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Sunday, August 20th 2023, 10:19pm

Criticism and proposals | Kritik und Vorschläge

I would just like to raise an issue here that is probably on the minds of some of my fellow players.

Since this post will probably be removed again quickly, as it criticises the management of the game in a factual way, I hope that at least some will see it and maybe it will spread.
I don't want to call for a boycott of the game or other game-destroying measures, but the developments in the game are unfortunately not conducive to the game.

1. continents + races
Actually, you can now dissolve the two races and form only one race, since the human continent is also dominated by the Magmars. The original gameplay is no longer to be found at all, especially on the lower levels.

2. update policy
There are constantly some new events where the players are invested 100 to 200 Euros each time in the best case, but the translations or old quests are no longer adapted or maintained at all.

3. attack regulations

It might be time to consider whether attacks are only allowed on the battlegrounds, then maybe they would be better visited again ;) It would also make sense that you can only join battles if you are in a group or have received a help invitation, because the way it is currently regulated, it no longer makes sense...

4. game policy
The basic game design by the original developers is no longer reflected at all in the current developments...
One notices that it is only about maximising profits for the investors and that the quality of the product is pushed further and further into the background.

5. critical faculties
If the developers and operators of this game are really interested in making the game one of the best again, they should perhaps take the players' wishes and suggestions seriously and critically reflect on their own actions.

Ich möchte hier einfach mal so ein Thema ansprechen, was wahrscheinlich einige Mitspieler beschäftigt.

Da dieser Post wahrscheinlich schnell wieder entfernt werden wird, da ja die Leitung des Spiels auf sachliche Weise kritisiert wird, hoffe ich dass Ihn zumindest einige zu sehen bekommen und vielleicht zieht es ja Kreise.

Ich möchte hiermit nicht zum Spielboykott aufrufen, oder zu sonstigen spielzerstörerischen Maßnahmen, aber die Entwicklungen des Spiels sind leider nicht spielförderlich.

1. Kontinente + Rassen
Eigentlich kann man mittlerweile die beiden Rassen auflösen und nur noch eine Rasse bilden, da der Menschenkontinent auch von den Magmaren beherrscht wird. Das ursprüngliche Gameplay ist vor allem auf den unteren Leveln überhaupt nicht mehr anzufinden.

2. Update-Politik
Es gibt andauernd irgendwelche neuen Events, bei denen die Spieler im besten Falle jedesmal 100 bis 200 Euro investiert werden, aber die Übersetzungen oder alten Quests werden überhaupt nichtmehr angepasst oder gewartet.

3. Angriffsregelungen
Es wäre vielleicht mal an der Zeit zu überlegen, ob man Angriffe nur noch auf den Schlachtfeldern zulässt, dann würden diese vielleicht auch mal wieder besser besucht werden ;) Zudem wäre es auch sinnvoll, dass man Kämpfe nur joinen kann wenn man in einer Gruppe ist oder eine Hilfs-Einladung versandt bekommen hat, denn so wie es aktuell geregelt ist, macht das keinen Sinn mehr...
4. Game-Politik
Die grundlegende Gameauslegung durch die ursprünglichen Entwickler findet man in den aktuellen Entwicklungen überhaupt nicht mehr wieder...
Man merkt, dass es nur noch um die Maximierung der Gewinne für die Investoren geht und dass die Qualität des Produktes immer weiter in den Hintergrund geschoben wird.

5. Kritikfähigkeit
Haben die Entwickler und Betreiber dieses Spiels wirklich Interesse, das Spiel wieder zu einem der Besten werden zu lassen, sollten Sie sich vielleicht mal der Wünsche oder Anregungen der Spieler ernsthaft annehmen und ihr eigenes Handeln mal kritisch reflektieren.
Sollte Ich hierfür vom Forum-Team gesperrt werden, der Thread gleich gelöscht werden oder mein Charakter sogar im Spiel gesperrt werden, dann zeigt das, wie Ernst unsere Wünsche oder Anregungen angenommen werden und wie weit es mit der Meinungsfreiheit im Spiel aktuell bestellt ist...
Liebe Grüße,
der verlorene

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Tuesday, August 22nd 2023, 1:31pm

1. the strength of each race is equal to the strength of the people who live on each continent and while right now, mags dominate it wasn't always the case and it won't last forever, nothing lasts forever.

2. I'm not sure what's your point here... stuck on some old qst and can't finish it? forget it.. move on.

3. that's impossible, it's kill or be killed. the only rule that allow such a game to continue existing. If what you ask would be introduced you'd see the active population in game go dramatically down (especially people who pay for everything, including the chance to one shot everything they have in sight. just improve.. faster.

4. Isn't the the premise of our entire culture? nothing is build for to last the ages but to profit from it now.

5. yeah, I do agree with that but here's the problem, the players would have to agree to certain things before admins become aware of that wishlist and that's hard to make it happen.

As a former troublemaker myself I don't regard this post as anything but wishful thinking. Your ideas need to be defined better and you also need a better grasp of reality. Admins job is to sell us stuff and maybe police this ethereal realm if anything requires it. Other than that, this post reminded me of how the forum use to be a long, long time ago... I kinda missed it.
Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.


Tuesday, August 22nd 2023, 2:05pm

1. the strength of each race is equal to the strength of the people who live on each continent and while right now, mags dominate it wasn't always the case and it won't last forever, nothing lasts forever.

2. I'm not sure what's your point here... stuck on some old qst and can't finish it? forget it.. move on.

3. that's impossible, it's kill or be killed. the only rule that allow such a game to continue existing. If what you ask would be introduced you'd see the active population in game go dramatically down (especially people who pay for everything, including the chance to one shot everything they have in sight. just improve.. faster.

4. Isn't the the premise of our entire culture? nothing is build for to last the ages but to profit from it now.

5. yeah, I do agree with that but here's the problem, the players would have to agree to certain things before admins become aware of that wishlist and that's hard to make it happen.

As a former troublemaker myself I don't regard this post as anything but wishful thinking. Your ideas need to be defined better and you also need a better grasp of reality. Admins job is to sell us stuff and maybe police this ethereal realm if anything requires it. Other than that, this post reminded me of how the forum use to be a long, long time ago... I kinda missed it.

Yep, this game isn't really being worked on anymore, its just here to be enjoyed in the state its currently in. Enjoy it while its still lasting. :D

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