight for first place, where they will risk their lives to find out who is the best clan, where they will demonstrate their courage, their great power that they have been forging for years, where the weakest will not have a position in this great battle. Not being more let's start with the summoned:

First summoned: Renacidos
This clan has been summoned because it is a very strong clan, a clan that does not know defeat, a clan that only seeks first place. where the weak is their favorite dish, this clan has been recognized for its way of fighting in battles, for its impeccable strategies to defeat the enemy, it is said that it is the only clan that has been able to face Hostils...

Second summoned: OutPlot
This clan has been summoned for being one of the first clans to be founded, this clan has had many feats during the existence of this world, it saw many people grow, it saw dozens of people fall by its own hands and it will be capable of many things to see your enemies fall

Third summoned: Hostils
This clan has been summoned for its great battles, for its large number of people who have died by their own hands, we are not talking about dozens we are talking about millions of people, entire clans that were massacred by Hostilis, contingents, worlds understand that by his hand and without any mercy they destroyed

These are the first three clans that will join the great clan war, where it is seen that the first to sign up for this great war are very strong, but will they be the only clans that will fight to be the best in this world?

to be continue


This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Plueschdrache" (Aug 10th 2023, 12:11pm)


Monday, August 14th 2023, 10:02pm


An interview of a clan war participant :

Interviewer: Thank you for joining us. Could you briefly describe the clan you were a part of during the War of Dragons?
Participant: Certainly. I was a member of a resilient clan known for our mastery of earth-based magic.
Interviewer: Fascinating. Can you share a standout moment from the conflict?
Participant: Amidst the chaos of battle, our clan's mages summoned a massive rock barrier that shielded us from an enemy onslaught. It was a breathtaking display of our elemental prowess.
Interviewer: Impressive tactics. Did you find any surprising connections with individuals from other clans?
Participant: Definitely. I formed an unexpected alliance with a warrior from a rival clan. Our shared determination to end the conflict led us to uncover hidden paths in the battlefield that turned the tide in our favor.
Interviewer: Resourceful collaboration. As the War of Dragons concludes, what impact do you believe it will leave on the realm?
Participant: This war showed us that beneath the surface of rivalry, shared goals can bring even the most disparate clans together. It's a testament that unity can emerge from the chaos of conflict, pointing the way to a more cooperative era.
Interviewer: Thank you for sharing your perspective. Your experiences shine a light on the intricacies of clan dynamics and the unifying power of a common cause.
Participant: You're welcome. Let's hope the lessons we learned pave the path to a brighter future.


This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Plueschdrache" (Aug 15th 2023, 1:25pm)

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Tuesday, August 15th 2023, 9:42am

Mic'd Up Interview of my Clan Leader.

Cast Shorthands -
Narrator = N; Deathwish = DW; Sheara = S

N: Welcome to another edition of MONDAY NIGHT CLAN WARS!!!! [*Crowd roars in the background, some dude drinking lava*]

N: In today’s fight, we have the eternal favourites, Clan Badass who are level 17! Versus, the young upstarts Academy of chaos who are…*scratches head*.

N: *in a whisper* Oi, Sheara, how did these guys get here? They’re level 11!
*frowns* What do you mean you don’t know? Are they even meant to be in this war? They’ll get slaughtered!

Deathwish: We can hear you N.

N: Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. Well, here we have the leader of the Academy herself, Lady Deathwish. Mic’d up while her clan prepares for the battle.

D: *nods* I understand. You don’t know how we ended up fighting these high level clans. But regardless, we aim to give our best.

N: Yes, well you did sign the contracts.

DW: *Smiles* Why yes we did. With our hard work, we are here, we deserve this place. We know what we are do..

N: Well, it does seem our goddess is in no mood for chit-chat. So walk us through your strategy for the war, it doesn’t seem you have enough high level mages.

DW: What we have are enough. But well here are our fighters. Over there on the far island, can you see him?

N: There’s a couple of them, no aura, weak fighters. Which do you mean?

DW: The one that’s drooling. That’s SilentWater. He just exists.

DW: The other one is LordShadow, he’s handy in a fight if he stops playing Gens..


DW: OK OK jeez. Oh hang on, fights about to begin, let me just give them the orders.

DW: Oi yall, bless up or something.

DW: Ok, so the other low levels are Volta, JustUnlucky, some sort of level 4 creature who just joined recently.
N: Well, Having low levels is fine I guess. But who are the “REAL” Fighters?

DW: Yeah I’m getting to it…So that’s -Sat- who is sat over there in the reserves, he’s level 16. Say Hi sat.

-Sat-: Hi Sat.

*-Sat- has blessed himself with 59 bazillion blessings*

N: *shocked pikachu face*

DW: Ok, so over there on Red Island you’ll see my second in Command Heisenberg. He’s strong.

Heisenberg: Howdy. *Heisenberg has blessed himself with 200 gazillion blesses*

N: Those are impressive fighters for sure!


DW: Well, they’ll handle it.. Meanwhile, you see the blue island? You’ll see a dude juggling some credit cards.

N: Oh yeah, that one of yours?

DW: No no, you see the guy that one shot him? That’s Kuronikki, a level 12, and alongside him are erWarrior, titi11. Both level 12. They just are slower than Kuro so he gets first shot.

*-sat- has killed invisible with a 15,000 cast*

DW: And well there’s me, I’m level 11, but I’m strong, so I contrib…

bourneagain: well hi there I just come in there’s cheese in the oven and my chickens are deboned. Rosemary’s simmering and I just picked a tea plant not here for a long while but I’ll do what I can thanks there’s 2 exchanges up on ah please see if you can fill them.

bourneagain 100,000 cast badassLeader1
badassLeader1 has been defeated.

bourneagain: just done sewn up my boots chicken is in the oven now I picked some apples gonna press them into cider real soon its so good having natural everything oh there’s some ants under me boots let me kill them.

bourneagain defeated badassLevelSeventeen by Kar98k.

bourneagain: Well lookit the time its too late gotta put my chicken out of oven to rest okay goodbye deathwish hope we win clan wars.

DW: And that’s our other level 16, bourneagain.

*Academy of Chaos has won the clan battle*


This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Plueschdrache" (Aug 15th 2023, 1:26pm)


Thursday, August 17th 2023, 2:28pm

Interview of a clan war participant

Interviewer : I
Participant : P

I: How did your clan prepare for the clan war ?

P: We dedicated weeks to refining strategies, improving teamwork, and studying opponents' tactics. Countless practice sessions allowed us to fine-tune our approach and adapt to the game's dynamics.

I: Can you recall a significant moment or battle from the clan war?

P: Absolutely, there was a crucial battle where our team's coordination and execution were impeccable. By catching our opponents off guard, we secured a decisive victory.

I: Looking back on the clan war, how do you evaluate your clan's performance and your own contribution?

P: Overall, I'm proud of our victory, a testament to our preparation. As we review our gameplay, we're pinpointing areas for improvement. The ever-evolving nature of MMORPGs offers endless opportunities to refine strategies and skills.


This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Plueschdrache" (Aug 22nd 2023, 2:44pm)


Sunday, August 20th 2023, 10:48pm

Clan Wars Season 2023


FAEO._ Wins and losses usually measure success in FAEO of Clan Wars Season 2023; number of titles, scores or successes achieved. Statics seem to be the only purpose of the game that focuses the attention of hundred of fans looking to find heroes to idolize or villains to vent frustrations on. Being a professional warrior is not achieved by everyone. When the capacities are not the maximum, to double the will is necessary and there is no doubt that between talent and work, the second prevails over the first or perhaps not?

Whether we like or not, as in reality, the purpose of this event is not only the competition, but also another series of objectives, such as narcissism in a greater or less degree, fun and the feeling if belonging to a clan of which a warrior can be proud.

However, good competition get stuck in nothingness, when at the moment of confrontations not a few warriors find themselves at a total disadvantage (nothing new), many of them take it for granted that death will come instantly.

Finally, I am going to venture not to wish the participants "good luck", they do not need it, I think we well know who is going to be the winner, in any case I want to believe that participating as a common member of the community has been a moment shared with your respective clan which unites you more in a kind of brotherhood, where you tacitly declare "With you in the good times, in the bad and in the worst ones".

By -Gwenevere-


This post has been edited 7 times, last edit by "Plueschdrache" (Aug 22nd 2023, 2:45pm)

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